
Author: Daniel victor


In the dimly lit clearing, amidst the murmurs of the surrounding trees, Ivan Abraham, Alpha of the Blood Thorn Pack, delivered the crushing blow that shattered Nadina Sebastien's world.

“I Ivan Abraham, Alpha of the blood thorn pack rejects you, Nadina Sebastien.” His words, dripping with disdain, cut through the air like a sharpened blade, leaving Nadina clutching her chest as tears streamed down her face. Another scar, both physical and emotional, marred the once unblemished skin of her neck, marking yet another rejection from an alpha.

As the weight of Ivan's rejection settled upon her, Nadina couldn't help but trace the tangled threads of her fate back to her grandfather's actions. Had he not surrendered their pack during the war, would she still be condemned to the role of an omega? The question lingered, a persistent thorn in her side, as she struggled to reconcile her past with her present reality.

The pain of rejection was not new to Nadina; it had become a familiar companion, each blow numbing her a little more. Yet, despite the numbing ache in her heart, she couldn't suppress the bitter laugh that bubbled up from within. Who was she fooling? Deep down, she knew Ivan's rejection was inevitable, a cruel twist of fate she had seen coming from miles away.

Ivan's words, laced with contempt, echoed in her mind as she tried to make sense of it all. "Accept the rejection now," he had spat, his voice dripping with scorn. "You are a disgrace to the wolf race. I refuse to bring doom to my pack by making you, my Luna."

Nadina's gaze flickered to her childhood friend, once a source of warmth and comfort, now a distant figure filled with disdain. His eyes, once bright with love, now mirrored the coldness of Ivan's rejection. The realization stung, a painful reminder of the rift that now lay between them.

"I, Nadina Sebastien, accept your rejection," she declared, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her. With a quick turn, she attempted to flee the suffocation of Ivan's presence, only to be held back by his vice-like grip.

But Ivan wasn't finished yet. His smirk, filled with malice, sent a shiver down Nadina's spine as he propositioned her with a twisted offer. "You may not be my Luna, but you can be my mistress," he leered, his fingers tracing a path of violation along her skin.

The bile rose in Nadina's throat as she recoiled from Ivan's touch, her disgust shown on her face. "I will never be your bed warmer," she spat, her words laced with venom.

"You called me a disgrace, yet now you seek to defile me? I will not be party to your depravity."

Ivan's face darkened at her defiance, his mask of arrogance slipping for a moment to reveal the simmering rage beneath. "You will never be accepted by any male," he seethed, his words a cruel echo of her deepest fears.

"You are an outcast, condemned to a life of loneliness and shame." With a final dismissal, Ivan cast Nadina aside, his words cutting deeper than any physical wound. As she fled from his presence, tears blurred her vision, her footsteps echoing the rhythm of her shattered heart.

Alone in the solitude of her cabin, Nadina allowed herself to succumb to the pain that threatened to consume her. "What did I do wrong?" she whispered, her voice barely a whisper in the oppressive silence.

"Why must I suffer for my grandfather's mistakes?" Tears rolled down her eyes.

The weight of her lineage pressed down upon her. A burden too heavy for her fragile shoulders to bear. Once, she had known happiness, basking in the warmth of her family's love and the respect of her packmates. Now, she was reduced to nothing, a pariah condemned to a life of solitude and scorn.

But Nadina refused to surrender to despair. With a steely resolve, she wiped away her tears and donned her warrior's armor, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead. As she stepped out into the cold embrace of the night, she met Michael, her loyal friend, standing outside her door with a look of concern etched upon his features.

"Nadina, are you alright?" he asked, his voice soft with worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Nadina replied quietly, her gaze fixed on the ground beneath her feet.

But Michael wouldn't let her retreat into the shadows of her pain. With a gentle touch, he lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. "Look at me," he urged, his eyes pleading for her to see the truth in his words.

But Nadina couldn't bear to meet his gaze, couldn't bear to see the warmth and compassion shining in his eyes. "I can't," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her heart.

"I know you're hurting," Michael said softly, his voice a soothing balm against the raw edges of her pain.

 "But you don't have to face this alone. I love you, Nadina. Let me take care of you."

The words hung in the air between them, heavy with unspoken truths and unfulfilled promises. For Michael, it was a declaration of love, a plea for her to let him in. But for Nadina, it was a reminder of all she had lost, a bitter echo of the life she could never have.

"I can't," she whispered, her voice breaking with the weight of her sorrow. "I can't let you throw away your future for someone like me."

But Michael refused to let her push him away. With a gentle touch, he reached for her, his fingers brushing against her cheek with a tenderness that threatened to undo her resolve. "You're not alone, Nadina," he insisted, his voice filled with quiet determination. "I'll stand by your side, no matter what."

But Nadina couldn't bear to hear his words, couldn't bear to face the truth of his love.

“No! I.. ur..I am being called,” With the desperate need for air, she tore herself away from his touch, fleeing into the darkness that threatened to consume her.

Nadina made her way towards the barrier of the pack. She could feel the weight of her loneliness pressing down upon her. The whispers and taunts of her fellow warriors followed her like a shadow, their cruel words a reminder of the isolation she endured.

“Look, she got rejected by the third alpha,” someone laughed as she walked past.

"Her third rejection in five years, it's truly pitiful," remarked another warrior, a sense of pity evident in their tone.

"It seems like the Moon Goddess is constantly testing her."

A third voice chimed in with a speculative tone, suggesting that there might be something inherently wrong with Nadina, despite her family's betrayal. "Perhaps the alphas can't overlook her past," they mused.

Another individual joined in with a derisive laugh, recalling Nadina's failed attempts to become a Luna. "She was supposed to be Luna three times," they jeered, the laughter echoing through the air.

However, Nadina remained resolute in the face of their mockery, refusing to let their scorn break her spirit. With her head held high, she pressed on, determined to prove her worth despite the obstacles in her path.

Meanwhile in the north, outrage flared within the pack as news of an attack on the countryside reached their ears.

“They sent warriors to attack the country side? How dare they!” He shouted.

The Alpha King's fury was palpable as he vowed to retaliate against those who dared to challenge his authority, “we have been quiet for a long time and they thought they could mess with me? I will show them who the Alpha king is,” he smiled sinisterly sending cold shivers down the spine of his board members.

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