
Chapter 1

I'm surrounded by fluffy clouds. Is this what heaven is like? Then the pain sinks in. I open my eyes and try to sit up but the pain in my stomach stops me. Shit I’m not dead, why am I still alive? I look down and I'm in a sports bra with a bandage wrapped around me. I noticed a beeping noise and noticed I was hooked up to hospital equipment. Strangely, I wasn't in a hospital. Where am I? The room screams expensive. White walls with gold and red accents. The bedding I was currently in was white, which was a horrible interior design. You’re not supposed to have white sheets, everyone knows that as it was like a universal law. A flat screen TV was mounted to the wall in front of me and to my left a desk was placed next to a window that was letting the rays of sunshine in the room, On the same side of the room there were two doors probably leading to the bathroom and closet and on the left another door that probably led out of the room. Where the fuck did I just wake up in, the land of oz? The events of last night flashed through my memories. Those eyes, that man. I’m not dead so where was he?

The bedroom door opens and a very attractive man walks in the room. His dark black hair was combed backwards with the sides cut short, tanned skin with tattoos covering his arms. His face has some facial hair on his chin, a strong jawline and beautiful bright blue eyes. They seemed so familiar but I’ve never met this man a day in my life. Trust me I would’ve remembered a tall dark and brooding man. He's at least 6,4 and built like a machine. I stared at him cautiously as he walked closer to me and sat in the chair next to the bed. He glares at me without saying a word. Great, he already hates me and I’m in his house, or what I was assuming was his house. I looked at him with a bored expression on my face. I could already tell that we were not going to get along well.

"Where am I?" He doesn't respond to my question as he relaxes in the chair still looking at me. His eyes trailed over my face and over my torso as that was all that he could see. Thankfully I was mainly covered so he couldn’t see anything. He didn't look at me like I was a piece of meat which I was thankful for. Usually when a man kidnaps you he’s planning to either kill you or take advantage of you. There was no way in hell either of those were happening. I may be injured but I’m a fighter and if I’m going down then so will he. If I’m being honest with myself it wouldn’t be a long fight as he was twice my size.

"Umm hello earth to psycho." I snap my fingers in his face. He grabs my wrist and leans forward. The calluses on his palm scratched against my soft flesh. His hand was warm against my cold skin, but for once it didn’t burn me in his tight grip. I returned his glare with one just as fierce, he smirked at me like it was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever seen.

"I'm Ace and you're in my house but that's not important. What I wanna know is what you were doing in the forest?" I yank my hand back. His voice was deep and malicious. It added a dark aura around his already intimidating frame and I realized that this was no ordinary man.

"It's none of your business. I will thank you for the medical attention though, but imma be on my way now." I go to get up but he stops me. My eyes snapped to him and looked pissed, I was oblivious to the reason behind his obvious hatred for me, it wasn’t killed I did anything to him.

"Tell me, are you working for the Russians?" Ok so he's insane. I was literally bleeding out, dying, and he thinks that I was faking it.

"What are you talking about? Russians? I don't know any Russians and I certainly don't know who you are Mr.Ace. Who names their kid after a card?" He just smirks at me, finding me amusing apparently. That slight reaction was a lot better than his constant frown that is constantly plastered on his face. I didn’t think he had smiled a day in his life as he had no lines on his face that would show my accusations were false.

"Look I appreciate your help and killing that dick face. But it's time for me to go and we can both get on with our lives." I give him a sweet smile and attempt to stand when the door opens again. I rolled my eyes. Great, more visitors, I just want to get the fuck out of dodge and away from the man sitting infront of me who I was slightly afraid of. It’s human instinct, I still don’t know if he plans on killing me but I’ve got a fifty fifty shot of walking out of here alive. He did save my life after all.

"Oh what now?" I asked, frustrated. Two more men walk through the door and I freeze. Those eyes… I remembered looking in those bright green pools while I took my last breath. Well, what I thought was going to be my last breath. They were as beautiful as I remembered them to be.The man with the green eyes was tall and muscular as Ace but didn't have as many tattoos and his hair was brown and cropped short but was a little longer on the top. The other man was about an inch or two shorter than green eyes. His hair was a dark shade of brown with blue eyes but his were dull, almost gray. He also was very attractive with tattoos but not as many as green eyes and Ace.

"You." I whispered. I raked my eyes over his muscular body and wasn’t ashamed of it. This man was fucking sexy and with the way he carried himself, he was aware.

"I remember you. You carried me out of the woods and killed Francis." I didn't know what to do or what to say. He had to be the most decent person I’d ever met, including myself. But that didn’t say much.

