
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Rebecca's POV

"What? Me?"

I was shocked and still staring in disbelief at Luke. I didn't expect at all, that he would choose me as his luna.

"Yes, you. I have chosen you as my Luna. Come here!"

To my surprise, Luke suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled my body into his arms. I was shocked and felt my heart beat faster.

I was still silent in his arms, as Luke held my body tighter and tighter. However, a smile crossed my face because I didn't expect that I would be the winner out of all the great girls in the hall.

"Now come with me!" Luke suddenly removed his arms from my body.

The alpha even immediately pulled my hand to leave the room. I could only obey and follow his retreating footsteps.

However, I could see that the girls there were looking angrily at me. I was sure that they must be unhappy after losing to me.

"Luna's candidate is from the omega rank? That doesn't seem appropriate at all."

I could hear the words very clearly from one of the girls. Not only that, but many other girls were also denigrating my victory because I was from the omega rank.

"Don't mind them! Come with me!" Luke's voice broke my reverie.

I just obeyed and followed his quickening footsteps. However, I was also surprised that he pulled my hand a little stronger than before.

Leaving them all in that room, Luke now led me to a large and luxurious room.

As soon as the door of the room opened, two Elders immediately greeted us with smiles on their faces.

"Finally you've chosen the girl of our choice, sir. We're glad to see it," said the Elder who picked me up that time.

"Since I have chosen Rebecca as my future Luna, the wedding will be held immediately," Luke said firmly.

"Of course, sir. The wedding should be held as soon as possible with a great celebration."

"Then when should the wedding take place?" Luke asked Elder.

"Tomorrow, sir," Elder said, nodding his head confidently.

"Very well. Prepare a grand wedding for us tomorrow!"

"We are ready to carry out your orders!"

I remained silent in confusion as I listened to their conversation. On the one hand, I still felt confused by the reason the Elders had chosen me to be our Alpha Luna's candidate.

However, on the other hand, I was also very surprised that Luke and I were getting married so soon.

Yes, we were getting married tomorrow.

The next day, my and Alpha's wedding was held. The wedding was held outside the palace with great fanfare.

The werewolves of various ranks attended our wedding, to witness the holy bond between their Alpha and the luna.

"I Luke Shawn, Alpha of Winterblood, from this day forward officially take you as my Luna," Luke said to me, as we said our vows.

"I, Rebecca Lyson, am willing to be your luna and will be your eternal mate."

I smiled as I said that. There was a sense of happiness that I had never felt.

After I lost my family, I had never felt happiness in my life. However, this time that happiness came back into my life when I was with Luke.

Our wedding lasted into the night, right under the silver moonlight.

When I was immersed in the happiness of marriage, I suddenly felt Luke pulling my hand and taking me away from there.

"Alpha, where are we going? It's not over yet?" I asked confused.

"It's over, and now I want to rest. You have to come with me!" Luke replied in his usual flat voice.

"Alright then."

I just obeyed what my husband said. Now he took me into his spacious and luxurious room. The color gold dominated the room.

"Wow! This room is beautiful." I said because I was so amazed.

While I was still admiring the beauty of the room, I saw Luke who immediately went into the bathroom. A smile appeared on my face, and at that moment I felt my heart beat faster.

"Why is my heart beating so fast like this?" My hand felt my chest, feeling the rapid heartbeat.

The sound of water gurgling in the bathroom made my face suddenly feel hot and flushed. I walked slowly to the bed and imagined what we would go through tonight.

Feeling very tired, I unconsciously started to fall asleep. I don't know how long I was asleep.

Until I finally opened my eyes and realized that it was getting late.

"Oh my! It's already noon!" I exclaimed in surprise.

I quickly got up and took a shower to freshen up. However, my heart felt very disappointed that Luke didn't touch me at all last night.

"There's no first night like I imagined," I said as I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

After changing my clothes, I looked around the room for him. However, I didn't see Luke anymore after our wedding last night.

"Where is he?" I started to get anxious.

Moments later, some omegas came to pick me up for breakfast in the dining room. I wondered if I would see Luke there.

"Sir, we came with Luna," the omega said to Luke in the dining room.

I was so relieved to finally see my husband in the dining room.

"Alpha, where have you been? I've been looking for you," I asked as I walked over.

However, Luke suddenly stood up and gave me a cold stare.

"Rebecca, please sit down and enjoy your breakfast! I have some business to attend to."

After saying that, Luke immediately left and walked out of the dining room. I could only stand still and stare at him with eyes that were starting to get wet.

"Why is he so cold to me?" I could only ask silently, and let my tears just fall.

I felt like I was being ignored by him. Luke has always been cold and indifferent to me. I felt that my existence as Luna was not considered by him.

Day after day I spent in loneliness. I could barely talk to my husband, as we rarely saw each other.

Tonight I was sitting alone staring at the empty bed next to me. I was so sad and wondered if Luke was here with me.


My facelift as I hear someone calling my name. I saw the door to the room open and saw Luke staggering in.

"Alpha, what happened to you?" I asked frantically and immediately ran over to him.

I saw that his body was weak, his face was pale, and his eyes were getting red. Alpha started talking incoherently and seemed to be out of his mind.

"Alpha, are you drunk?"

"Rebecca, my head is spinning."

"Then I'll take you to rest. Come, sir!"

I carried my husband's body to the bed. However, he suddenly pulled my waist tightly against his body.

"Alpha!" I whispered in surprise, seeing him looking at me with bloodshot eyes.

"Rebecca, I want you so much," Luke said as he brought his face closer to mine.

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