
chapter 61

Frost Sorrow....

I looked up at Lady Melody's statue with a frown on my face, The events of the day constantly playing in my head.

I couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling in my body, I couldn't understand why my heart lay so heavy in my chest.

Maybe it was the way Sity acted this morning, how uncomfortable she made me feel and how much I grew suspicious of her. Or maybe it's the brief greeting I had with Lord Viper Great and how he looked at me long and hard as if he wouldn't see me again.

Strong arms snaked around my waist, causing me to gasp in surprise.

"Found you."

Barlion whispered in to my ear and I instantly relaxed in his arms.

"You didn't show up for Lunch, My Queen. How come?"

His question took me by surprise.

"I hadn't even realized it was Lunch." I answered honestly, readying myself to share all of my worries with him.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he leaned his chin on my left shoulder, keeping a first grip around my waist.

I let out a sigh before placing my ha
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Anissa Magee
omg that is so sad. I hope she isn't dead but in another kingdom. Barlion needs his dad.

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