
Chapter 6: The new C.E.O

Few minutes later, Arthur and Khloe arrived at the company. Arthur stared at the gigantic skyscraper and stood majestically, its steel glass and steel facade gleaming in the sunlight. Arthur poked his head out the windows, getting more of the building before stepping down to get Khole's door.

“Here you go ma'am” he said, opening the door and holding it for her to step out.

As soon as Khole stepped out of the vehicle, she had a nostalgic feeling. This was her father's company and she had visited so many times. A happy memory flooded her memory but it all faded away when Arthur spoke.

“Aren't you going in ma'am? You've been standing for a while” he said, concerned. His face was contorted, his eyebrows hung low which was the cause of the sun beam.

“I will. I'll be needing you by 5pm. Don't delay” she said sternly and proceeded to walk in.

On her way to the main building, she met a lot of unfamiliar faces and people strolling in and out of the building. Some people began murmuring.

“Isn't that Ferguson's daughter? The one who got married to an insane billionaire” someone spoke.

“Yeah. I thought she left her family's wealth because of love. What a waste” another replied.

“She got divorced, maybe that is why she remembered her family's business” The former said and the other giggled.

Although Khloe was hurt by these words,she didn't let any of them cut her deep. She kept her head high and began walking in, ignoring their remarks.

“Miss Ferguson. Welcome back” The receptionist spoke, getting up from her desk.

“I need the update about all business transactions immediately. All the investors update too”

The receptionist, Maya, nodded promptly, her fingers flying across the keyboard. "Right away, Miss. Ferguson. I'll have the latest reports sent to your office immediately." Although Maya spoke with uncertainty she doesn't want to provoke any of her bosses' daughters. Khloe nodded, her eyes scanning the lobby with a sense of familiarity and longing. She had spent countless hours in this very building with her father, learning from her Father. But that was before...before everything changed, where she decided to choose love over her inheritance.

With a deep breath, Khloe made her way to the elevator, her heels clicking on the marble floor. The doors slid open with a soft whoosh, and she stepped inside, her eyes fixed on the numbers as they ticked upwards. The doors opened on the top floor, and Khloe stepped out into the sleek and modern office that was once her father's domain. Well now, it was hers.

She walked to the large desk, with her eyes scanning the familiar space. Everything was just as she had left it, yet it felt different. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on her shoulders as she sat down in the chair, behind the mahogany desk and her eyes fixed on the screen in front of her. The reports were already waiting, courtesy of the efficient receptionist, Maya

Khloe's eyes scanned the numbers and graphs, her mind processing the information with a practised ease. But her thoughts kept drifting back to the past, to the memories she had made in this very building. Memories she thought she had left behind.

Meanwhile, Arthur went to the Drivers’ lodge to relax before his next move. He sat with his phone in his hands, researching about Khloe but not much information came up about her yet.

With a sigh, he closed his eyes and the pictures of his former family flooded his memory. He wasn't going to give up until he found the culprit and make them all pay.

He flung his eyes open as a notification came across his phone.

He scrolled through it and found it was recent news about Miss Khloe.

“Well this is interesting” he muttered to himself. As he was reading, a fellow co-worker approached him.

“Aren't you going for a lunch break. It'll be over very soon and you know these rich people don't like it when we delay” he said with a smile.

“Oh, I forgot about that. I'll join you soon” Arthur replied warmly as he returned the smile.

“I am Sam” Sam said, stretching his hands for a shake which Arthur collected.

“ I am Mark” he responded.

“Say, isn't that Khloe. One of the Fergusons” Sam pointed out, looking directly at Arthur's phone.

“Yeah. She is. It just popped up on my screen as I scrolled through the news feed” Arthur replied, covering his main reasons.

“Did you, by any chance, hear? She recently got divorced” Sam said, taking a seat beside Arthur while he held a plate of food in his right arm and a bottle of coke in his left.

“Really? Did she now?” This piqued his interest and he leaned forward to get more of the gist.

“Yeah. I heard she got married to this rich billionaire son and all of a sudden they got divorced. Nobody knows why though” Sam said, munching on his food.

That was exactly what the feed on his phone had said, although theirs was a bit exaggerated.

“Do you happen to know the person she was divorced with?”

“I don't know per say. But some say he is a Foster, Ethan Foster…”

“Doesn't ring a bell” Arthur murmured


“Oh no, I wasn't referring to you. So this Ethan, what can of thing does he do?” Arthur asked curiously.

“Why are you so interested in Khloe?” Sam asked out of the blue.

“I'm her driver and I just wanted to know some bit of my employer's life”

“That's not our job Mark. Our job is to drive them to wherever they want to go. Their personal lives have nothing to do with us. And don't start having feelings. These rich women don't fall for people like us” Sam said, eating his food.

Silence grew between them both and Arthur went into a thought train.

“So, she's a divorcee. I wonder what happened that made her come back to her family after leaving them for four good years.” The burning questions still ravage him and he sought to find more information about Khloe.

Suddenly a call came across his phone.

Moses was written on it.

“Hello” Arthur spoke, pressing the phone against his ears. He excused himself to go out. He can't let anyone know what he's about to discuss with him, nor know who he is exactly.

“What is the update?” Arthur said.

“We have something. It's subtle but it serves as a clue” Moses' voice sounded from the other side of the phone. Moses is one of the detectives that Arthur secretly hired to help him with this case. And so far, he hadn't reached him till now.

“I'll be right there” he said, hanging up.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Precious Sonma
very interesting story please bring on the next episode! I couldn't just take of my eyes from this book
goodnovel comment avatar
Michy Moore
good work author .... your story is captivating and interesting. I'm coming back soon to continue reading.

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