

Jenna's POV

I gaze intently into the eyes of the man who wrapped his arm around my waist as my heart slammed violently against my chest. I tried my best to keep my emotions at bay as several thoughts flowed into my mind. What's going on? Why is my heart beating like this? Why is this handsome creature my mate? Am I getting something wrong?

I turned to the man, who was gazing at me with a self deprecating smile. “Who are you?” I asked. I was in a defensive mood at the moment. A man had cost me my past life and for some reason I felt agitated in the presence of this man. I didn't like the way I was feeling, and it made my senses want to just push the man away.

“Did you have to do so much math when you just found your mate?” I heard his deep baritone voice ask me with a chuckle and I was surprised to hear him ask me that. He held no respect in his tone, just indignation.

“I would be glad to tell you that if you stop being clingy,” he said and I wanted to go full on him but when I noticed I was still resting comfortably in his arm. I jumped off in annoyance, not at him but at myself.

He chuckled at my agitation and it angered me more. I grunted and shook my head. “Okay, let's start over,” I said. “Thanks for helping me now, who are you and why were you stalking me?” I countered, planning to give him a taste of his own medicine.

“You are welcome,” he muttered and bowed to me. “I think my lady, you are glad that someone as handsome as myself is stalking you isn't it?” He then added. “You must be feeling ecstatic that we are mates.”

“What do you mean mates, or is this some kind of trickery?” I asked, because I felt William was pulling a trick on me. But he didn't know about my reincarnation so he couldn't be messing with me. This man was just a menace.

“Oh my lady, are you perhaps disturbed by my presence? Do you not believe that you could get such a handsome man as your mate, or do you think you are undeserving of me,” the man asked with a smirk hitched on his lips and the more I looked at him the more dangerous he looked to me.

I glanced at him for a while and decided I wasn't spending my first day of life like that. I saw him as a threat to my happiness and I am not letting him ruin my happiness. “I am sorry…I think I mistook you for someone else, then I would be taking my leave,” I said, turning around but the man's words halted my steps.

“You do realize I am an Alpha right?” He asked.

“So?” I replied, folding my fist.

“I don't make mistake in such matters,” he said. “Or do you already have a mate?” He asked in a

“I don't care, leave me alone!” I said looking at the unknown man with scrutiny. I normally would have been able to accept this turn of event. But Williams was my mate in the past, so why the hell am I suddenly having a change of mate. Soon enough, he grabbed my hand.

“What are you doing, mister? Why are you doing this!” I gritted my teeth in frustration as I tried to get out of his hold but he didn't let me go and I gave up so I decided to talk sense into him.

“Can you please…” I was about to say but his voice suspended my words.

He chuckled. “I can sense your emotions,” he glanced at me. “So who is it you want to wreak havoc on so badly?” Be asked.

His statement caught me by surprise and I jerked my hand away immediately. “What are you saying, I am not interested in wreaking any kind of havoc,” I said, stepping away from him. His presence brought more than just agitation. It brought fear and I didn't like that.

I can't be found out on my first day back but who is this strange man? Is he perhaps a soothsayer?

“Alpha!" I heard someone calling behind him and he turned around, that was my cue to flee away from the place because I knew that man was someone that I should flee from.

I ran away from the garden and I only stopped when I saw that I had lost the man which I was sure that I was only kidding myself. He could only choose not to find me but with my scent, I am sure that the man was going to find me yet again.

‘But why are we running away from our mates?’ Elsa said and I sighed hearing her words but I didn't bother to reply to her questions.

“Maybe it's really a bad idea to come to this party altogether. I mean, what is the assurance that I am not going to run into another unreasonable man?

“I should better go and stay at the balcony and jilt this party instead,” I said and I walked towards the balcony and the night breeze hit my face as I got to the balcony and I heaved a sigh looking at the sight below.

The smell of cigarettes wafted into my nose as I stepped into the balcony and I wondered why the cigarette smell was so familiar but I brushed it off as he was just paranoid because I knew there was no way he was out there on the balcony when he should be in the party and the person I knew better than anyone that he was a party animal.

“He was such a crazy son of a devil,” I chuckled. I was so occupied with my thoughts that I didn't notice a movement behind me. “You look cold,” I heard a voice behind me and my body turned rigid hearing that voice, I doubted that the voice belonged to him and I was reassured when the person draped a cost over my shoulder.

That's not him, he is not a gentleman. At least not in the memories of him that I had.

“What a pleasant evening, milady!” the person greeted and I stiffened hearing that familiar voice that I have come to hate so much and my heart beat furiously as I turned to look at the person that was behind me.

I turned around only to find my nightmare standing there with a smile.

“You! How are you showing up in front of me!” I yelled and I charged towards him in anger but Elsa's next word halted my actions.

‘Mate!’ Elsa said again and my eyes widened hearing what she said. Mate? Why am I getting so much mate?

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