
Chapter Thirteen

I continued with my service at the restaurant. I walked over to a table with a friendly smile. "I noticed you're not completely satisfied with the wine. Would you like me to suggest something else?"

The couple seemed surprised by my attention and said, "That would be wonderful, thank you."

By the time the day wrapped up, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

When I got home, I quickly took a shower and got ready for dinner. 

Since I was alone, I started dancing in my underwear, feeling so free and happy. The music made me feel energetic, and I moved to the beat, looking forward to the upcoming dinner.

After applying a bit of makeup and getting dressed, I heard the doorbell ring.

"That's probably Josh's driver," I said softly to myself.

I opened the door and saw a fancy black car parked outside. The driver, a well-dressed man, smiled and said, "Good evening, miss. Mr. Stevenson sent me to pick you up for dinner."

"Thank you," I replied, smiling back.

Sitting in the car, I felt a mix of emotions. The car started moving, and I looked out of the window, watching the city lights go by.

When we reached the restaurant, I took a deep breath and got out. 

The door opened, and there was Josh, just as handsome as I remembered. He smiled warmly, his eyes showing different feelings.

"Harper, you look stunning," he said, sounding sincere.

"Thank you," I said, feeling my cheeks turn red.

Inside the restaurant, people were chatting and glasses were clinking. The host guided us to a cozy corner table, the setup looking nice.

As we sat down, Josh looked at me gently. "I'm really glad you agreed to meet me tonight."

My heart raced a bit, and I nodded. "I wanted to know what you have to say, Josh."

He thought for a moment before speaking, looking serious. "First, I want to say sorry for my behavior in Seattle. I know I messed up, I made you feel incompetent at your job and I'm sorry for any hurt I caused you."

I appreciated him being honest and nodded again. "Thanks for saying that, Josh."

He continued, his tone showing he meant it. "Harper, this arranged marriage thing has been hanging over us. I don't want that, and I know you don't either. My father and I have been at loggerheads"

Feeling both relieved and worried, I agreed. "You're right. I can't be part of something I don't believe in."

"I want us to find a way out that works for both of us. I don't want either of us to feel stuck."

His touch made me feel warm inside, and I felt a little hopeful. "I appreciate that, Josh. But what can we even do?"

He gazed into my eyes with determination. "I've got a plan, but the real question is, are you ready to go along with it?"

I cleared my throat, ready to begin our conversation. "First of all, I have a question for you," I said, my voice steady. "I won't pretend that everything is okay. How did you find me? Last time I checked, I didn't inform you about my whereabouts."

His gaze held mine, and I could feel the weight of the moment between us. I waited for his response, my heart pounding in my chest.

Josh leaned back slightly, his expression serious yet earnest. "I have my ways, Harper."

I raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and curiosity bubbling within me. 

"Harper, you're more clever than the question you're asking," Josh said, his gaze steady on mine.

I didn't yield, determined to hear the truth from his lips. I knew my mom and Amelia wouldn't reveal my whereabouts to Josh.

He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair in a slightly frustrated gesture. "Alright, you got me. I had a little help."

I looked surprised, raising an eyebrow, wanting to know the full story. "Help? From who?"

Josh paused for a moment, then looked right at me. "I hired someone to find you."

His words surprised me. A person to find me? That was unexpected.

Josh's face seemed sorry. "I know it might seem like a lot, but I didn't know how else to find you."

I leaned back in my seat, crossing my arms, trying to understand what he was saying. "And why did you want to find me so much?"

Josh looked serious, "I wanted to fix things, Harper."

I felt his honesty, and it made me think. 

The waiter approached our table to take our orders, and for a moment, our conversation paused. I glanced at the menu, my mind still processing what Josh had just revealed.

I looked up from the menu, meeting Josh's eyes briefly. "What would you like?" I asked, my voice a touch hesitant.

He looked back at me, his expression thoughtful. "I'll have grilled salmon."

I nodded and looked at the menu to choose my dish. After we placed our orders with the waiter, a calm silence settled between us.

"How long have you known about arranged marriages?" Josh asked, breaking the quiet.

I looked at him, his question catching me off guard. "I found out not long before I left Seattle," I admitted.

He seemed to absorb this information, his expression pensive. Is that why you avoided me at the office?"

I felt a mix of emotions as I responded, "Yes, it was one of the reasons. I needed space to think and figure things out."

"I didn't mean to hurt you," I began, my voice soft but earnest. "When my dad told me about the arranged marriage, I was shocked. I couldn't imagine myself ending up with someone I barely knew."

I looked down at my hands, struggling to find the right words. "I had dreams and plans for my life, and suddenly, they felt like they were slipping away."

