
Chapter 7: withdrawal

I waited anxiously for the doctor to arrive, my heart still racing. What was happening to Ava? Why was she fainting like this?


The door burst open, and the doctor rushed in. "What's going on? What are the symptoms?" He asked, his eyes scanning Ava's limp form.


"She fainted again," I replied, my voice tight with concern. "I don't know what's wrong with her."


The doctor nodded, his face serious. "Let me examine her."


I stepped back, allowing the doctor to work, even though I was still quite protective. I didn't like how close he was to her. He checked Ava's pulse, her breathing, and her eyes. Finally, he turned to me.


"What is it?" I demanded. "What's wrong with her?"


"I think she's going through withdrawal." The doctor hesitated for a while.


"Withdrawal?" I drew the word, confusion etched on my face. "What do you mean?"


The doctor sighed. "She has been drugged, Alpha Ethan. Someone's been controlling her and trying to keep her submissive. And now that she's free, her body's going through withdrawal."


I felt a surge of anger; I felt like I could kill at that moment. Who had done this to my friend? And why?


The doctor continued. "We need to get her through this. It won't be easy, but I'll do everything I can to help her."


"Do it. Whatever it takes. I won't lose her." I nodded, my jaw clenched.


The doctor nodded and administered a series of drugs to help Ava manage her withdrawal symptoms.


At first, she was agitated, her body shaking, and her eyes wild. But as the days passed, she began to calm down, her body slowly adjusting to the absence of the controlling drugs.


But as she grew stronger, she began to hide from me. She would avoid me at all costs, refusing to meet my eyes or speak to me.


"Ava, please," I begged, following her as she fled to the farthest corner of the room. "Talk to me. What's going on?"


She shook her head, her eyes wide with fear. "I can't, Alpha. I can't trust you."


I felt a pang of hurt. "Ava, I'm your mate. I would never hurt you. Why won't you trust me?"


She laughed, a bitter sound. "You don't understand, Alpha. You don't know what it's like to be controlled or trapped. I can't trust anyone. Especially not an alpha like you."


"Ava, I know I'm an alpha, but I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. Just talk to me, please." I sighed, trying to understand.


But she just shook her head and turned away, hiding from me once again.


Days turned into weeks, and Ava continued to hide from me. I tried everything to reach her and get her to trust me. But she refused, her walls firmly in place.


I was at my wit's end, unsure of what to do. But I knew I couldn't give up. I had to keep trying, no matter what.


Because I knew that Ava was my mate, and I couldn't lose her, not for anything.



I sighed, frustrated. "Ava, please. You have to talk to me. What's going on?"


She shook her head, her eyes welling up with tears. "I can't, Alpha. I just can't."


I gentled my voice, trying to coax her into opening up. "Ava, what's wrong? Is it Jess? Are you feeling guilty about what happened between us?"


She nodded, a sob escaping her lips. "Yes, it's Jess. I can't hurt her, Ethan. She's my friend, my only friend. And I haven't seen her since... since everything happened."


I frowned, concerned. "Ava, Jess is okay. She's just hurt, that's all. And she'll get over it. But you have to talk to me, Ava. You have to tell me what's going on."


Ava shook her head again, her eyes flashing with determination. "No, Ethan. I won't hurt her. I won't betray her trust like that."


"Ava, you're not betraying her trust. You're just telling me the truth. And I need to know the truth, Ava. I need to know what's going on in your head."


Ava looked up at me, her eyes searching mine. "You don't understand, Alpha. You don't know what it's like to be controlled or trapped. You don't know what it's like to have your mind manipulated or betrayed by your closest friend; I can't do that to Jess Alpha."


“Can you just call me Ethan?” I said, and she flinched away.


I took a step closer, my voice soft. "Ava, I may not know what it's like, but I'm trying to understand. And I'm trying to help you. But you have to meet me halfway, Ava. You have to trust me."


Ava looked away, her eyes welling up with tears again. "I want to trust you, Alpha and Ethan. I really do. But I just can't."


I knew I couldn't give up. I had to keep trying, no matter what.


Ava looked up at me. "Please, can you go get me a glass of water?" she said, her voice cracking.


I raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Okay, Ava. I'll get you a glass of water."


I turned to leave, but as soon as I was out of sight, I heard a faint rustling sound. I spun around, my eyes narrowing as I saw Ava trying to sneak out of the room.


"Ava, what are you doing?" I demanded, my voice low and angry.


She froze, her eyes wide with fear. "I... I just needed some fresh air," she stammered.


I strode towards her, my eyes blazing with anger. "Don't lie to me, Ava. You were trying to run away." My wolf was trying to take control, to mark her there and then.


She tried to dodge me, but I was too quick. I caught her by the arm, my grip tight. "You're not going anywhere, Ava. You're going to stay right here and face whatever it is that's going on."


She struggled against me, but I held her firm. "Let me go, Ethan!" She shouted.


But I just pulled her closer, my voice low and menacing. "You're not going anywhere, Ava. You're mine, and I'm not letting you go. Is that too hard for you to understand?!"


“I’m trying my best, but now it's either you accept me as your mate or I'd send Jess out of the pack, so you better choose.” 

With that said, I walked out of the room.

I mean, what did she take me for?

As I walked out of the room, I heard Ava's faint whisper. "Ethan, please..."

But I didn't turn back. I was angry and frustrated. I didn't understand why she couldn't trust me, why she couldn't see that I was trying to help her.

But as I reached the door, I heard a faint thud. I turned back to see Ava collapsed on the floor, her eyes closed and her body limp.

I rushed back to her side, my anger forgotten. "Ava, Ava, wake up!" I shouted, shaking her gently.

But she didn't respond. She was out cold, her body trembling with withdrawal symptoms.

I felt extremely guilty. I had been too hard on her. I had pushed her too far.

I scooped her up in my arms, cradling her like a child. "I'm sorry, Ava," I whispered, my voice soft. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you through this."

And with that, I carried her back to the bed, holding her close as she trembled and shook.

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