

Nikolai’s POV

“Whether you like it or not, you’re going to the doctor.” I said to a very pouty Lilliana. I knew she needed to see the doctor because it’s been a while.

Despite the fact that I was absent in her life, I always made sure to get the next doctor’s appointment and since I didn’t get the luxury of forcing her to go like I’m doing now, I made sure to entrust it to Andre.

We didn’t talk but he always made sure that she never missed an appointment but she’s been missing her appointments for a while now since we got here.

“I don’t have to go, I’m perfectly healthy and the baby is fine too. I don’t think I have to go.” She protested.

“You’ve been through a lot these past days, Lily, it only makes sense for you to go and see the doctor.” I insisted.

She hissed, ignoring me but also silently agreeing to see the doctor because this back and forth could go on for a while.

She’s been through a lot and I haven’t lived up to the expectations of a father and partner but now, I have to.

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