
The Rage Within
The Rage Within
Author: Ace Of Spades


As I lay on the cold ground, in the middle of the woods. I wonder how my life came to this. I was a good person... somewhat. But for some reason even though I try, good things never happen to me. I’ve done all I could do to change into the person my parents would be proud of. I guess that won't be happening now as I lay slowly dying. My vision becomes blurry from the loss of blood. I press my hand on my stomach to control the bleeding. But it's no use, I'm going to die. There was so much in life that I wasn’t able to do considering the position I was in. I stared up at the night sky watching the stars twinkle. It's almost peaceful. I start coughing up blood. I turn my head to the side to prevent me from choking. I look at the dead body laying next to me. After years he finally got what he deserved. Funny thing was that I could’ve ended this game of cat and mouse a long time ago but for some reason I enjoyed it. I'm glad I’m dying because I don’t have to worry about what I should do with my life now that it's all over.

I'm happy that I lived to see him die. He deserved it. But I envy him. Why did he get a fast painless death? He deserved to suffer. Why couldn't I have a quick death instead of being all pitiful bleeding out on the forest floor? Didn’t I at least deserve that? No, apparently my life was made for suffering and nothing else. Oh well, on the bright side I get to die peacefully. What more could a girl want? I'm not even sure how he's dead. One moment I'm being stabbed in the stomach and the next we both drop to the ground. If I didn't kill him, who did? I assumed that we were the only ones out here in the dense forest, guess I was wrong. Well me running and him chasing me. The possibility of some bystander wasn’t exactly on my mind at the moment.

A figure appears above me. I couldn't see the person's face but I could tell it was a man. Maybe he killed this piece of shit. Hopefully he won't let me die next to him. I don’t want my body to rot next to the piece of shit.I'm not sure who he is but I'm grateful he killed Francis. Stupid ass name by the way. I think his mom hated him. Mommy issues would explain a lot. He was a horrendous looking man and the name only made it wonder the man was single, I know this because the man had been chasing me for so fucking long. I don’t think he had the time to be perusing some unfortunate woman.

The stranger leaned down and picked me up. Oh so he kills the piece of shit and doesn't let me die next to him. He's gotta be the most decent person I've ever met. I would marry him strictly for him trying to save me if it wasn’t for my enevadable death. What a shame. I stare up at him trying to see any part of his face. Black dots dance across my vision as I begin to lose consciousness. A bright light shines on us making my head hurt worse. But I refused to close my eyes until I could see the man who tried to save me. He glanced down at me and I saw the beautiful face of my rescuer. He had the most remarkable forest green eyes. It quickly turned into my new favorite color, I had never seen anything like it on a person. I wish I didn’t have to die, I wanted more time to know this man. I would be happy if all I got was a name that’s all I was asking for but the fates had another plan for me.

He had a strong jawline, face completely clear of any signs of blemishes and perfectly golden skin. Even the small frown he gave me didn’t deter from his attractiveness. Maybe it's from the blood loss encouraging these thoughts but he was absolutely perfect. I couldn’t resist the urge to reach up and place my hand on his cheek. He was taken aback and a look of confusion appeared on his devilishly handsome features. As if he couldn’t understand why I needed to touch him. I giggled and brushed my fingers over the crease of his eyebrows

“Please don’t frown, you’re too beautiful for that and it'll give you wrinkles.” A small smirk twitched on the side of his lips before disappearing. They looked so soft and I would give anything to feel them against my own. I traced my thumb over his bottom lip smiling.

“Thank you.” I wish I could say more but the darkness took over as I lost consciousness. The last thing I saw were those green eyes shining with worry.

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