The W Series

The W Series

By:  Kyran Wolfe  Ongoing
Language: English
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Years of genetic splicing and modifying animals has created creatures beyond the imagination. There is one rule though. Never do it to a human... But all rules are meant to be broken.

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22 Chapters
"In other news, another child has been taken from their home in the Bundello County Area. This makes six kidnapped children between the ages of one to seventeen within the span of a month. Witnesses of the latest kidnapping report seeing a W inked somewhere on the skin of the suspects. It's believed that they could be from a larger child trafficking ring -"Lucinda turned the key, killing the car and opening the door. She went to the back to grab the groceries. She could see her oldest playing video games from the living room window, making her frown. He was supposed to be watching his brother-"Lukas!" She called as she pushed through the front door with full arms. "Lukas, where's your brother?!" "I put him down for a nap like you asked!" The pre-teen called back before he went back to yelling at his game. Lucinda highly doubted her youngest could sleep with that racket. With a sigh, she put the groceries on the counter and headed to her son's bedroom, calling for Lukas to close the
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Chapter 1
They were splicing wolf DNA and inserting it into all the kidnapped children. Nobody in the program knew why, the people never told them. There were rumors. Some of the victims believed they were being turned into weapons for the government. Some thought they were being turned into loyal slaves. Nobody knew the true purpose though... they never would. W-17-D had been there for a good few years now. Aside from the experiments he wasn't treated horribly. He was given three meals a day, toys to play with, friends among the other experimented children, and even an education. He still missed his mom and brother, but his memories were starting to get hazy. He almost couldn't remember what they looked like anymore.He used to look in a mirror to remind himself that they probably looked like him, but he was hardly looking like him anymore. The wolf DNA was starting to take an effect, his ears were starting to reshape themselves and his honey-brown eyes were taking a more golden-yellow hue. E
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Chapter 2
Everyone wished they could get rid of the pain that came with the experiments. No amount of anesthetics could take it away. It never got better, even as years passed. W-17-D wreathed on the operating table, fangs piercing at the gag in his mouth as he tried to scream. He clawed desperately at nothing, his hands couldn't move, not with the restraints. What hurt most was the waist down. He knew they were changing, it was like growing pains but so much worse. He could feel his bones shift and break to fit a new form. He passed out when the firey, stinging pain shot up his spine.That was the day his tail started to grow. At first, he couldn't walk because of the way his legs had changed. Not quite paws, but no longer feet. His toes stretched and pushed up, the middle two now the same length while the pinkie was virtually gone. the rest of the bones in his feet were still humanesque, leaving his walking very unstable at first.The good news was, he had a tail, which helped him to stabili
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Chapter 3
Elaine came by monthly. She called it therapy, but it was so much more than that. She asked a lot about them leaving this place. She needed to know who she could save and who was too far gone. She needed information from them so she could save the others. W-17-D, among a couple of others, showed promising signs. They wanted to leave. They wanted to see the sun, they wanted to feel the grass, they wanted to go somewhere where they didn't have to do experiments and survive. That, she would give them... When the time was right. "You won't tell anyone, right?" The first time was always the hardest. Elaine had been all across the world, meeting other Series and trying to shut them down. Finding children as old as W-17-D who didn't have Stockholm syndrome was hard to come by. The boy was special. "I won't tell a soul, 17." She promised the almost adult. He relaxed a little, his ears folding back uneasily as he retreated to his bed on canid paws. He was very special indeed. Another promisin
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Chapter 4
W-17-D was running laps with a few other hybrids. It was a test of speed and agility for them, but they were supposed to think of it as a game. He didn't think of it as a game. He just knew that the director himself asked for this test and the gym, and so he had to perform at his best, dodging obstacles that were put in his way as fast as he could. It felt natural to him, even though this was his first time. He knew that it was something deep, something instinctive. Something that he wasn't supposed to have, but had anyway. Whatever made the director happy.Michael was indeed very happy. W-17-D was by far his best product made yet. The boy was fast, smart, strong, and agaile, and he would sell for a hefty price when only fifty remained. The perfect combination of man and wolf, Michael was almost tempted to buy the boy himself as his guard dog. Eventually, when they were all sold, he would have to make more, and who better to show them their purpose and protect them than a former experi
