


I am willing to bear the responsibility for what I did some years ago. It didn’t seem pleasant and it could steer up another complication but this was the right time to do it and with Alicia by my side, I am sure that everything was going to be fine.

However that was not what concerned me the most. Something weird happened when I howled last night, something that I didn’t know how to tell Alicia.

"Alicia, I have something to show you?" I said.

"What's that?" she asked.

"I can't explain it but you have to see it for yourself. Come with me," I said. I led her to a spare room inside our house. We walked inside as I approached Kelvin who was lying unconscious on the bed.

"Marcus… What is Kelvin doing here and why is he looking like that?" She asked.

I heaved a sharp sigh then turned to her. "Remember when I told you that the howl of an Alpha attracts his pack?"

"Yes, I do," She answered.

"It turned out that when I howled last night it attracted Kelvin."

"What do you mean?"
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