
TAO | Cursed Souls and Lost Heirs

After an attack on their home territory, the Selene pack was forced to seek shelter into foreign lands. Jace, in the journey to retrieve his title, struggles to control his Wolf after a mysterious outburst, only to lose all control at an elf village, reeking havoc on his path. Ava, former Omega, fights for the respect of her mate, but finds it difficult to live up to everyone's expectations at a time she is needed most.

Now separated, Jace and Ava must reunite with their packmates as a mysterious group of hunters track them down, and uncover secrets of their past.



WELCOME to part 2 of TAO:

Cursed Souls and Lost Heirs.

Before we begin, I wanted to celebrate and thank everyone for your wonderful support! Once again, I can't thank y'all enough for all the wonderful support y'all have given me for this book. I never thought such an experimental work would become one of my main series (if you can call it that lmao). Y'all rock, and I am so happy to have you on this journey!

I wanted to say I am incredibly grateful for all the wonderful comments; it really puts a smile on my face to read all the things yall have to say about the story. Now, I'm not the best for in between or spacers but I wanted to make sure I gave everyone my sincere gratitude.


Before we begin, I wanted to know what are your expectations for the series? Where do you think or wish it'll go?

Let me know in the comments!

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