
Chapter 3

When Bella finally makes it home, she knocks on Evelyn's apartment door. As Evelyn answers the door swiftly, she is taken aback to see Bella. She starts to worry a lot about her condition. Her makeup was all ruined, and her hair was a complete mess.

Her eyes appeared to be crying, as they were puffy and red. Seeing her like this, she felt awful. Evelyn pulls Bella inside the house after giving her a short hug. She asks where she was last night, makes her sit, and gives her a drink of water. Evelyn tried to find her last night, but couldn't.

Her phone and handbag were also with Evelyn, so she could not contact Bella in any way she wanted to. She was quite concerned about this. She had also summoned her boyfriend Jackson to her home, and he was expected to arrive shortly.

Bella bursts into tears as she looks at her friend. It makes her so sad to see her cry this way. Two years ago, she witnessed her friend being broken in the same way, and it took her a long time to recover. It took years, but she is finally backed in the same state she was in two years ago.

Bella cries and tells her friend everything, and Evelyn is furious about Evan's actions. Evan has no right to insult Bella in this manner. Whatever happened between them occurred two years ago, and he cannot insult her like this now that they are divorced.

Evelyn calms Bella and takes her to the bedroom, where she lies down on the bed. She understands that her friend is anxious and exhausted and needs to rest. Maybe she'll feel better after resting for a while.

Evelyn locks the door and proceeds. Bella was lying in bed. She covers her face inside the blanket.

Evan's scathing comments were still ringing in her ears.

“Why do you hate me so much? You should've believed in me. I have wholeheartedly loved you and will always love you, yet your love may have been weak and faded quickly. You couldn't see the truth in the face of a great lie. You believed in your family, but not in love. You should've believed me.” Bella said.

“I have never betrayed you or willingly killed our child. In the same way that you were cheated, I was also cheated. I have also been cheated by your family members, and as a result, my child is not with me today. What is the pain of losing a child? Only a mother knows. No one understands better than her; you are his father, who is why you are suffering, and I am his mother; he was inside me, and I killed him with my own hands; imagine how much pain I am in, and you have left me to bear this pain alone.”


5 years back

Bella was in her final year of college when her father proposed marriage to the son of a well-known businessman in the city. Bella had no objections to this marriage because she had heard a lot about Evan Knight. He was the Knight family's eldest and most capable son. Bella has always had a crush on him. She has liked him since she was a child. Her marriage was finally fixed, which made her quite joyful.

After the lecture, Bella and her friend Lisa go to a local cafe for some time. Then she receives a text message on her phone. This message came from Evan, who wanted to take her on a secret date, and Bella was really excited about it. She says goodbye to Lisa and begins to walk out when she bumps into someone.

When she looked at the man, she knew he was the most spoiled boy in her college, whom Bella hated.

Because this boy used to annoy her, she starts leaving, but he grips her hand.

“Adrian, leave my hand,” she said firmly.

“I didn't hold your hand to leave; will you have coffee with me?” Adrian said.

“I am not interested in having coffee with you, okay, and I have told you many times that I have no interest in you. Stay away from me. Please leave my hand. I have to go. Someone is waiting for me,” she said.

He holds Bella’s hand and pulls her towards him. She hits his chest, and they both look into each other's eyes. Bella was not at all interested in him, but he always tried to approach her.

“What is it about your boyfriend that I don't have? I told you that I liked you, so why don't you go on a date with me? What is lacking in me? Don't you find me handsome? Am I not good? Am I not rich?” he said.

“What nonsense are you talking about? To go on a date with someone, both of you must like each other, and I have made it apparent that I do not like you, not because you are not attractive or because you lack money. I sincerely do not like you. To love someone, a heart connection is required. I love someone else; why don't you see it?” she said.

“Give me a chance, and you will fall in love. I pledge to always keep you happy. Why don’t you understand me?” he said.

“Look, I'm becoming late. Please let me leave. I don't have time to listen to all of your bullshit,” she angrily said.

“You think my words are meaningless and my love is a lie,” he said.

“Listen carefully; my marriage has been amended, and I am in love with someone else, so forget about me; nothing can happen between us, okay?” she said.

Before he can say anything else, the door opens, and a man enters. They're both astonished to see him. He slowly releases Bella's hand, and Bella rushes towards the man and hugs him.

Adrian looks at the man. The man smiles as he kisses Bella. Bella smiles at him. The man's gaze falls on Adrian.

Evan asked Adrian, "What are you doing here?" He turned to face Adrian and approached him. Bella was astonished and stared at both of them. Adrian walks up to Evan and smiles. Adrian: How are you doing, elder brother? Bella is astonished to hear this. Are you two brothers? Bella asks Evan: Yes, he is my younger brother. I think you both studies at the same college, right? Adrian nods.

Bella was perplexed as to why she had not known this, and the brother of the person she was about to marry was flirting with her brother's future wife and inviting her on a date. What kind of man is this?

Evan held her waist and said, “It’s getting late, so we should leave.”

Evan says to Bella, and they are about to leave when Adrian appears behind them and whispers discreetly into Bella's ear.

Adrian whispered to her, "Welcome to the family!”

His statements had a weird quality to them that made Bella uncomfortable. After hearing this, she becomes nervous and glances at him.


Evan and Bella were in each other's arms, watching the sunset. This was their private beach, which Evan purchased specifically for Bella after learning how much she loved the beach. They used to come here often. There was just one month remaining in their marriage, after which they could live together eternally because they both loved each other so much.

This marriage was arranged, but Evan proposed to Bella, and it was the most wonderful moment of her life. They each kiss each other in the light of the setting sun.

Evan leaves after dinner to drop off Bella at her home. Bella sat quietly in the car, but Adrian's remarks remained on her mind. She didn't want to dwell in the same house as that man at any cost, so she asked Evan.

Bella said, “Can I ask you something?”

Evan replied, “Sure, love, ask me anything; there is nothing to ask.” He smiles.

“Will we have to live in the same house with your family after we marry?” she asked.

“Not at all. I bought a beautiful house for both of us near the seaside. I know you'll love that house. It was a wedding present for you, but I accidentally told you. Sorry,” he said and Bella smiles.

“Okay, I did not hear anything,” she smiled.

Both chuckled.


Both of them marry and move to their ideal home. Both of our families were overjoyed with the marriage, but there was one person who was extremely unhappy.

Adrian was furious, so he moved to the United States for further studies, and Bella was relieved that he was no longer here; at least she would not have to deal with him every day.

Everything was going well in their lives; they loved each other and spent a lot of time together. Evan always made time for Bella, regardless of his busy schedule.

And Bella, as a good housewife, took full care of him. Although Bella had mastered business, she preferred to stay a housewife for Evan at the moment; that is all she cares about.


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