

Steph felt her life lately had been perfect, she felt nothing could go wrong. She and Alex were really having a great time and everything was going well with them.

Steph couldn’t think of anything else that she wanted and although she couldn’t get the fact that Alex had asked her to come home with him out of his head.

Steph stood in front of the mirror, admiring herself and the dress she was putting on. She had to meet up with Mia and Oliver at the bar.

She was done dressing up and was on her way out when she met her mum.

“I need meet up with Mia and Oliver,” Steph said.

“Alright dear,” her mum responded.

Steph ordered an Uber and after several minutes, she got to the bar. Mia and Oliver were not there yet and it was just her.

She walked inside and sat in there normal space. Where they all loved sitting.

Mark walked up to her after sighting her from where he had been staying.

“Hey Steph, what should I get you today?” He asked.

“The usual,” she responded.


“Thank you.”

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