


Chris and I didn't take long to get into a sort of routine.

Because he was in the last phases of confirming that everything was in order before opening the building to the general public, he did not take me back to the location after the second time we visited there because of this. As a result, I decided to spend the night in his house, where I sat on the coziest couch I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with. The majority of my job consisted of either putting together curriculums or illustrating a variety of items for my clients.

After spending two days at the construction site with him, I made it a point to urge that we go out and purchase some necessary materials. The first morning that I was there, I woke up and had pizza for breakfast. It was delicious. On the other hand, Amber was concerned about making sure that I had something to eat when I entered the office on the second day and my stomach started to grumble quickly after I did so. As a result of the situation,
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