
The Devil's Chosen Luna: A Werewolf Romance
The Devil's Chosen Luna: A Werewolf Romance
Author: Authoress Lams




Jenna's POV

Could he be cheating on me?

My legs shook with the muffled sounds that were coming from the inner room and my mind was telling me to run away and not go in there but I was persistent. There was no way I was going to turn a blind eye.

‘What is going on? I hope it's not what I am thinking’ my wolf purred but I was too occupied to give in.

“What is going on here!” I roared and I felt my eyes turn blurry at the sight of my husband ramming into his supposed best friend and I wondered what could be going wrong. How can this be happening?

They both disengaged from each other and started getting dressed because I was still processing what was going on with them. How could they have betrayed me?

“Oh, Sophia you are here? Why didn't you call just like you are always doing, you wouldn't have to witness this if you had just been as obedient.” Diana, my husband's best friend said nonchalantly as she wore her clothes.

I glanced up, my heart shuddered at the words she spoke. Her eyes held no remorse and she stood with a air of confidence, she held no regard for me. It dawned on me at the moment, my entire life had been a lie but I didn't want to believe it. “What?” I muttered.

“You heard me,” she replied, buttoning up her shirt.

I felt rage surge in me, and at that moment it blinded me. I launched at her with all of my strength, without thoughts. I roared in anger as I charged at Diana and I could feel my wolf, Elsa, in full swing ready to attack but before I could get to her, my movement was counterattacked and I was sent flying across the room with my back hitting the wall.

“Ouch!” a groan escaped my mouth as my back collided with the wall and I fell to the ground but the physical hurt I was feeling was nothing compared to the way my heart was breaking.

I glanced up and discovered it was my mate that had thrown me off the ground. “How… why?” I tried to speak but the words won't come out, I was choking on my own breath, my heart beating faster than and louder than it should. My wolf was threatening to go berserk under the weight of my pain. I never thought a day like this would come, where I would be attacked by my own mate and not just that, he attacked me to protect his whore.

“Enough is enough, I can't let you act raving mad just because you see some offensive things,” I heard him say.

I coughed up blood as my body had slammed the wall pretty hard, I could feel my system healing rapidly, rage strengthens wolves and at the moment I was enraged. “You classify this as just offensive?” I groaned.

He glanced at me with an emotionless expression and my eyes swung from the two standing before me. I realized in my head that I had hit rock bottom. I knew it was all over, I had been the only one living in my fantasy. “You cheated!” I said in a soft tone. “And you have no remorse for it?” I asked.

“Cheat? Is that word not funny to you? That word would have held meaning if I really had ever promised you anything but if you think about it you are not the only one in this marriage, I didn't even mark you as my mate don't you think you are being delusional!” he spat and my legs shook in the realization of what he just said.

It was true, the years of us being married together was nothing as Williams never professed his love for me but I was the only one always trying to make sure that the marriage worked.

We have been married for exactly two years and it had all been meaningless to him. I, for a certain reason thought that he felt something for me and he wasn't just really good at showing his emotions. When I questioned him about marking, he claimed he wanted our relationship to last a little while before we had kids. I shook my head, I’ve been the fool and the realization was settling within me.

“You are so desperate to get entangled with a man that you didn't even bother with the glaring red flags, you really are shameless, Jenna.” I heard Diana mock but I didn't bother with her as I faced Williams to ask the question lingering on my mind.

“Does that mean you didn't even love me at all?” I asked and my heart hammered against my rib cage furiously that I feared it was going to burst in fear.

“Is that not obvious? Are you that slow that you couldn't read between the lines, I only approached you because your father is a powerful Alpha with lots of influence but you are so useless that I couldn't get his approval,” he says and my heart is shattered hearing what he just said.

I nodded and sighed, there was nothing more for me here. I stood up from the ground, the rage I’d initially felt had disappeared completely into the horizon. It was left with nothing but emptiness. A shadowy and cold emptiness that was filled with the smoke sadness.

I walked out of the pack house without a destination. I couldn't even see what was right in front of me. I could hear Diana’s baleful laughter as I walked out of the house slowly. I had no expression on my face, I was empty, void of thoughts and emotion. I kept on walking my entire body shuddering at intervals.

I felt no sense of self, my place in the world felt hollow. There was only one sentence that was echoing within me. “I have been a fool,” I kept on walking, and I couldn't even feel the cold air of the evening blow past me.

A car approached me as I slowly walked forward in silence, as it would seem I’d wondered down the middle of the road. I didn't really see the car, but I could hear it honking loudly as its tyres tried to screech to a halt. I glanced sideways and my eyes caught the fearful expression of the driver.

The car slammed into me and till the last minute, I could feel as my bones contorted and how my head slammed against the ground. I felt as blood streaked out of my head and I could feel the cold breeze against my brain. For the very last seconds of my life I was conscious. I knew it was because of Elsa; my wolf was still fighting for us. That was their behavior, they don't give up, but I had, my spirit had left my body.

In a last act of defiance. A sheer effort to at least get back at everyone who’d wronged me, I made a silent prayer to the goddess of the moon. Our Praetorian and commander, the queen of silver and the goddess of love. I prayed for another chance!

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