
I need a wife

Six years later, Alexander was sitting with his beautiful daughter, Malia on the dining table, having breakfast when he heard the tiny cute girl sigh.


She sighed a bit loudly so that her dad would hear.

"Is there something you want to say to me, princess"?

She looked at him for a while before speaking.

"Daddy? When can I meet mommy"?

She asked innocently as she knew he hated this conversation.

"Don't get me wrong Dad, I'm a big girl now, and big girls need their mothers. There are things I won't be able to tell you or grandma".

She said hurriedly but her dad just chuckled.

"A big girl huh"?

After the baby was found by his door, he had them run a DNA test on her. At first, he wanted to discard the baby and send her to an orphanage, thinking it was probably someone trying to pull a fast one on him. But, he just couldn't bring himself to do so, and his younger brother, Devon insisted they run the test to have no regrets.

So, he decided to have a DNA test and it came out positive with a 99% parental relationship. After It was confirmed that he was the father of the child, he gave her everything and anything she ever needed.

She also grew to be a very smart child and although he tried to look for her mom with all the resources he had, he just couldn't find her.

Alexander tried to ignore the topic, but his daughter kept staring and waiting for an answer.

"Malia, come on, I already told you, your mom isn't in the country and..."

"Is she dead"?

Malia asked, causing her father to pause and look at her.

It was safe to say that so far, Malia was the only person on earth who was ever able to render her father speechless.

"Or... doesn't she want me"?

Malia asked as tears began to build in her eyes. Alex could understand, he had constantly given her excuses for years now, and knowing his daughter, it was only normal for her to think like she was already a teenager.

Alexander stood up and walked towards her. Bending down towards her chair, he looked at her already tear-filled face and spoke.

"She did not abandon you and no, she isn't dead".

Alex has been tempted several times to tell her that her mom was dead. But he was worried the woman would just show up one day.

Today, more than ever, he regrets ever telling her that her mother was still alive. But since he had said it, there was no way he could take it back.

With a heavy sigh, he bent his head, thinking of what he could possibly tell her.

"This was supposed to be a surprise but... your mom is coming back this weekend".

As soon as he was done talking, Malia's face lit up.

"Really!!? Are you telling the truth, Dad"?

She asked and he gave a faint smile as he nodded.


But her next reaction baffled him. She immediately became confused as she spoke.

"This is not good, I need to make my hair and decorate my room. Ahh!! Dad!! Why didn't you tell me earlier? There's so much I need to do".

She said and began running upstairs, totally forgetting her meal.

Alex looked at her as she ran upstairs and immediately brought out his phone. Soon enough, his phone connected to another and he spoke.

"Meet me in my office, now".

He said and began walking out of his house.

When he got to the office, Devon was already there, waiting for him.

"You are finally here, you know I thought you'd be waiting for me instead".

Devon said but his brother ignored him and just went ahead to hang his coat.

Sitting, he spoke.

"I need a wife, I don't really care who she is but she shouldn't be a public figure and she should never mistreat my daughter".

Alexander said, without wasting any time.

"Hold on, did you just say you need a wife"?

Devon asked as he could not believe his ears.

"Can you do it or not"?

Alexander asked, with no intention of repeating himself.

"When do you need her"?

"By tonight".

Devon looked at his brother in bewilderment.

"You've got to be kidding me".

He said.

"Oh and by the way, if anyone else finds out about this, you are dead. Especially Malia".

Devon already knew this had something to do with Malia, if not, his brother would definitely not want anything like this.

'hehe, I don't know what you did Mali but I like it'.

He, thought to himself as he rushed out of the office, taking out his phone to call someone. When the line connected, the person spoke.

"And why is the county's playboy calling me"?

The lady on the other end of the phone spoke.

"Hi Celine, can we meet"?


She said and was about to end the call when Devon quickly spoke.

"Your friend!! I think I got your friend a job".

Celine could be seen at a salon, getting her hair and nails done, she had grown into a very beautiful and endowed lady.

"Where do you want to meet"?

She asked and soon enough, they were both sitting in a cafe.

"So, what job do you have for Ayla"?

Celine was well known for being the daughter of a wealthy politician who beats guys up. Her family was much more wealthier than Ayla's, and that's why Ayla's father never insulted or ridiculed her. At least not in front of her.

About three hours later, Celine and Ayla were standing in front of a humongous gate.

"You have got to be kidding me".

Ayla said as she kept looking at the gate.

"Let's just hear them out".

Celine insisted and Ayla didn't complain much since she was already here.

On getting inside, Celine was asked to wait while Ayla was directed to Alexander's study.

When she got inside, she could see his back as he was facing the window.

Turning around, Ayla could not deny that this was probably the most handsome man she had ever set her eye on.

She was still admiring him when she heard him speak.

"Sit and let's talk, that is... if you're done looking".

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