
Chapter 3 Find That Man for Me

“Mr. Qin, give me my phone!”

“Answer my question first. Is your behavior because of him? Do you think by helping me, I’ll let you get involved with him?”

“Young Master Qin, does it matter? Whatever my intentions, isn’t the important thing that you benefit? Give me my phone now!” Instead of handing it over, Evander answered the call himself, causing chaos.

“This is Senna Zhang’s husband. President Yan, I don’t care what your relationship with my wife is, but from now on, don’t bother her again!” With those few words, Evander Qin ended the call.

“Evander Qin, why are you ruining my relationships and insisting on holding on? Are you going to leave your lover and child and turn this business marriage into a real one?”

"It’s impossible for me to suddenly become the female lead in a CEO novel, where a husband who hates his wife suddenly falls in love with her after she’s reborn and uninterested in him?" It might have seemed like a silly thought to Seinna, but seeing his reaction made her reconsider.

Evander Qin’s dark expression confirmed her suspicions. He smirked. “I’m just protecting my dignity as Young Master Qin. How could I let someone like President Yan tarnish my reputation by taking my wife?”

“You can’t be involved with that man anymore. Especially if your master offers what you’ve been after so you can leave me for him.”

Senna Zhang was aware of the animosity between these two men. “That’s none of your business. Anyway, let’s get back to discussing the contract. Do you agree or not?”

“I’ll revise some points in your proposal. Our marriage will last five years. If either of us breaks it, we split the property in half.”

“Five years is too long. Don’t you want to make your lover your wife sooner?”

“This time will allow you to help my lover adjust. One year won’t be enough.”

Senna didn’t like this idea. She wouldn’t be kind to that woman. But the Young Madam Qin couldn’t miss the chance to separate from this man. Seinna Zhang just needed a solid plan for the woman.

“Okay, I agree.”

“Another condition: during our five-year marriage, you can’t sleep with President Yan or get personally involved with him.”

“Then I’ll find another man.”

“No. You can’t get involved with any other man either!”

“This isn’t fair. You can still be with other women and sleep with them.”

“That’s a normal for a man. You refuse to meet my ‘needs,’ so why can’t I find someone else? It’s an emergency for a man.”

“You’d even force your lover to do that? You’re nothing more than a lowly man who only thinks about such things.”

“Miss Zhang, there are limits to your rudeness!” Young Master Qin glared at her.

Evander turned to the lawyer. “You heard what I said, right? Write those points into the contract.”

Before the previously ignored lawyer could agree, Seinna protested. “Wait, except for the part where I can’t be involved with any man.”

“Senna Zhang! Are you still determined to act like a cheap woman?”

“Say what you want. I’m just fighting for my rights. Don’t worry, I’ll play as clean as you do.”

“Stubborn! Fine. If you get caught and embarrass me, you’ll bear the consequences.”

“I understand.”

“Lawyer, edit the agreement and have it ready by tomorrow.”

“Yes, Young Master. I’ll take my leave.” The lawyer left the quarrelsome couple.

Senna didn’t want to stay with her husband any longer. She turned to leave. Young Master Qin sneered. “Are you in a hurry to calm your lover?”

Senna was too tired to respond to his taunts. She had more important things to do than argue. Without looking back at Evander, she walked away.


Senna exited through the main door just as her car arrived from the Zhang residence. Her driver approached and handed her the keys. “Miss, I’ve done as you asked.”

“This is for you.” The wealthy woman handed him some bills. “You can go now!” The driver quickly left.

“Is that your car? Why bring an old model here? I have plenty of luxurious cars you can choose from,” Young Master Qin said condescendingly as he came out.

“I don’t want to use yours,” Senna said without looking at Evander.

She got into her car and drove away from the grand house. She was in a hurry to follow a car in front of her. She glanced in the rearview mirror and noticed a limited edition sports car behind her.

The car was familiar. “Is he following me?” Senna wondered, then shook her head. “Why would he follow me? There’s no point in him watching my relationship with Young Master Yan and ruining my meeting.”

Thinking logically about her husband’s character from her previous life, Seinna knew she couldn’t act yet without ruining her plan. She decided to change her approach, steering toward a supermarket.

The new Young Madam Qin didn’t get out right away. She watched the mirror to see the car. She took out her phone and typed a message. Unsatisfied with just sending a text, she made a call.

She gave instructions to the person on the other end.

“Find that man for me. Within 30 minutes, I need his location!”

“Miss, that’s too soon,” the person protested.

“I don’t want excuses.” She hung up.

Senna saw the car that had been following her stop as well. “What does he want? Why is Evander more annoying in this life? If not for this annoying husband, I could have met him without wasting time.”

Senna focused on the car, seeing no movement. She didn’t want to be stuck. She opened her car door and walked toward the glass doors, pretending not to notice the car.

Senna browsed the products on the shelves. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her, turning her to face a tall man.

“You... um...” Warmth and softness spread over her lips.

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