Taking a deep breath, I continued. "I had just come out of a serious relationship, one that I believed was the real deal. The breakup was hard, and I was trying to heal."

I met his gaze, my eyes conveying the sincerity of my words. "So, yes, I avoided you and left Seattle. I couldn't bear the idea of seeing you every day, knowing that our future was being decided without our consent."

I paused, the weight of my emotions settling in the air between us. "I'm sorry if my actions hurt you, Josh. It was never my intention."

As I spoke, I felt a mixture of vulnerability and relief. The truth was finally out there, and I hoped that it would pave the way for a genuine conversation between us.

I could see the hurt in his eyes, and it tugged at my heart.

"I know we didn't start well, and I truly want to make things right." he said."Thank you for being honest, Harper. That means a lot."

He took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving mine. "But let's get back to the main thing. I have a proposal, something that might help us both. The question is, would you be willing to consider it?"

I leaned in, curious about Josh's proposal. "Okay, I'm listening. What's your idea?"

Josh's eyes seemed hopeful yet nervous. "Harper, I know our families expect us to go through with the arranged marriage. But I think we can find our way, on our terms."

I nodded, eager to hear more. "Go on."

He looked at me seriously. "What if we act like a couple for a while? We could use the time to find investors to support your dad's business. Once it's back on track, we can go our separate ways."

I considered his proposal, feeling a mix of surprise and intrigue. "Pretend to be a couple? That's an unusual idea."

Josh nodded, his expression sincere. "It could solve both our problems. We show our families that we're committed while also helping your dad's business."

I hesitated, thinking about the implications. "But what happens after the business is stable?"

His gaze met mine, unwavering. "We part ways, no strings attached. It's a temporary arrangement, Harper."

I pondered the offer, my mind racing through the possibilities. It seemed like an unconventional solution, but it could be a way to regain control of our lives.

"I'm concerned about how our families will react," I admitted.

Josh leaned in, his eyes determined. "We'll handle that together. And who knows, by the end of this, we might even convince them to accept our decisions."

His confidence was contagious, and I found myself feeling a glimmer of hope. "It's a risky plan, Josh. Are you sure about this?"

I asked him if that meant I could get my job back in Seattle.

He met my eyes and replied, "Yes, I've made some structural changes during your absence. Sophia is now in charge of the operations unit, and she gracefully took on your responsibilities."

Hearing that, I felt a mix of relief and surprise. The fact that he had kept my position open and managed things in my absence showed a level of consideration I hadn't expected.

"I appreciate that," I said sincerely, my heart warming at his gesture.

He smiled, his eyes softening. "I wanted to make sure you had options, Harper."

At that moment, I couldn't help but reflect on how unexpected life could be. Just a few days ago, I never would have imagined sitting across from Josh, discussing a plan that could reshape our futures. 

The idea of pretending to be in a relationship was both intriguing and daunting, but I appreciated his willingness to find a solution that worked for both of us.

As we finished our meal and the evening drew to a close, I realized that this unexpected dinner had marked a turning point. 

We walked out of the restaurant, and Josh drove me back home. During the ride, we didn't say much, but the silence felt comfortable. As I sat there, I couldn't stop thinking about the idea of pretending to be in a relationship with Josh. I wondered if it would feel strange at work and in other situations. I also thought about the challenges it might bring. Was I truly prepared to face them?

As I entered the house, I found Kate in the living room. A bright smile spread across her face as she caught sight of me.

"Hi, Kate!" I greeted them, and her face lit up when she saw me.

She smiled widely. "Hey! How did it go? Tell me everything!"

I sat down next to her, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "Well, it was quite a talk."

Kate leaned in, eager to know. "What happened? What did he say?"

I took a deep breath, trying to explain. "Josh suggested something unexpected. He wants us to pretend to be in a relationship. We'll look for people to invest in my dad's business. Once that's done, we'll go our separate ways."

Kate's eyes widened, surprised. "Wow, that's a big idea."

I nodded, unsure about it all. "Yeah, it's a lot to think about."

Kate leaned back, thinking. "That's a huge decision, Harper."

I felt uncertain, running my hand through my hair. "I know. It could help my dad's business, but it's also a big step."

Kate gave me a reassuring look. "Remember, do what feels right for you. Don't let anyone push you into something you don't want."

I let out a sigh, appreciating her support. "Thanks, Kate. It's just... it's a risk, and I don't know if I'm ready."

She smiled warmly. "You'll make the right choice, Harper. You always do."

Sitting there with Kate, I realized that no matter what I decided, having her as a friend and a cousin was a comfort. The future felt uncertain, but knowing she was by my side made it a little easier to handle.

With that in mind, I picked up my phone and made a call.

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