
Chapter 5: Mate

Ethan's POV...

The night was dark and quiet in the territory of the Silver Moon Pack. As the fierce and dominant alpha, I prowled through the dense forest accompanied by my guards. A heavy sense of responsibility weighed on my broad shoulders as I patrolled, ensuring the safety of my pack.

"Alpha, everything seems calm tonight," one of the guards reported, breaking the silence of the night.

I scanned the area with my black eyes and nodded in acknowledgment. "Stay vigilant. We're having a party, and we need to be smart," I replied firmly. Deep down, I longed to rest, but as the alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, I had to uphold my duties. I was known as the most feared alpha, although I didn't see anything scary about myself compared to Jack, my best friend.

I looked around, scanning for Jess, my chosen mate, but she was nowhere to be found. Just then, the most beautiful smell hit me—strawberries and earth. I couldn't ignore it. My wolf kept yelping at the back of my head, recognizing it as the scent of our mate. I followed the smell.

"Mate! Mate!" My wolf kept urging me.

At first, it led me home, but the closer I got to the owner of the smell, the farther away it seemed to go. The scent grew fainter as I shifted into my wolf form and started running, following it wherever it led me.

It led me to the mating party, a gathering I had never attended before. Parties weren't my thing, and the same went for Jack. We were practically twins from different mothers, the only difference being that I was stronger and calmer, while he was more aggressive and quick to anger.

As I walked inside, following the scent, I saw Jess, but I wasn't there for her. I paid no attention to her, and instead, my eyes fell upon the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was wearing a strapless fishtail gown that accentuated her curves in all the right places. The deep shade of emerald green shimmered in the light, illuminating her smooth skin. With each movement, her hips swayed sensually, causing the long tail of the dress to follow suit.

The owner of the scent stopped in her tracks as her eyes met mine. She stared at me in surprise, clearly not expecting an alpha like me to be her mate. The way the gown accentuated her hourglass figure left me mesmerized—she was a true vision of beauty. As she twirled towards me, her hair swept elegantly to the side, exposing her slender neck and delicate features. The sight was breathtaking, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought that other men had seen her before I did. Her beauty surpassed Jess's. This girl was my weakness.

"Mate!" I exclaimed, capturing everyone's attention, including a bewildered Jess.

My mate's eyes widened, fear evident in them. She took two steps back and turned away from me. I couldn't fathom it. I expected her to run over and give me a tight hug, but she did the opposite.

She began walking away, and I couldn't let my mate leave me without a word. So, I ran after her. "STOP!" I commanded, using my alpha voice. As an Alpha, I had full control over her.

She stopped and turned around, closing her eyes as she waited for something. She expected me to say something, but what? "What are you doing? Where are you running to?" I questioned.

She opened one eye and then the other. "I was waiting," she stammered. I rolled my eyes, growing impatient. "Spit it out. I don't have much patience."

"I was waiting for you to reject me,"

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