

“Ivan how would you join the other packs to do something so stupid! When I was alpha, I tried to maintain peace because I saw the mistake Alpha Alfred Sebastien and how he had to lose his title and people because of it! You saw it too! Then you go ahead and put all of us in danger?!” Rossi, Ivan’s father screamed.

“Father all of us are strong enough to take down that dreaded alpha, he doesn’t even deserve to be there,” Ivan spoke arrogantly.

Ivan's reckless actions drew the ire of his father, who lamented the potential consequences of his son's folly. "What did I do to deserve such a fool for a son?" he wondered silently; his heart heavy with regret.

As Nadina entered the dining room, she was met with disdainful glances and mocking remarks.

“Unwanted luna!” Someone shouted and everyone started laughing. Despite the mockery, Nadina remained unfazed, scoffing at their childish antics before turning away.

“I heard that she is cursed and once you become her mate, her smell repels you,” a maid gossiped.

“How about you spent a few days in the dungeons, maybe your smell will disgust us more than you already do,” Emily to head maid spoke in support of her friend.

“No ma’am,” the maid gasped.

“I am sorry, I don’t want to go to the dungeons,” the maid begged caught off guard by Emily's suggestion, the maid recoiled in horror, pleading for mercy, but Emily just walked away.

“Alpha the warriors are ready, should we send them out now?” the head commander asked alpha Killian.

“I have taught you this a thousand times, you don’t just rush into battles, send spies to survey the land” Alpha Killian said coldly.

“Okay, Alpha,” the guard bowed then he turned around to leave.

“Ivan, Linda is coming her with Alpha Thomas today, please make a good impression and don’t act too arrogant as this marriage will help our pack and it is the best way to create allies.” Rossi, Ivan’s father advised.

“I have heard father, by the way I still have a meeting to attend, I will be back just in time for the engagement,” Ivan replied.

“Unwanted luna, your replacement comes in today, how do you like that,” a warrior laughed.

“Shut up, how dare you talk to Nadina like that!” Michael shouted at the warrior.

“It was just a joke commander, it was nothing serious, plus why are you supporting her. I was only saying the tru…”

The warrior did not finish because Michael punched him in the face and broke his nose.

“If you or any of the other warriors talk about Nadina in any way that shows disrespect, I will cut off your heads,” Michael said angrily.

“Michael it’s alright, I am not offended by it plus I know what kind of jokes they like to play. I have grown accustomed to it and I know how to ignore it.” Nadina tried to calm Michael down.

“Why did you even hit me?! For this nobody? For this trash that every alpha has dumped?” The warrior that Michael had hit shouted and this time Nadina felt hurt but she tried to brush it off while Michael pounced on the warrior.

“Michael stop! I told you I don’t care about what they say,” Nadina scolded Micheal after regaining composure.

“I will meet with the alpha and tell him how you are hitting me because of this bitch!” The warrior screamed furiously with blood in his mouth.

“Where is Nadina?” Ivan asked the maids coldly as they shivered in fear.

“S..Sh..She is inside her room the maid,” said quickly as she bowed her head and ran to the kitchen.

“Very well,” Ivan said in a low voice.

Nadina who had just come out of the bathroom kept thinking of what the warrior said and she couldn’t help but feel extremely sad for her situation.

As she was about to change out of her bath robe into her night gown someone barged into her room.

“Nadina, I heard you are….”

Ivan started but stopped instantly as he stared at Nadina’s beautiful curvaceous body, his eyes instantly filled with lust.

“Alpha,” Nadina said as she hurriedly reached for her robe.

Ivan suddenly remembered the reason why he came to her room and tried to remove the image of Nadina’s insanely seductive body from his mind.

“You are sleeping with my commander!” He accused.

“What? Alpha, I think there is a misunderstanding, I am not sleeping with Micheal,” Nadina rushed out.

“So, you are on first name bases now?” Ivan chuckled darkly.

“You whore! Didn’t you say you could be my mistress then you went to sleep with my commander,” Ivan spat as his eyes shone in anger.

“Alpha, I didn’t sleep with the commander,” Nadina's heart raced with fear as she braced herself for the storm that was about to break.

Ivan stared at her body hungrily still angry that she would agree to sleep with a commander and not him. He quickly moved forward and grabbed Nadina’s wrist pushing her to the wall and pinning her hands above her head.

“A…al…alpha please, please you don’t want to do this,” Nadina stammered in fear, her heart beating fast as she finally understood Ivan’s intentions, with a predatory gleam in his eyes, he advanced upon her.

“Shut up! You don’t tell me what to do,” Ivan said as he groped her pulling her closer and rubbing her against his bulge.

He forcefully put his lips on hers pushing his tongue into her mouth and tasting her while she struggled tears stinging her eyes.

Ivan didn’t care, he could smell her fear and that made him even more excited, he had dreamt of this moment for so long, Nadina had always been his object of fantasy and walking around in her warrior suit with such a pretty face and sexy body. He imagined undressing her and slamming into her until she screamed his name and begged him for some more.

He inhaled as he breathed her in, his hands going to the soft mound of flesh on her chest.

“Ivan please,” Nadina’s voice broke now she was crying.

“So, you would really let that commander touch you and cry when your alpha wants just a taste?” Ivan sneered.

She started sobbing and Ivan got annoyed and pushed her onto the bed.

“I wanted to make you enjoy this but you have ruined it and now you will pay,” Ivan said furiously as he laid on top of her.

Nadina was struggling beneath Ivan but he was too strong for her and soon she became tired, only weak sobs racking through her body.

“Oh, goddess please help me,” Nadina said in her mind.

“Ivan! What are you doing! Alpha Thomas is here and has been waiting for a while now, come fast,” Rossi linked his son sounding furious.

Ivan’s head slowly cleared as he forcefully kissed Nadina again this time biting her soft lips and drawing blood.

“I have something to take care of, we will continue later,” Ivan said as he stood up immediately walking out of the room.

Nadina hugged her body and wept bitterly.

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