
Death is the only way

Sera quickly set out to find Alistair. She went into his study where he normally worked from during the afternoons but he wasn't there. She checked his office where she was sure he would be but he still wasn't there.

She frowned in surprise. Alistair was usually pretty predictable..

If he was not in His office, then he was usually in his study. So after searching all of these places and not finding him, Sera was most definitely left confused.

Where could he be?

Letting out a frustrated sigh, she decided to turn around and head back to the room.

But at that moment, she accidentally bumped into Grace.

“Oh sorry excuse me Sera I wasn’t looking properly.”

“It’s fine Grace. It was my fault, I didn’t look where I was going.”

Grace nodded with a coldly formal expression ... like Sera was just a stranger or boss and started to walk away.

Sera didn’t need a soothsayer to tell her that Grace was super angry with her. Grace had tried to reach out, from the goodness of her heart and Sera
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