
The Luna Escape With Alpha's Baby
The Luna Escape With Alpha's Baby
Author: Callista Ivan

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Rebecca's POV

"Soon it will be mating season, then our Alpha will choose one of the girls from this pack to be the lunar. I hope that I will be the one chosen."

One of my friends who grew up in the orphanage with me came and gave information that was very surprising for omega girls like us.

"You shouldn't get your hopes up. You're just an omega. If our alpha is going to look for an omega Luna, then I'm better than you," my other friend said.

"What? It's obvious that I'm much better than you!"

I could only remain silent while listening to what they were talking about. Now and then I saw them arguing, fighting over who deserved to be the Luna of our alpha.

I felt uncomfortable with this debate because since childhood we had been good friends. Yes, we grew up together in the orphanage in this pack.

While I was listening to their debate, suddenly an Elder came walking quickly towards me.

"Rebecca, you've been chosen to be one of Luna's candidates this mating season," the Elder said sternly.

"What? Me?"

I was very surprised, not expecting that he would choose me to be one of the candidates for Luna in the mating season.

"Why me?" I asked, still surprised.

"I don't have time to answer your questions. Now you better get ready, because mating season is about to start." The Elder said in a cold and flat voice.

Upon his arrival, I could see the surprised looks on the faces of the other omega girls. Not only that, but I also caught a glimpse of them staring disapprovingly at me.

"All of you, please make up this girl before I bring her to the hall!" the Elder ordered my fellow omegas.

"Yes, sir."

After giving the order to my companions, the Elder now quickly walked out of the room. Just as I watched him leave, I suddenly felt my hand being pulled forcefully by someone.

"Hurry up! We don't want to get in trouble for not dressing you," one of my friends said.

"Akh! Let go of my hand! It hurts." I pleaded because he was gripping my hand so tightly that it was causing me pain.

However, the girl ignored my request. I was now brought to face the mirror, and the omega girls immediately dressed me with force.

"Don't protest so much! We were forced to make you up because it was an order from Elder. If it wasn't for his orders, then we wouldn't have bothered to make you up like this," one of my friends snapped with an annoyed face.

"That's right. If our Alpha wanted to find a Luna candidate from the Omega rank, why weren't we chosen? We're so much better than Rebecca." My other friend chimed in.

"Yes, what you said is true. We're even better than an orphan girl like Rebecca."

"But that's not my wish at all. I don't know why that Elder chose me either." I dared to answer all of their insults.

"That's why you don't deserve to be Luna's candidate," my friend said while looking enviously at me.

I wanted to cry so badly because I couldn't take the hurtful words. Suddenly, one of my friends pulled my shirt so roughly that it ripped. He even threw the shirt on the floor.

"Now quickly put this on!" my friend ordered as he threw a dress right in my face.

"Don't expect us to serve you like a queen because you don't deserve to be our queen!"

My friends treated me harshly. They even went so far as to push me to put on the dress immediately.

"Put on your clothes! And put on your shoes too!" Another friend threw a shoe at me.

It's a good thing it didn't hit my face. Because the heels of the shoes had almost hit my forehead.

I slowly picked up the shoes and started to put them on with a feeling of sadness. On the one hand, I felt happy to be chosen as one of Luna's candidates. But on the other hand, I also felt sad, because I was being mistreated by my friends.

"That orphaned omega girl of yours is more fit to serve us!"

They continued to speak harshly to me, making me cry so much that I almost ruined the makeup on my face.

A short while later, it was time for mating season. Elder came to pick me up and took me to a hall.

Inside the hall, so many beautiful girls seemed to be candidates for our alpha Luna. Many wealthy families submitted their daughters in the mating season, of course, with the hope of being chosen to be the luna of our alpha.

"The alpha will enter the room. Please prepare yourself as best you can!"

A warning voice rang out. I was startled and hurriedly prepared myself to welcome our alpha's arrival with the other girls.

From the entrance of the hall, a handsome man appeared in his fancy clothes. He was Luke, the alpha of the Winterblood pack.

Yes, Luke is our alpha who is currently choosing a girl to be his lunar candidate.

I felt nervous when I saw the alpha giving his speech. My body trembled even more as I watched him walk towards us.

"Even if she doesn't choose me, at least I'm proud to be here with such great girls," I thought to myself.

Now and then I lifted my face to look at the alpha who walked up to the girls one by one. In that hall, there were more than a hundred beautiful and great girls who applied to be Luna candidates.

I was probably the only candidate from the omega rank which is the lower rank in the werewolf clan. Yes, that fact made me even less confident and I was sure that Luke would not choose me.

I looked at Luke who was asking the girls, without a smile on his face. I don't know what he's thinking right now, but it's like there's no happiness in his eyes.

My heart is beating uncontrollably fast when Luke suddenly stops in front of me. He looks me up and down with those piercing eyes of his.

"What's your name?" The cold question came out of his mouth.

"My name is Rebecca," I replied nervously.

After asking me that, Luke didn't ask me anything else. I could only bow my head, as he remained silent while continuing to stare at me. I don't know what made him go silent like this.

Did he dislike my appearance?

Is my makeup too weird for him?

I could only wonder in my heart. However, my body trembled even more when those red eyeballs of his looked at me sharply and very coldly.

"Rebecca, I Luke Shawn have chosen you to be my future Luna."

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