
Chapter 2 Contract

"You want to hit me? Go for it, let the servants gossip about it!" Senna challenged with a defiant expression. She wasn't the same Senna as before.

Evander's hand recoiled. He truly wanted to shatter this woman's mocking smile. "There's no need to revisit that. It's late, and we have to meet with the lawyer tomorrow morning to discuss the contract. I hope you won't cause trouble."


The next day, before heading to work, Young Master Qin met with the lawyer who came to the residence. The lawyer began explaining the terms of the agreement.

"Mr. Lawyer, can I add to the terms of this agreement?" Seinna suddenly interjected.

"No, you can't. The contract cannot be changed anymore!" Young Master Qin responded firmly.

"This man is so stubborn. Luckily, I've already devised a backup plan. Whatever happens, this contract needs to change to facilitate my plan," Senna thought to herself.

"What are you thinking? Quickly sign!" Evander urged.

Senna insisted on refusing. "No. I will not sign a contract that I don't agree with. Listen to my proposal first, then we can negotiate. I'm sure you won't regret it," Seinna changed her tone to something more formal.

"In that case, just say what your offer is!" Evander ordered reluctantly.

Senna spoke, her voice serious and full of conviction. Young Master Qin's expression finally cracked. His brow furrowed deeply, and his eyes widened. "How do you know about that?" His gaze was filled with astonishment.

A smile formed on Senna's lips. "I knew it. This will surely shake this man's resolve," Senna thought.

"But it's still not enough for me to agree. I've already told you about the child who could be the heir. Even if we adopt, it will still be an issue."

"There won't be an issue if you insist on taking the child immediately after birth. You surely want your first child to inherit, don't you?"

Evander Qin stared at her suspiciously. "Senna Zhang, why are you so stubborn? I'm sure you have ulterior motives behind all this."

Senna Zhang was unfazed by his gaze. She even responded casually. "I've already said I don't want to bear a child."

"If it were President Ya, would you agree to have an illegitimate child with him instead?" Evander taunted. "Is that preferable to you than having my child who would have a better status and elevate yours?"

A better status?

Senna wanted to laugh at what this man was saying. Only she knew what this man had done to the child born from her womb and subsequently her fate after having that child.

"That's what you think, but I don't want to get pregnant or be forced to sleep with someone I don't want, especially you."

"Don't want to have a child or sleep with me. Then what's the point of marrying me?" he sneered.

"Young Master Qin, do you forget who I am? I am the daughter of the Zhang family. As long as we are married, you will benefit as a son-in-law. Isn't that advantageous? Furthermore, I will assist your lover in preparing to become the mistress of this house. After one year, we will divorce, and you can happily start a family with your lover."

"I reject your offer. We will adhere to the contract that I have set."

Senna, who previously showed calmness, now began to blush. She had already offered everything, and yet this argument seemed to be a waste of time? Senna's hand threw away the pen she held. "I will not agree to the contract unless you agree to add my proposal."

"Senna Zhang, be a submissive wife to me, your husband!"

"A submissive wife? Unfortunately, I don't want to be controlled. I'm leaving." Senna Zhang rose from her seat.

Her slender arm was suddenly gripped tightly. "Where are you going? Don't make it difficult for me. Quickly sign the contract. I will add compensation for you as payment."

"I have enough money. Young Master Qin, I won't make things difficult for you if you agree to my request." Senna moved her hand forcefully to free herself from him. The more she tried to rebel, the stronger he held her. Her fair skin turned red, the pain spreading throughout her body.

"I will break your arm if you continue to be stubborn."

"Go ahead. I'd rather my arm be broken than sign."

"You really!" Young Master Qin raised his voice. "No one has ever dared to provoke me like this. I will truly break your arm."

"Young Master Qin, please calm down." The lawyer, who had been silent before, now intervened. "Why don't we consider Mrs. Young's proposal? Besides, it's not a big issue to adopt a child from outside. Maybe Mrs. Young has difficulties getting pregnant. The most important thing is that the child has your lineage."

"Mr. Lawyer, are you siding with this woman? I pay you to be my lawyer, are you intending to betray me?"

"It's not like that. Please release Mrs. Young first. You will be in trouble with the Zhang family if you harm their daughter."

Young Master Qin loosened his grip, slowly moving away from the woman. Senna Zhang held her reddening hand. She was furious, but she managed to maintain her composure. She knew very well the temper of this man, considering she had lived with him for several years in her previous life.

"Let's discuss this in a civilized manner. Mrs. Young, my apologies earlier. Do you have issues with pregnancy?"

"Yes," Senna quickly replied.

"Don't talk nonsense. My family chose directly, there's no way they'd choose a defective woman who can't bear offspring. You must have also undergone tests." Evander Qin quickly rebutted Senna Zhang's answer, trying hard to reject any chance that might lead to her victory.

Senna Zhang grinned hearing how vehemently this man opposed her. She didn't know what this man was thinking now.

"Why is he so insistent on having a child with me when he's going to have another one as well? I have to make him believe everything I say and fall into my plan," Senna said in her mind before replying to the man.

"Young Master Qin, do you believe in the results of a fake piece of paper? Have you forgotten where the test was conducted? The Zhang family invested in that hospital. My family knows clearly about my health condition; they wouldn't reveal my shortcomings to your family."

Young Master Qin opened his eyes, wanting to respond, but Senna Zhang reinforced her opinion. "Husband, you'll only cause problems if you keep going without considering this fact. The elders are sure to urge that if no children are born within a year of our marriage, they will force a divorce and you will be forced to marry a woman from another family again."

"If you agree to our marriage contract, then compared to having to be forced again, I'll help you be able to marry your lover. Young Master Qin, you won't lose out on this either."

Evander Qin was still silent, his furrowed brow deep in thought. However, his gaze was still suspicious. "Senna Zhang, what exactly are you planning? You don't want my money, I'm sure a woman like you would never do anything without profit."

Seinna Zhang paused for a moment, unable to say her true reason. This man would never believe her, and it would also ruin the lie she had constructed in detail. "What do you think I want?"

"Don't play guessing games like this; it's just a waste of time. Just tell me the truth!"

Senna Zhang thought about what reason she could say. As soon as her lips opened, the phone rang, making her quiet. Senna took her phone, her eyes shining brightly when she saw the name displayed on the screen.

"I'll answer the phone first."

Seinna Zhang was about to press the green button when Evander Qin snatched her phone away. The man looked at the name displayed on the screen.

"How dare you contact him in front of me? Is he your reason for doing this?" He stared with a sharp knife look

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