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Chapter 5
W-17-D's heart was beating against his chest. He wasn't sure why, but he was anticipating... something. He knew something was coming. He could feel it, and it made him antsy. He had difficulty sleeping because of the instinct that told him he had to be ready. It had been two days now, and he was still alert and wired despite the lack of sleep. He stared tentavely at the door, expecting someone to go through it. He didn't hear anything, though, nor did he smell anyone approaching. He supposed it didn't matter, though. It was gonna happen. He knew it. He recognized the lavender perfume and the Chelsea boots as they approached. The doctor wasn't supposed to be here more than once a month, but her prescence was a welcome surprise... and what he assumed he'd been waiting for. W-17-D was already on his paws and opening the door for her. "You heard me coming, 17?" He nodded. "Are you taking me out?" Dr. Hughes paused before nodding. "We are going to the gymnasium." She replied. He nodded an
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Chapter 6
Elaine sighed. She knew she had to give him answers. She would, Wild deserved to know the truth. "Finish your dinner, and I'll tell you the truth behind why I was at the W Series Compound." She said slowly. Wild stared at her with his dull yellow eyes. Debating on if she was giving it to him straight. After a few moments, he turned away, helping Tiffany nibble away at her own pizza slices. Westley was down a slice and halfway through the other with the napkin covering his nose. "I am not actually a therapist, if you couldn't tell. That was just my cover." Elaine started slowly. "So what, you're like a spy or something?" Westley asked. "Or something. I am an agent. My real name is Elaine Moore." Wild thumped his tail against the chair bars. "You couldn't tell us because we would tell the others. You chose us because we wanted out." He deduced quietly. "Yes, exactly." She smiled at Wild. He didn't return it. "I wanna go home, lady. Can I go home?" Westley pleaded. "Soon, but not yet. Th
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Chapter 7
Wild's sleep was restless that night. It was a new territory, new sounds that made him jolt up despite the closed and locked door. He knew there were still people there despite the early hour, and he was on edge because of it. All in all, he didn't sleep too well. It didn't matter too much. He'd gone a few nights without sleep before as an experiment. At around 6:30, there was a knock on their door. Wild knew I was the man that was with Elaine yesterday. He'd said his name was Richard? Wild also knew he had something. Food was his guess. Despite the conversation he'd overheard about his appearance, Richard genuinely seemed to like him, so Wild got up to get the door.The offer was poptarts, the smores kind. Wild didn't know there was such thing as smores poptarts. He only knew what smores was from the books. "Gotta be honest, I wasn't really sure if you even ate human food with your wolfish appetite!" Wild rose a brow. "We can eat anything a human can." Richard made a show of wiping h
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Chapter 8
They'd been here a few weeks now. Elaine took them to see the sunset and the sunrise each day. Give the poor hybrids some sun. Elaine and Richard asked questions on occasion about what it was like there. Wild was more vague than the other two at first. He just wanted to be done with that place. Wild knew he would have to talk about it eventually, though. Eventually, he started to tell them about the schedule that he'd grown so accustomed to. How they were always in their rooms as they were now and about the gymnasium that acted as their outside time. Then, there were the experiments. He didn't say much about them other than "It hurts."Richard was doing card tricks with Westley and Tiffany. Wild was watching, but he was more interested in the people with Elaine. A couple with Westley's scent on them. It was very old. Another couple with a boy, all carrying Tiffany's scent. The last was a man, nearly ten years older than Wild. "I'm very glad we found you, Mr. Thatcher. I'm sure you alr
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Chapter 9
Wild missed the others. Elaine knew he missed Tiffany and Westley. She knew that he knew they belonged where they were. They weren't as far gone as he was. He couldn't quite go back into human society like those two. He knew, and so did Elaine, deep down. That's why she decided that he would be the one to help save the others. That was the initial plan anyway. Now that the news of the hybrids were out, that meant getting the police involved. Get Jon involved. She was going to have Jon and Wild meet. She would invite him tonight and bring him over tomorrow if he agreed. Elaine stopped by his room, where one of the other employees had brought him something new to read every few days or so. He preferred books over the TV. "Hey, I might be bringing someone over tomorrow, and he's going to ask questions about the facility and the experiments. Is that ok?" Wild looked up from his book. "If it's the first step to freeing the rest, I'll do it." Elaine nodded quietly, bidding Wild goodnight a
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