
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Rebecca's POV

"I need to get away from the Winterblood pack as soon as possible. I can't keep staying here, or those Elders will do bad things to me and my future child."

I quickened my footsteps and continued running while holding my stomach which sometimes felt a little painful. I don't know whether it was because of the inner pressure I felt, or because of the fatigue of running, but I felt a little pain in my lower abdomen.

However, that didn't stop me from running further and further away from Pack Winterblood. The words of the Elder that I had heard last night kept ringing in my ears.

"No matter what happens, I will never return to that pack. You were all so mean to me, even you, Alpha." My tears began to fall.

I imagined Luke's handsome face who I thought had begun to open his heart to me. But it turns out Luke's heart is still cold and has no feelings for me.

My feet ran faster and faster, passing through the wilderness in the darkness of the night. The sound of owls singing is very close to my ears. I glanced at an owl perched on a tree branch, and the look in my eyes immediately made it fall silent and fly away somewhere.

My eyes were used to seeing in the dark, and I avoided the twigs and wood that fell on the ground as much as possible so as not to get stepped on by my feet. However, I accidentally stepped on a dry branch that made a very loud sound in the middle of the silence.

"Luna, where are you?"

My face suddenly turned pale, as my ears picked up several male voices that sounded like they were calling me from a distance. My legs trembled violently and felt weak as if they couldn't support my meager weight.

"Oh my! Could that be the Elder's voice? Are they after me and want to catch me?" I started to panic.

For a few moments, I remained where I was standing. Before long, I heard the sound of footsteps belonging to several people who seemed to be running towards me. I also heard them calling out my name several times.

"It's bad! I need to leave this area immediately!"

Not wanting to waste any time, I quickened my pace again. I ran as fast as I could through the bushes in front of me, not caring about the thorns and sharp twigs scratching my skin.

"Ouch!" I whimpered, feeling the pain in my hands and feet from being cut by the thorns.

I stopped walking for a moment, then looked down at my bleeding arms and legs. It stung and felt a little hot, but it was nothing compared to my fear of the Elder catching me.

"You're strong, Rebecca. You're not a weak girl just because of a small wound like this. Because since childhood, you've had much bigger wounds. For the sake of my future baby, I must stay strong and not be a weak woman," I sobbed with tears rolling down my cheeks again.

I slowly dragged my feet again, leaving the Winterblood pack area that was now very far behind.

Before I knew it, I had been walking alone in the wilderness for almost an entire night. The sun had begun to appear in the skyline, a sign that it was almost noon. Feeling exhausted, I decided to sit down and rest at the root of a large tree.

"I can finally get away from that pack," I muttered while leaning my back against the tree trunk.

The breeze played with my long hair and blew gently against my face. The cool air combined with the warm sunlight, caressing me who slowly began to close my eyes unconsciously.

"Hey, who are you?"

I faintly heard a man's voice right near me. I had just fallen asleep, but I forced myself to open my eyes which still felt heavy.

My eyes narrowed. The sun's glare entered my retinas, making me vaguely catch the shadowy figures of two large men standing right in front of me. However, their faces looked very unfamiliar to me.

"Who are you guys?" I asked in a weak voice.

"We should be the ones asking you. Who are you and what are you doing in our pack?"

"Pack you guys?"

"Yes. Since you have entered Blackmoon's pack, then you must come with us to face the alpha."

"Ti... No! I don't want to!"

However, the two men didn't want to hear me at all. They grabbed my arm and carried me on their shoulders.

"Help! Let me go!" I screamed and struggled to be released, but they didn't care.

In one swift motion, the two men had taken me to a magnificent werewolf palace. I was brought into the hall, and that's when I felt my body being thrown quite forcefully right in front of a throne.

"Auh!" I screeched and clutched my stomach so I wouldn't be hurt.

"Report, alpha! An intruder is sneaking into our territory," one of the men said to an alpha in the pack.

Trembling with fear, I slowly began to lift my face. I looked at the alpha who was also staring intently at me. Our gazes clashed, making me quickly lower my face back down.

In a lightning-fast movement, the alpha was already in front of me. I also felt his fingers grabbing both cheeks, then guiding me to look at his face.

"Hm, what's your name?" the alpha asked.

His voice sounded very soft and much different from the two werewolves who had captured me earlier. His breath also felt cool and fresh as it hit my face.

"I'm Rebecca," I replied with a trembling voice.

"My name is Ken, and I'm the alpha of the Blackmoon pack," he said and smiled at me.

I didn't answer and hurriedly looked away to avoid his gaze. Even so, the tail of my eyes could see that Ken was watching me. I could even catch the occasional glimpse of him sniffing my scent.

"Rebecca, I'm sure that you're an ordinary werewolf," said Ken who I believed was currently staring at my neck.

Timidly, I looked away even more without wanting to see him. However, at least now I could breathe a sigh of relief because he didn't see the markings on my body.

"What brings you to my territory?" Ken asked again while stepping back a little away from me.

I didn't know what to answer. There was no way I could say that I ran away from Pack Winterblood.

Yes, the only way was to lie to Ken so that I and my future child could be safe. At least we'd be safe here, and the Winterblood Elders couldn't find us.

"Alpha, I'm just a lone wolf in this world. I wandered all over the place until I finally landed in your place. If you don't mind, please allow me to stay here and become a member of your pack." I begged while pretending to worship Ken.

Ken was silent for a moment. I stole a glance and saw him talking to the Elders. It made my heart beat fast because I was worried that Ken wouldn't accept me as a new member of his pack.

However, I soon saw him looking back at me with a smile on his handsome face.

"Alright, Rebecca. Starting today, you will live here and become a new member of our pack."

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