
The Perfect Marriage Contract
The Perfect Marriage Contract
Author: GreyShade

Ayla and Alexander

Sitting up on the hospital bed, with her eyes opened and tears silently falling, Ayla heard the doctor speaking to her best friend, Celine.

"I'm sorry, we lost the child".

Ayla could not believe that after everything she went through, she ended up losing her child.

Ayla is just twenty years old and about seven months ago, she attended her boyfriend Daniel's birthday party in a very luxurious hotel, only to get drunk and get pregnant mysteriously.

After what happened to her, her boyfriend Daniel said it was his child and that he was ready to take responsibility.

Ayla was happy, thinking the baby was Daniel's. She ignored the insults coming from her father, stepsister, and stepmother. But, two days ago, she was about to open the door to her room when she heard her boyfriend and stepsister, Sasha speaking.

"Daniel... when are you going to tell her"?

Ayla opened the door a bit more to see them and her eyes opened wide.

Daniel and Sasha were both cuddled on the bed and Daniel was looking at Sasha with so much passion. He was looking at her sister with the gaze she had been hoping to see for months now.

Holding Sasha passionately in his arms, he spoke.

"I'll tell her everything as soon as the child is born".

Sasha grumbled, probably showing that she couldn't wait anymore.

"Come on Sasha, I already told everyone I was the father of the child. Besides, you know I only did that to cover up for you. If I breakup with her now, it wouldn't speak well of me. As soon as the child is born, I'll ask for a DNA test, then no one will be able to pin anything on you".

Ayla could not believe what she was hearing. She could not believe that the guy she had loved ever since she was probably eight years old could do this to her.

Due to the shock, she began getting contractions and was rushed to the hospital.

Seven months pregnant, she could hear her heartbeat from her ears. Her body was burning hot like volcanic lava. She held Celine tightly as she groaned in pain as they got to the hospital.

Since it wasn't time and her water didn't break, they had to operate on her.

Unfortunately, the child came out weak, and a day later, news broke that her child didn't make it.

None of her family members were in the hospital. The only person with her was her best friend, Celine.

"Doctor, are you saying..."

"I'm sorry ma'am, we tried our best".

Celine covered her mouth with her hand as she kept looking at the doctor as he walked away.

As Ayla's best friend, she knew all she had gone through after getting pregnant. She also knew that Daniel had changed completely. She didn't know how she'd console her friend.

Getting to Ayla's bed, she saw her crying but silently.

"Oh, my baby".

Celine said as she went to hug her.

As soon as Celine hugged her, she began crying even more. This time around, she cried really hard.

"It's okay, cry it all out, cry as much as you want".

It was over thirty minutes before Ayla stopped crying.

"I have to go home".

Ayla suddenly said and Celine looked at her, surprised.

"What are you talking about, you just had surgery".

"I'm fine Celine, I have to go home".

Not waiting for Celine to say anything else, she got off the bed, went to the bathroom, changed, and began walking out of the hospital, unnoticed but of course, Celine saw her.

Taking a cab, she left for her place and Celine followed her.

When Ayla got home, she realized that everyone was seated in the living room. Her father did not look happy at all.

Standing up, her father walked towards her and gave her a resounding slap.

Ayla held her cheek in pain. The slap from her dad did hurt, but not as much as the pain she was already feeling.

Raising her head, she looked around the room and when she saw Daniel holding onto Sasha, she almost lost her mind.

"You cheap slut, I can't believe you tried to pin that thing on Daniel and even though he knew how easy you were, he was ready to accept you and that child of yours".

Her father spat out in anger but Ayla looked at her father and chuckled. Slowly, she began laughing loudly, unable to control her emotions at all.

As she laughed, tears rolled down her eyes. Not wanting to waste any more of his time, her father then spoke.

"Pack your bags, you are leaving the country immediately".

Ayla looked at her father and without saying anything, she walked to her room and began packing up.

She was too tired to say anything and she knew her dad wouldn't want anything to stain his political career.

They didn't let her stay for a minute before sending her off to the airport.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, someone covered with a black hoodie and a mask snuck into one of the richest men's home in the city.

The tiny-looking lady was able to avoid all the security and made her way to his front door. Dropping something covered in a blanket, she immediately dashed away.

A few minutes later, the door opened and a handsome-looking man came into view.

Alexander Michaelson, a multi-billionaire, known for his numerous business successes across the world, he was also known as the number one most eligible bachelors in the entire country.

He is the most sorted-out bachelor in the entire City but also the most unapproachable.

He was about to step out when he saw what was packed in front of his door. To be sure, he bent and opened the covers properly.

His brow raised when he saw a baby. The baby was not crying and there was a note so he took the note and read it.


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