


As soon as the words had left my mouth, I knew I had fucked up. I needed to talk to her about what she is so that she could learn how to control the release of pheromones. However, I didn’t mean to insinuate that she was a prisoner. I just need her to learn control before she can be around others.

I run my hand up and down my face and then pull my hair a little before slapping the back of my head, as my father used to do when I did something stupid and should have known and done better. I then frown as if there was something else and I remember the look of betrayal on her face. What could I have done to make her look at me like that?

I walk around my sitting room, hissing and cursing. I pick up a couple of things to throw, but then think better of it and return them to their places. I don’t know how long I had been fighting my anger, which shouldn’t have been so high. I link with Sebastian,


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