
Chapter 4: The strong Woman is back

The morning was crisp and fresh with the scent of blooming flowers filling the air.

At the airport that morning, Khloe Ferguson stood with a handful of two big boxes that contained all her belongings from four years of being married to Ethan Foster.

Returning to Washington will determine her fate. She rebelled with her Father four years ago by giving up on her inheritance and career to marry Ethan.

Neither of Khloe's parents knew she was coming back to Washington that day except for her sister whom she informed yesterday. 

“I'm gonna miss you when you're gone, Khloe,” Elena hugged her. She had been the only friend who loved Khloe since she got married to the rich Billionaire, Ethan Foster.

“I will miss you too. Please don't make me cry'' A tear trickled down Khloe's eyes to her face.

As they remained in each other's hands shedding tears of sweet moments, a thought tailed Elena’s mind.

“I saw the news yesterday, is it true that Ethan and Katrina are now married?” Elena asked as she pulled out of Khloe.

“ Yes,” Khloe nodded. “But…. It's in the past now” She tried not to force a tear because of Ethan but it flowed down regardless. 

Hurt kept eating deep in her like a deadly cankerworm with a part of her wailing for vengeance 

However, she was going to leave all that for two years. There is a reason for that too.

“Gosh! Ethan Foster is so cruel my goodness! How can he treat you that way after all the things you did for him even befriending Katrina?” Elena lamented. This was the reason she refused to get married. Men, She hated a bunch of them.

“There's something I have not told you, Elene. Please forgive me for keeping this from you. But I will reveal this to you when I return to Maryland in two years,” Khloe's eyes flickered as her tears dried up immediately. 

Carefully glancing at Khloe, Elena noticed something different. She could spot a resilient warrior, one who is firm in her decision, a ruthless woman, and a go-getter now in Khloe.

“Khloe, this is not you. What happened?” Elena asked, shocked.

Khloe was just about to say a word when her flight was announced. 

“Wait for me, Elena, I'll come back in two years” With this last word, Khloe turned her back on everything in Maryland, especially the ones who caused her pain. 

With a fierce stride, Khloe stormed to the waiting aircraft, her final farewell, a declaration of her freedom and unresolved emotions. 

As the plane rolled its tires off the earth to fly into the sky, Khoe, fastened her seatbelt and glanced once more at the city that caused her pain, torture, and anguish and a tear dropped down her face immediately.

Switching on her phone, the first thing she saw was Ethan and Katrina’s pictures all over the social media and she shut her eyes and switched off her phone.

Washington is another place to conquer too. Foes were waiting for her arrival to prey on her too but she would fight with her last drop of blood to conquer them all and come back to Maryland. 

No one knew who Khloe was while she was married to Ethan because she decided to disguise herself for love. 

But after two years, she would reveal her true identity to the Fosters before facing the Elliots. 

Washington 5: 26 pm > 

Once the cabin crew announced the conclusion of the light and the arrival of their destination, Khloe breathed in deeply as the air of her motherland stung her nose 

Stepping out of the airport, Khloe hailed a cab that took her straight home.

In less than two hours, she came to her destination and dragged her bag out of the booths 

Standing before a gigantic empire, she exhaled before pressing the bell at the well-sculpted well that shone like the sun.

Immediately she was recognized as the second daughter of Fergusons by the security men, the gates swung open 

“Welcome back, Ma’am” the guards greeted lip-synching, bowing their heads for her.

“Take my luggage in and where is my dad?” She said sternly, commanding respect with her voice. 

“Sir Ferguson is inside Ma'am,” one of the men replied.

“That's fine” She replied with eyes plastered in fury and stormed in with the four heavy-bodied men accompanying her to the large magnificent empire that was larger than what the Fosters called a grand home.

The doorbell of the major building chimed and a domestic staff opened up after recognizing Khloe Ferguson.

Lucas Ferguson, Khloe’s father, was sitting in the living room with his wife, Emily Ferguson when Khloe bumped into them, taking them aback.

“Khloe,” Lucas called, shocked.

Emily, the one whom Khloe referred to as her foe, was hell shocked when she saw Khloe.

“Khloe, Sweetheart, you didn't tell us you were coming. I mean what about your husband.?Ummh, Yes, your marriage,” Emily uttered confusingly.

Khloe glanced at Emily, taking a few steps forward to her with a scowl on her face.

“Oh, why Emily? You thought I wouldn't come back?” A faint murderous smile escaped Khloe’s lips before turning her eyes to her dad” Where is my sister, Kelly?” anger tinted her face.

“Why are you back, Khloe? You suddenly showed up acting like a wounded lioness, Jesus Christ! I can't believe this.” He cast a gaze at her, she looked murderous like a vamp who needed blood.

Khloe smiled and moved away from Emily to face her dad.

“I am back, Dad. Yes, back to take what belongs to me so tell your wife to vacate the company because I am resuming the company tomorrow,” she said sternly. 

The front door swung just as Khloe stood confronting her father and his wife Emily. 

“Sir these are the keys to the car” A male voice struck interrupting Khloe.

Turning in momentum, Khloe was shocked at the man she saw. 

He has the same features as the man she met at the hotel two days ago.

Yes, The CEO of Western Digital Group.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Precious Sonma
Interesting story I love Khloe energy

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