

Jenna's POV

I jerked awake, beads of sweat covered my face and I glanced around in a jittering shiver. I still had the memory of me being slammed by that car fastened to my head. I felt my head with my hand, and I couldn't feel any pain coming from there or any part of my body.

Was this one of those out of body experiences that they always talked about? I looked at the room I was in and discovered it was mine. For the first time, I realized I was sitting down on my bed and I had been wrapped in my blankets the exact way I had always tucked myself in.

Did someone save my life? I asked myself but then I felt Elsa’s emotions from within me and I knew I wasn't saved by anyone. I knew I’d died about an hour ago, so what the hell was this. I rolled out of my bed carefully and I glanced at the small slide beside my bed. I raised my eyes in surprise. I haven't actually used these slippers in about a while now. Yes. I remembered I’d changed it the moment I married Williams. I shrugged and slid my feet into it anyways.

I decided to just go with the flow, so I walked forward and went to pick up my toothbrush and then headed for the bathroom to brush. While I was brushing my little alarm clock attached to its walls dipped and I glanced up at it. The time said six o’clock. I scoffed and was about to continue brushing when my eyes caught the little digital calendar at the bottom of the clock.

I glanced back up to realize something was wrong. I spat out the foam in my mouth before checking the calendar again. My eyes bulged “What! It's the year 2010?” I exclaimed, gasping in shock. I glanced down at the slippers at my feet then to the calendar again. If this one is an out of the body experience then it was taken a little bit too long.

I glanced at my face in the mirror and realized I did appear a bit younger. Then I felt something lingering in my heart, a burning sensation and realization. It was like something was watching me, something of a higher realm, I glanced up in confusion.

“Don't fret, it is the moon!” Elsa, my wolf, spoke and I was glad to hear her voice.

“Elsa, I don't understand,” I quipped, “What do you mean the moon?”

“Your prayers,” she said. “The genuine cry of a dying helpless woman, it reached the ears of the moon and the moon has given you a chance,” Elsa answered.

Then I glanced up in realization. The moon goddess had really brought me back to life. I glanced at my face in the mirror again.

My face was radiant with a youthful air around but I remembered how everything went down the drain when I got myself entangled with Williams Sheffield. I felt rage surge within me. The name I just remembered unlocked a well of emotions. The last moments of my life came flooding back as I closed my eyes shut, trying not to lose control. I was interrupted, thankfully, by my step sister who broke into the room without restraints.

“Dad says that you should get prepared for the party and please get dressed nicely,” she said in a careless tone and I stared at her. I wasn't particularly fond of her but at that moment, I was just happy. I walked towards her and gave her a hug and she glanced at me weirdly.

“I understand,” I smiled. She squinted her eyes for a bit before walking away from me staring at me in a weird manner. She could never understand why I did what I did.

I dressed up quickly and headed out as soon as I could. The moment I began to walk out, I realized I had chosen the same dress from my past life. I sighed and shook my head. I have been a moody and dull girl at the time but today, I was actually happy and vibrant. Why wouldn't I be, I was restarting my life again.

I knew that I couldn't miss the party because my father and Alpha Williams, were the one who holds socializing with people in high esteem, and since I couldn't miss the party I decided to come up with a plan.

“Oh my princess!” my father beamed on seeing me but I rushed to give him a hug. Once family would forever have a place in ones heart. My dad was actually a big part of my life and he’d died not long after I got married to William, so I missed him very much. I held on to him for longer than I’d imagined before releasing him.

“What is wrong with you? Why are you acting so strange?” my father asked after I disengaged from the hug.

“I just miss you,” I said with a beaming smile. .

“Why are you not wearing the dress that your mother picked?” he asked and I glanced at him with a smile.

“I am wearing the one you like,” I said with a chuckle, even in my past life, I did this one thing for myself.

We headed to the party after much talking and on reaching there I greeted everyone with a vibrant nature. It was surprising to my dad at the way I acted but I have learnt something from my past life, being moody and sad about everything doesn't solve anything. One would only die in the ! middle of the road, helpless and tired.

I have decided now to live my life exactly the way I wanted it to go. After getting to talk to people. I decided to relax a bit so I went to a corner where there wasn't anyone. Soon enough, the garden outside caught my attention, I walked over there and started to admire the scent of the flowers, the subtle blowing of breeze. All this matters to me more than I could imagine at the moment. Grazing death wasn't an easy task.

“What are you looking for, Miss!” I heard the most melodious voice I have ever heard and when I turned the sight of the person I saw shocked me and I lost my balance when I stepped backward.

I was waiting for my drastic fall but I felt a strong arm wrapped around my waist. I was staring intensely into the face of that man who looked strangely familiar but Elsa's next word left me dumbfounded.


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