
Getting to meet mommy

'Waw, for someone this good-looking, you are definitely very rude'.

I said to myself.

Although I had concluded this in my head, I still could not stop looking at him which was weird as I do not remember the last time I admired a man like this.

His hair was a bit clumsy as though he ran his hands through it a couple of times, his shirt had its buttons opened to the third line and he kept his hands in his pocket making him look like a fallen god. He was about a head and a half taller than me, so I would have to raise my head a little bit when standing close to him.

I walked toward him and sat on the chair opposite where he was seated.

When we were both settled, he picked up a document on his side stool and passed it to me, using the table between us.

"Sign them".

I looked at the papers and looked at him again then I took the papers and started going through them. At first, it was pretty confusing because it wasn't what I was expecting but then, it got worse.

I kept looking at the paper with my eyes wide open and I was so close to it as thought I was going to go into it any time soon.

I looked at him as though he said something really crazy which he obviously did.

"What is this, why do I have to sign something like this"?

He looked at me with his usual cold gaze and said.

"Don't tell me you can't read".

I just looked at him with the expression that said 'What the hell, is this dude for real?'

"I can read clearly and that's the more reason why I'm not going to sign this crap. Why would I want to get married to you"?

I said as I flung the documents on the table.

"You were already informed before time, sign the papers and stop wasting both our time.

'Waaa I'm so tempted to hit this crazy guy right on the nose. He is the worst when it comes to words'.

"I didn't know I was coming to get married, I thought my job was to babysit".

Unable to stand the conversation, he stood up, took his phone, and left the study.

Soon after he came back with another good-looking man.

They both took their respective seats and I also remained seated. The other man who just walked in had pretty black hair with sharp facial features but he looked way warmer than the other man.

"Ehm... Hi, Ayla"?

I looked at him, as I didn't know who he was but he knew my name. I quickly shoved it off, thinking he knew because of the job.


I replied.

"This is Alexander Michaelson, he is the CEO of the Michelson Cooperatives, MN Groups, and the president of Safe Haven Hotel. He also owns a few more businesses in and out of the country, als..."

I rolled my eyes, not knowing what I needed this information for. There was no way I'd marry this man.

"Why are you telling me all this"?

I asked as I was in no way interested in the man seated there.

"Pardon? Ahh well, the thing is... I thought you might want to know him better since he doesn't have a good way with words and the contract suggests you know each other to an extent".

I sighed. In case you are thinking I am the same Ayla from six years ago, you are very wrong. I have changed, obviously for the better, I am no longer that naive and innocent girl who let the world trample on me.

I agree that I wasn't very strong yet, but I was definitely not where I was before.

"What about you? Who... are you"?

I asked the guy who has been speaking since.

"Ahh well, this is not about me but my name is Devon. I'll be here to assist you whenever you need me to".

"I don't need your assistance, Mr. Devon, I won't be signing any contract".

The two men looked at me at the same time. Then the mouthpiece, Devon spoke again.

"How much do you want"?

"Waw... you think this about the money huh"?

I said and rested my back against the chair.

"How much can you offer"?

I asked and I noticed the surprise on Alexander's face. It was subtle, but it was there.

Devon saw it as an opening and spoke again.

"You just need to do this for six months and you'll get an apartment fully in your name and ten million dollars".

As soon as I heard this, I sat upright.

"So you are telling me, I'll get that if I get married to him"?

He nodded and I said

"I'm in".

I wasn't really the Virtus kind of woman anymore plus, with that amount, I can build up my life in no time.

"Really, you'll do it?"

"Mmm, but, why does he need a fake wife"?

I asked and this time around, it was Alexander who spoke.

"You would have been able to grab that if you read the document properly".

He said and trying to recall, I immediately opened up my mouth.

"Ahh! Okay, I get it. It's because of your daughter".

I said and he closed his eyes, probably trying to hold himself back.

"Okay cool, I'll get married to you".

I took the pen and read through the documents again. When I saw that all he mentioned was stated there, and even more, I signed.

I didn't just sign this because of the money, I signed this because I didn't really have a choice.

After coming back two years ago, my father blocked all parts for me to get a job. No company would hire me even with my excellent results, I wasn't getting a job, I wasn't getting any experience and I wasn't interested in getting married so I knew this would not affect me.

As soon as I was done, we headed to the court and before I could decipher what was going on, I was married to this man, Alexander Michaelson.

Getting back to his place, I heard someone shout.


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