
Chapter 8


Eyeing my phone on top of the bedside table. Edwina marched in with a tray of my morning tea.

"Good morning, Czarina," she greeted. She placed the silver tray on the center table and she treads to the giant windows to open the curtain.

"Do you know how many days had passed since Alas left to tend to the emergency that Triad had?"

"I had no idea. I'm not keeping track, Czarina. But do you want me to?" She offered as she started concocting my morning tea.

"14 days."

"Oh," she mumbled.

"Are you sure that Alas knew this number?"

"The Czar was the one who gave you that phone, Czarina. I'm sure he'll call you soon." Edwina crouched and was about to pour the tea into my cup when she hesitated and ceased.

"You're missing him."

"Ha? No. Over my dead body. I don't miss him. I find it disrespectful that Alas knew he had a wife back here, and worried about him. Was it that hard to call me even just for two seconds? To show some proof of life?!" I ranted.

"One thing I can assure you, Czarina. The Czar of the Rune's Society is alive and well. Because if something happened to that Czar. Will surely know."

As the silence between us lengthened, I grew suspicious of Edwina. My eyes trailed her and caught her having an inner battle with herself.

"What is it?"

"Since the Czar left. All you do is wait for the day to come and end in this room. To make this day a little different. Why don't you have your breakfast outside? In the greenhouse? You would love the rare and exotic plants and flowers there."

Growing desperate to evict my jerk of a husband from my head. I went with Edwina's plan.

"One of these days. The Czar will call you, which is why you need to keep this with you at all times." Edwina waved my phone that I purposely left on the phone and left it next to me.

A shrill and screeching laughter stopped me from munching my food. Aria pulled a chair across mine.

"Good morning, Rocio."

"Aria," I mumbled with a smile to acknowledge her presence.

"You, get me a tea. I like jasmine tea," she pompously said to Edwina.

"You could have at least asked nicely."

"Hmm? Why? The Moranas are paying for their services. No need for us to treat them nicely."

"I'm sure you didn't come here to share a chitchat with me. So, why are you here, Aria?" Aria installed her elbow on top of the table.

"Is it true? That since Alas left. He hasn't contacted you? Not even a text message? Nada?" She inquired.

The smile hanging on her lips expanded even more.

"It is. Your husband who left you for some emergency on your first night as a married couple hasn't called or texted you." Aria downed her phone on the table. I peeked at it and saw her call logs.

"Alas has been calling you?" I blurted out, hurt and confused.

"He does, every morning and night."

I was out of words as thoughts, pessimistic and abrogating ones brimmed with me.

"Are you wondering how Alas finds the time to call me but not you?" Aria further cut the distance between our faces.

"Are you sure that you want to hear?" 

"Stop it. Go away, Aria. Leave me alone." Aria scoffed. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back in my seat.

"I'm not yet done with you. Why are you leaving? You don't want to hear the truth? That Alas is regretting buying himself a whore and making it his wife?"

I gnashed my teeth and fisted my fingers.

"Let's say that you're a good fuck. Except that, what else can you bring to the table? Nothing, right? Alas is a Czar, he has an organization to protect. He needs a wife, a Czarina that comes from a powerful family who could protect and strengthen him too, obviously, that's not you!"

Aria taunted and pushed her finger against my head, unlike our first encounter. I couldn't find the strength to fight back.

"The problem that arises in the Triad might have done a number on him and helped him realize things. Prepare yourself, Rocio. When Alas comes back here to Rune's estate, surely he'll ask for a divorce, and your pussy won't be able to do anything to make him stay."

No matter how harsh Aria sounds. I couldn't deny that she was blabbering facts.

I took a deep breath, enjoying the freshness of the air near the riverbanks where I decided to burn time after I successfully escaped from my bodyguard.

"And if Alas chose to divorce me once he's back from Japan, so what? It's not like I'm in love with him." I patted myself.

"If he asks for divorce. I'll get an alimony from him. I can use it to start a new life." I find myself smiling at the realization that the worst-case scenario of my current situation is still a win for me.

Realizing that I had been out for more than an hour now and my security would start looking for me. I got up and wagged off the dirt from my butt.

The smile on my lips instantly faded and I instinctively took a step back, as if my gut had foreseen what would happen next after a black van stopped in front of me. Its door busted open and a group of armed men encircled me.

"If I were you. I wouldn't take another step," said a man who was wearing a clown mask.

"P-Please... What do you want? My husband is a rich man. He'll pay a good amount of money, just d-don't hurt m-me." My voice cracked in the end and their laughter drowned my scream for help.

"Bring her inside!" Their leader ordered, and I was helpless as they dragged me inside.

"Don't worry, as long as your husband does, what my boss wants, you'll be safe, but if Alas chooses to get on my boss's nerves, then we'll feast on you, Czarina Rocio."

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