“Damn.” Yep I guess that works, but can you blame me? I'm in a room that was unusually large but with one terrifying man and two insanely gorgeous ones. He smiles and walks with gray eyes coming closer.

“That was actually me.” Gray eyes smiled cockily. The sight of his beautiful face holding that dazzling expression compelled me to return it.

"I'm Cassius." Green eyes interrupted. He looked tough and like someone that you don't wanna mess with, they all do, but the way he looks at me makes me melt in a puddle. Those eyes were soft as they met mine. His voice though, fuck I just creamed myself. It was sultry, any woman would drop to their knees and worship him. If that even makes sense, I mean how can a man's voice sound like that. I swear he was some perfect creature make in a lab to torture women. If I was being honest with myself they were all like that. Was every man in this house sculptured like a Greek god? The last one speaks to ending my inner meltdown.

"I'm Grayson." So apparently Ace is the dick. Fuck I’m glad they they were nicer because I can’t stand Ace.

"What's your name darling?" Grayson asked me. His voice was deep and sexy. It was just as mesmerizing as Cassius’. I don't know if I should trust them but I feel like I can trust the two of them. Definitely not Ace, I wouldn’t leave my goldfish in a room with him for a split second, that is if I had one.

"Asena." I snap out of it and continue to try to get up but Cassius stops me with a hand on my shoulder. I felt like I had died and woken up in someone else’s body from not being burned by their touch. I huffed an annoyed breath and sat back down.

"Don’t fucking lie, I know youre working with Roman. You think you can just walts your little ass in here and trick us? Asena is dead, I guess he forgot to mention that tiny piece of information.” I was breathing hard to try and deepen myself from lunging at him. I played the scene of me killing him in my head to give me some form of relief.

“Why the fuck would I lie about who I am? My name is Asena Sky Vincent! I was born on February 19th 1999 in Savannah Georgia. My parents were Lisa and Ashton Vincent, who were killed on August 15th 2018. I am 24 years old and an only child, I have no relatives and I’ve been on the run for five years, trying to get away from the man who killed my parents! Look it up.” I was panting by the end of my rant and holding back the tears as I was reminded of the day my parents were murdered.

“I think she’s telling the truth.” My glare snapped in Grayson’s direction. I didn't care how attractive and nice he was.

“Of course I’m tell in the Fucking truth. What reason would I have to lie? Francis is dead, I hunted down and killed everyone that was associated with my parents death. Francis was the only one I missed and because I fucked up, the tables were reversed.” Ace still didn’t seem convinced but the other two relaxed in their chairs and waited for him to speak. We stared at each other and when he saw that I wasn’t backing down he sighed, running his hand down his face.

“Ace, she looks just like her, no one could change their appearances that much.” I sat quietly and waited for him to say something, anything. When he met my gaze it wasn’t as vicious anymore.

“Okay, but we’re doing a DNA test so I can be absolutely sure you are who you are. If you are lying, I will lock you up and torture you until I get tired of it an kill you.” That made me a little hesitant but I had no other option but to agree.

“Just so we are on the same page, who is the Asena you are talking about? I don’t want to die if I’m not her. Maybe she is dead.” He was hesitant to answer, still not completely trusting me.

“Twenty four years ago, my mother gave birth to a baby girl and named her Asena Ember King, born on February 19th. My parents had to send her away as it wasn’t safe. My uncle, Sebastian, wanted to take over the family business and they caught wind that he was planning to take the baby and use her as leverage. When Sebastian was dealt with Asena was 16 and was happy. They didn’t want to take her away from her life that she had and so they didn’t.” All I could think of was how sad they must have been to have to send their baby girl away. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did that.

“My father had a falling out with Roman, who is the leader of the Russian mafia. He wanted Asena as calertal because his daughter was murdered by Sebastian. They hid her as well as they could but nothing can stay hidden forever. He found her and had his men salater her adoptive parents and take her. After years of searching we couldn’t find her and assumed that she was killed that night. We never got to see how many bodies there were in the house as they took them and burnt the house down, there was no way of knowing for sure.” My heart ached for him, his parents and the girl that died. There was no way that I was her.

“I can’t be her. My parents killed our home and I ran and never looked back. But I wasn’t adopted. There was proof that I was my parents' child, pictures of my mom being pregnant, ultrasounds, even my birth certificate.” He chuckled, hope lingered in his eyes.

“They found a woman whose baby had died shortly after giving birth and handed her to them. You look like the older version of the 16 year old girl in the pictures my mother kept. That’s why we saved you, even in the dark I recognized you.” Shit, shit, shit. I’m so dead. When the test comes back and I’m not the girl he was talking about, he’s going to kill me.

“Let’s get this show on the road so you can kill me because I’m not her.

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