

Sergio was ride his horse back to their castle with one hand on the wheel and the other rubbing soothing circles into Serena's thigh. Her eyes were closed but he could tell that she was half awake, half asleep just by watching the way her chest moved up and down as she breathed.

He was relieved that the journey had been short, so that he wouldn't have had to carry her around everywhere. It had taken him quite some time to persuade her to come with him but eventually she had conceded and he was able to take her home safely.

After they had parted ways, Serena had gone straight to her room, claiming that she wanted to rest after everything that had happened, not wanting to meet Sergio again until tomorrow.

So it had taken her the entire night to fall asleep despite how tired she had been when she came home earlier that evening. At least she had managed to sleep in this time. This was the first time that she had actually slept peacefully in weeks.

She had woken up several times througho
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