
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Rebecca's POV

"Alpha, what are you doing?"

Unexpectedly, Luke suddenly kissed my lips greedily. Not only did it stop there, but I also felt him start kissing my neck and immediately took off all the clothes on my body.

I could feel his hands moving me to the bed. He immediately fell on my body and kissed my lips again.

"Alpha." I whimpered softly, as I felt Luke begin to force his way into my body.

"You're so beautiful, Luna. I want you so badly," he said as he pounded deeper.

I let out a stifled cry as he entered my body. However, I was also happy because finally tonight Luke was willing to unite with me.

"You are my Luna, and you are my eternal mate," Luke murmured, but I could hear him.

A hot night passed between me and Luke. It felt like I had become the perfect luna because tonight we were mating for the first time.

The morning started to come, making sunlight enter my room. I immediately opened my eyes feeling much better than before.

I lowered my face, then looked down at my body which was only wrapped in a blanket. I was surprised to see it and immediately remembered the incident last night with Luke.

"Oh my god! I still can't believe that we did that union," I said with both cheeks suddenly burning.

Although surprised, I also felt very happy that Luke was finally willing to touch me after all this time. I just smiled, then turned to my side.

"Where's Luke?" I asked in confusion because he wasn't next to me.

It was quite strange not seeing Alpha next to me, after what we did last night. However, I couldn't hide my happy face either.

At least Luke was willing to touch me even though he was drunk last night.

I hurriedly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom, even though the pain was still very pronounced in my groin.

After taking a shower and changing my clothes, I started to walk out of the room to look for my husband. However, in front of my room, I was met by two omegas who bowed when they saw me.

"Good morning, Luna," they greeted kindly.

"Good morning too. What's wrong?" I asked in surprise.

"The alpha asked us to take Luna to the dining hall because the alpha is waiting there."

My face instantly warmed up again at that. Quickly, I nodded my head as I was happy to see Alpha.


Together with the two omegas, I went to the dining room and found Alpha already there. The two omegas then left us. Yes, it was just Luke and I in the room.

"Eat up! After that, I'll go to attend the ceremony." Luke commanded me.

At first, I felt very happy that he wanted to see me. However, I did not expect that he would leave again.

"Alpha, we can eat together."

"No. I have to rush off because I'm almost late. Enjoy your meal!"

After giving that order, I saw Luke immediately get up from his seat and walk out of the room.

Again and again. My husband again ignored me and was cold to me. I looked down sadly, and soon my tears fell. It felt like I didn't even have the appetite to enjoy my meal.

After that night of our union, I thought that my relationship with Alpha would be much better. However, it turned out that he was still cold and flat towards me.

I didn't want to give up and would continue to try my best for my husband. Like tonight, when Luke had just returned from the ceremonial event.

"Alpha, are you home yet? I've prepared some warm water for you to take a shower," I said as I walked over to greet Luke who had just entered the room.

"Thank you," he replied briefly, then quickly walked away into the bathroom.

I paused and looked back at Luke with a sad heart. For some reason, my husband had no intention of having a serious conversation with me.

"Why is he still cold like that? He should be able to think of me more as his tender. Especially during that mating night, he told me that I was Luna and his eternal mate. Then why is she acting like this to me?"

While waiting for Luke to take a shower, I quickly got his clothes ready. Before long, my husband emerged from the bathroom wearing only a towel.

My heart rippled violently, but I quickly looked away. Although my body was nervous and trembling, I tried my best not to show it in front of Alpha.

When Alpha came out of the bathroom, I saw him sneezing and coughing. Of course, I immediately panicked and immediately helped him.

"Alpha, it looks like you're sick." I panicked and immediately helped him to sit up and gave him his clothes.

"Thank you, Rebecca."

I looked away as Luke started to change his clothes. However, I quickly went out of the room to get some food for my husband.

Shortly after, I returned with the food in my hand. Inside the room, I saw Alpha who was lying on the bed with the blanket covering her waist down.

"Alpha, now eat first! I'll feed you," I pleaded as I fed Luke.

Luke nodded obediently and began to open his mouth, allowing me to feed him.

Eventually, the food ran out and I quickly gave him his medicine. I then wrapped my arms around him again with great care.

"Alpha, how did you get sick? Are you exhausted?"


There was no answer. I lifted my face to look at Luke and found him asleep with his back to me.

"Even in his sleep, he's still cold to me," I thought sadly.

Day after day passed. Week after week passed. This morning I was staring at the departure of Alpha who was attending the ceremony.

At first, he did invite me, but this time I just didn't feel well. Since earlier I kept feeling uncomfortable in my stomach.

My stomach suddenly felt nauseous and made me want to vomit. It felt like my insides were being stirred up.

I was just about to enter the palace, but I suddenly felt an agonizing nausea. Quickly, I ran to the bathroom and vomited the contents of my stomach there.

"What's happening to me?" I muttered in surprise.

I didn't feel sick, but I didn't feel well either. That's why I finally decided to go to the doctor and get my condition checked.

The palace doctor examined me carefully.

"What happened to me, Doctor? Is there a problem with my health?"

With a smile on his face, the doctor looked happily at me.

"You are fine, Luna. Very well, in fact."

"Very well? What does that mean?" My eyebrows knitted together, feeling clueless.

"Congratulations on being pregnant with baby Alpha."

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