
Chapter 5: His identity

Arthur Cassius kept wondering who the lady inside the house was. 

She surpassed his definition of being audacious, fierce and brave. In addition, she is beauty personified.

He doesn't think he has ever seen her in the empire since four months he got employed as Sir Ferguson’s driver.

Something looks strange with the young woman. Something that he cannot just fathom and he must find it out.

The night flew off the earth so quickly calling in dawn at a snap.

That morning when Author was preparing Sir Ferguson’s car, his phone rang. 

It was Kelly, the woman he loved dearly. He smiled but did not take the calls.

Kelly would be pissed off right now but he would explain himself to her later. Their conversation was always very lengthy, full of emotion and love. It was not what he could handle at the moment. 

 One thought of the young woman he saw yesterday kept mesmerizing his mind. Just one glance at her, she already has a powerful dominance over him. 

Immediately Arthur was done with Mr. Ferguson’s car and was about to go inside, the foyer to the main building opened. 

It was that same young woman. Yes, the one that causes the man in him to die seventy times. She was all dressed up and coming in his direction. 

Reflexively, the napkin in his hands fell off as he swallowed hard immediately at the grace of the beautiful brave woman coming his way.

With eyes glued uninterruptedly, at each other, a burning desire flushed the air. And as Khloe Ferguson drew near him too, her confusion multiplied.

He looked exactly like the man at the hotel two days ago in Maryland. She recalled him saying he would be in Washington yesterday. 

But how come? He is the CEO of a big firm in Maryland but just a mere driver in her father's house.

Is he some impostor? Perhaps he is the twin brother of Author Cassius the man that caused her heart to flutter at the hotel. Khloe hated to be confused but whoever the man was, she was going to find him out.

Itching her lips and with a grimace on her face, she walked up to him with that demeanor that carried grace, power, and fame.

He blinked his eyes twice, studying her as she drew closer to him but her phone suddenly rang and she stood on the spot to take her calls.

 Arthur took advantage of that to glance at the woman standing before him properly. 

She had a slender figure with athlete's legs that gave her confidence when she strides. Her gentle, tender and glowing white skin shone like the brightness of the sun and her thick long midnight black hair covered her neck down, complimenting her lovely eyes and beautiful face.

Since Khloe stood receiving her call, Arthur continued checking her out but she suddenly turned to him and all the smiles on her face washed off.

“You’ve been paying details to all I’ve been saying earlier. I am not comfortable with poke nosers. You smirked twice at me, checking me out. I hate that. Why did you do that?” She said to him powerfully and Authur blinked twice.

“I am sorry if it did ma’am,” he apologizes calmly, yet his dominant power still consumed Khloe.

Khloe did see much reaction on his face when she quoted the same words he quoted to her at the hotel.

Perhaps he was not the man she met at the hotel. But Khloe was sure it was him. The striking resemblance was just too much.

“Take me to the company quickly, I don't want to be late, she commanded at once, confusing Authur.

“Who are you? I have not seen you here before,” he asked, looking deeper into her furious gaze. She was just his type of woman.

Khloe curled her lips and scoffed.

“Toddler,” she said again trying to get a reaction and spot him if he was the man she met at the hotel but he did not show any reaction. 

“I guess you don't know I am the CEO of my father's Company,” she fired angrily at Authur when she couldn't see the reaction she was looking for.

Arthur doesn't know any other daughter that Sir Ferguson has but he knew Kelly.

More so, the young woman standing at his face was very different from Kelly. 

He had known Kelly since four months ago and Kelly had never mentioned to him that she has a sister.

“Excuse me, sorry but I have to call my boss to confirm what you just said before I can do anything.” He took out his phone and Khloe huffed disappearing to the father's car.

While in the car, Khloe glanced at Arthur and the image of the man at the hotel resurfaced. She took out the complimentary card from her bag and glanced at it again. 

All she kept seeing on top of the tick green card was Arthur Cassius, CEO of Western Group.

 Once Arthur opened the door, Khloe hid the card back in her purse. 

“I am so sorry, ma’am. I will just take you to the company. I have been instructed by Boss to do so,” he said narrowing his eyes from the front seat to where she sat at the back.

Khloe glanced at him and asked, “What is your name?” her ears widened at what he would say.

Arthur glanced at her from her rear mirror. Curiosity was written all over her face.

However, he waited five seconds before replying to her.

“I am Mark John.” He did not remove his eyes from the face in the rear mirror.

 It seemed as though she didn't believe him with the way shock was written all over her face.

“Are you okay ma’am? He asked, concerned. 

This time, Khloe was long lost with different thoughts hoarding her mind. He was even confusing her the more.

“Just take me to the company Mr Arthur,” his real name escaped her lips without her knowledge. 

Arthur stopped the car abruptly as he heard his real name from someone he didn't know and his eyes reddened.

He came to Washington for something, something related to the past that no one must find out about. Seeing his boss's daughter call his real name shocked him to the bone.

Who is she?

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