
Chapter 4: My Crown 

I froze at that spot, feeling a surge of anger rise within me. I didn't know how to react or what to say.

"You brought an omega as your friend," she sniffed at me and continued, "the lowest of all omegas, really?"

How dare she insult me like that? I clenched my fists, but before I could respond, "Katrina, watch your tone," Jess warned, her voice firm but controlled. "Ava is my guest, and she deserves some respect."

Katrina scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Respect? For an omega? Ugh, please, that's disgusting."

I could feel my blood boiling, but Jess placed her hand on my shoulder. "Katrina, I won't tolerate any disrespect towards Ava or any member of this pack, and you know that. Remember your place."

Katrina's eyes flashed with anger, but she complied, albeit reluctantly. "Fine," she muttered, glaring at me before storming off.

"I apologize for her behavior," Jess said sincerely. "Katrina can be difficult sometimes."

I nodded, trying to shake off the encounter. "It's alright. I'm used to it."

"Let's go over to my room and get you all dressed up for the party," she said. As we walked, we both giggled.

After we reached her room, she immediately ran to her locker and got me a couple of dresses I could choose from. Her room wasn't as beautiful as the others, but it still had its charm.

"I think you need a shower first," she said and nodded, pointing at the washroom.

"Thank you," I smiled.

I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my chest. I sat down in front of the vanity and started washing my face and brushing my teeth. Once I finished that, I walked out of the room.

"I'll add a little bit of makeup to you," she said, standing up and coming over to my side. She started applying makeup, which felt a bit strange to me. After that, she took my hair out of the bun it was lazily put in. She straightened my hair and combed it neatly.

I put on the dress she chose and placed the mask on my face. Then I slipped on the shoes and jewelry she gave me.

"Oh, isn't that our dirty omega? Jess, one word for you both: you can't force a pig to act all horsey." Katrina walked into the room.

"Why are you here?" Jess asked, rolling her eyes. "Am I being replaced by this low life?" She asked.

"Oh my gosh, please stop all of this you're doing!" Jess frowned. "Jess, I'd just take a walk aside. I'd be back.

I could sense the tension in the room as Katrina and Jess exchanged words. It felt uncomfortable to be caught in the middle of their argument. I decided it was best to give them some space and stepped outside, closing the door behind me.

As I walked down the hallway, trying to clear my thoughts, I could hear their voices drifting from the room. It seemed like their argument was escalating.

"You always defend her!" Katrina's voice echoed.

"Because she's my friend, Katrina," Jess replied, "I won't let you belittle her or treat her with disrespect."

"She's just an omega," Katrina scoffed. "She doesn't deserve our respect or your protection; can't you see she's always taking you from me?"

After roaming around, I went back to the room and said, "You're back. I've been waiting for you. Let's go," she said immediately after I stepped into the room.

"You might find another mate at the party," Jess grinned.

"I don't need another mate." I shivered as the memories of my mate's rejection came flooding into my head.

"Our ride is here; let's get going," she said, and once again I smiled as we got into the car.

During the car ride, I had the pleasure of meeting many other girls, and she introduced me as her close friend.

"It's not my first year participating; is it yours?" A girl named Bella, the pack beta's daughter, asked Jess.

"No, it's not my first year either, but this time I am not going to find my mate, but hers," she giggled, pointing at me.

"That's the last rule. If you don't meet your mate in your first year, you have to come again until you do. But this year, I hope we'll be having a special guest," Bella said.

"I hear that he's never come to one of these parties before," another girl named Gana, who was the pack gamma's daughter, joined in the conversation. It seemed she knew who Bella was talking about.

"So, he's like our age?" I asked.

"No! He's like 30, much older," I blinked, "that means he hasn't found his mate? What makes him special?" I asked.

"You don't know him?" They asked in unison.

"No, I don't know who you guys are talking about," I muttered.

"We mean Alpha Ethan," Gana said.

I shrieked in shock. "Goddess no! He belongs to Jess here," I said, and they both looked at me.

"But the rules... He's a rule-breaker, I guess. Anyways, we ain't sure he's coming." Bella rolled her eyes at me as I laughed.

"Do you know who Jade's mate is?" Gana asked, looking at Jess.

"I'm pretty sure it is Alpha Jack."

Gasps filled the car.

"Who is that?" I asked them, blinking with anticipation.

"The Alpha Jack celeb. He's the most feared Alpha related to our pack after our Alpha. He's a monster. Stories about him circulate in my pack every month. This month, he killed a family of four because they didn't obey him. What kind of man does that?" Bella snorted.

"But isn't he like a hottie? Hehe," Jess grinned.

"I don't know! If I get ten feet to him, he might kill me!" Gana shivered.

"Stop exaggerating!" Jess laughed. I could only listen to them. I knew I wasn't going to find my mate because I already knew who he was.

"No, if he can kill his parents, he can kill me," Bella concurred.

"How come none of us heard about his appearance, but we know who was mated to him?" Gana pouted.

"I don't think that's our business, right?" I said, and Gana rolled her eyes, and we all laughed at her words.

"What if someone like him is your mate?" Jess laughed, pointing at me.

"HE ISN'T! You know I can't find a mate here; you know that."

"The chance of us finding our mate is about eighty-seven percent, so why do you think you wouldn't get yours?" Gana asked.

"Can we not talk about it?" I knew they were talking with me because of Jess, and I didn't want them to look down on me even more.

"I don't want to remember that. Let's not spoil your day." I smiled at them, making them force out a smile too.

We stopped at a more beautiful building and got out of the car. All the other girls started screaming and yelling with joy as we reached the entrance. "Girls, when you get into the ball, please sit where your number is, and don't move until instructed to do so. And lastly, have a wonderful night." A woman welcomed us and gave us all the numbers.

We all exited the reception. "We're here," Gana laughed.

Bella joined her. "Are you ready?" she asked. Jess looked at me sadly and shook her head. "Don't worry, babe, you'll be fine," she encouraged me. She smiled at me, and we proudly walked into the hall to attend the first mating party I've ever been to.

I looked around the party hall as we entered; it was beautiful.

"Welcome to our 30th mating party! Ladies and gentlemen, put on your masks! Now, may we have all the ladies come up here?" A woman, who I think was the MC, grabbed our attention. We all stood up and went to the stage. "Okay! We will be rating you on your strength and beauty to impress your mate." I just sat in my seat as I watched them participate, along with Jess, who also wasn't interested in finding another mate.

The MC continued calling the names while I secured my mask on my face.

Once she was done calling all the names, we all went down to the dance floor and had our first dance. "Gana, I'm enjoying it." I blinked when I saw her walking away with a red-haired man. I smiled at her and gave her a thumbs-up, then went back to my seat. I was the only girl sitting down; Jess and Bella were busy dancing too.

"Oh my gosh, he came!" I heard girls gasping at the entrance, but I didn't care. I just wanted to be done and leave. I was feeling oppressed.

Then a smell hit me hard. It was a mist of rose and vanilla. The smell intoxicated me, leading me to the entrance where the girls were gathered. "Mate?"

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