
Chapter 3: Attack

The woods loomed ahead, and as I pushed myself harder, I didn't know where I was going or what lay ahead, but one thing was certain: I would not let myself get caught again.

"I need to run; I need to leave all this pain behind!" I muttered as even more tears streamed from my eyes.

I sprinted with all the strength my legs could muster. I couldn't stay in that place, a place where my mate rejected me and my best friend betrayed me. I couldn't stay in a place where death was my only hope. I couldn't face him. How would I live knowing that my mate hates me? How would I hide my pain when he kissed other girls, slept with other girls, and cared for other girls?

Tears escaped my eyes, and I didn't try to stop them. I just let them fall freely. I wanted to go far away from my pack. 

I could hear the hounds barking in the distance, their howls echoing through the trees. 

As I plugged deeper into the forest, the darkness surrounded me like a cloak—an eerie silence. 

I immediately fell to the ground and used leaves to hide myself; my legs could no longer carry me.

Memories of my past trickled back into my consciousness, each one a puzzle piece that fits into the larger picture of my life. I remembered my family, my friends, my hopes, and my dreams. I had lost everything.

I didn't know how long I stayed like that; I even fell asleep.

I took the dried leaves off and sat up.

"I'm so hurt, so hurt. Where am I? Oh my gosh, goddess. Why did you have to choose this way to defeat me?" I mumbled as I wandered deeper into the forest.

“I hate you, Moon Goddess, and you no longer have a say in my life." I looked up to the sky and shouted with all my might.

For the first time in my life, I was free, and I was going to make the most of it.

Feeling lost, I noticed that I had wandered into another pack's territory; it was already night, and they seemed to be having some sort of party. I hoped they didn't notice me because no pack would allow anyone to leave after trespassing into their territory. There must be a punishment.

I didn't even know when I passed their gate without noticing.

Just as I turned around and was about to walk to a tree where I could at least rest, I felt someone's strong grip on my arm.

"Who are you?" It was a female voice. My heart pounded inside my chest, and I could hear its sound. "You're not one of us," she said, her voice filled with curiosity rather than hostility. "What are you doing in our territory?"

I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. I didn't want to reveal the truth—to let her know that I was a rejected mate and how I was almost sentenced to death by my pack. I couldn't afford to be vulnerable again.

"I got lost," I stammered, trying to appear innocent and harmless. "I didn't mean to trespass, I swear." I could tell she was an alpha.

The alpha female studied me for a moment before nodding. "Alright," she said, her voice commanding yet oddly soothing.

"You're running from something, aren't you?" She asked, as if she knew.

Tears welled up in my eyes once again, and I nodded, unable to speak. The pain and exhaustion caught up with me, causing my legs to give way beneath me. But before I hit the ground, she caught me.

"Take her to the healer's tent," she commanded one of the pack members, who had been observing the whole interaction. The pack member nodded, gently guiding me towards the tent as I followed behind the alpha. They didn't seem as cruel as everyone thought they were.

"We are being attacked!" 

I saw the gate flange open, and before I knew what was happening, Evans leaped into his wolf, which threw itself at me.


Narrowly, I slid out from under him as it growled in anger.

"Help me!" I didn't know what to do; I had no fighting skills or powers. I had nothing!

I should have known that my pack wouldn't let me leave. Neither would this pack help me; they just stood there and did nothing. I didn't want to die so quickly.

First, I was cursed for being a useless omega; then I was rejected by my mate; then I was betrayed by my best friend; and now I was about to be eaten by a wolf. I saw a branch on the ground and picked it up, but it was too heavy for me to carry; I was too weak. The wolf smirked at me as it jumped at me again.

With my eyes closed, I waited for the pain, but it never came. I wasn't sure if I should keep my eyes closed or open them. I was really scared.

Keeping my eyes shut, I heard the cries of wolves fighting, and immediately I opened my eyes, which met two shadows fighting, clawing, scratching, and biting each other.

With every punch, blow, and claw scratch, screams and grunts of pain could be heard. The other wolf bit down on Evans' leg until it was sure that the bone was broken, which made Evans scream in pain. After the bigger wolf was sure that Evans had given up, it shifted back into its human form.

"Never lay your hands on her again!" With her alpha voice, she said. After she was given a cloth to cover herself, she walked to me and asked, "Are you okay?" 

My eyes betrayed me, and immediately all I could see was darkness.


I opened my eyes after blinking for a while to adjust to the light, and I was met with a terrifying set of eyes looking back at me, making me shiver and immediately look elsewhere.

"Go on, what do I need to know? Why are you being chased? I am not the true alpha of this pack, and if you don't tell me, I'll hand you over to the authorities." The alpha's voice sounded inside the room I found myself in.

"I ran away from my pack after my mate rejected me. My best friend set me up. That's why I ran away." I sat up to look at her as I said this, only to meet the most beautiful face I had ever seen. I knew I was no match for her.

She was so beautiful; she had a shade of gray eyes. Her chestnut brown hair framed her face in wild waves that cascaded down her slender back.

Her skin was a pale ivory; she had a lean yet statuesque body; her legs were graceful and long, leading up to a figure that seemed almost unreal. Her curves were gentle, and her bosom was not overly pronounced but still entrancing.

"If you don't mind, I'll leave now." I was about to stand up when she said, "Ever had a friend?"

What a question! I thought, Why was she asking? But still, I answered, "She died."

"I'm sorry about that; I can be your new friend. Everyone sees me as an alpha, so one speaks freely with me; my bestie is almost an exception." The alpha said that, and I smiled. "Sure."

"We are actually having a party for the unmated; do you want to come along?" She asked.

"Yes." I grinned; it was obvious that she was keeping me close to see if I had ulterior motives.

"By the way, I am Jess, and you are?" She gave me her hand for a handshake.

"I am Ava, ma'am."

"Jess." She pointed at me.

"Oh Jess." We both laughed as we went out.

She seemed to be a kind person, but I didn't know that I wasn't seeing her for who she was.

"Jess, do you think I would be welcomed here?" I wanted to be sure I wouldn't lose my freedom for anything, and as much as I owed Jess my life, I definitely wouldn't play with my life.

"Don't worry, I know someone who knows the alpha of the pack, and I think I might let you stay, but you still have to go through rituals to be one of us." She said that, and I nodded.

"I guess your mate is that'someone' who knows the alpha?" I asked her.

"No, I am that'someone' who knows the alpha. He is my chosen mate."

I was taken aback for a moment. If both alphas merge to be one, then they would be stronger than ever. The mere idea of a female Alpha was something my old pack scoffed at like it was a myth.But here, in front of me, stood one of the rarest beings in the werewolf pack. 

As she spoke, we walked through the pack; it was quite a different view.

She was quite open with me for someone she just met, and wow, I wasn't going to let my guide down.

"Let's go get you ready for the party," she said, and so we did.

After a while of walking, we finally reached their pack house.

In front of me stood a beautiful house that showcased an impressive display of wealth. The exterior was adorned with grand architecture, such as elegant columns and large windows with ornate frames. The sprawling grounds were meticulously landscaped, featuring manicured gardens, a sparkling pool, and a charming gazebo. I was in awe; I had never seen anything like that.

"Jess, you're back!" A voice echoed from inside the house, and as we went inside, Jess kept her smile on, as if she knew exactly who it was.

"Who have you brought with you?" A lady with blue eyes, a round face, pale skin with no scars like mine, and black, long, beautiful hair walked out.

I felt intimidated, and sure enough, I knew she was trouble.

"Cat, meet Ava, my new friend; Ava, meet Katrina." The lady came even closer. "You're friends with a dirty omega?"

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