

Alpha Ivan walked into the living room of the pack house looking disheveled. Rossi looked at him in disapproval but he didn’t want to embarrass him in front of their future in-laws so he let it slide.

“Good evening, Alpha Thomas and beautiful Miss Linda,” Ivan said as he took Linda’s hand in his and placed a little kiss on it smiling charmingly.

Linda blushed while alpha Thomas smiled knowing that this marriage will help his pack too.

“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, I was caught up in some … um pack matters,” Ivan cleared his throat as the scene of meeting Nadina naked flashed in his memory. Suddenly the place became hot.

After the discussion of the matters concerning their engagement and marriage, alpha Thomas and his daughter left leaving Ivan alone to his thoughts.

Ivan went back to his office to get some work done but he couldn’t because he kept on thinking back to the moment he walked into Nadina’s room. His body grew hot and his pant felt too tight with a bulge being in between his legs. He felt uncomfortable and needed a release and before he could think about what he was doing he was already pounding himself into his fists low groans and grunts coming out of his mouth as he thought about Nadina, the way her hips moved when she walked, her firm breasts, her small mouth, her beautiful long hair he would like to fist while moving in and out of her.

His eyes got hooded as his pupils dilated and he was drunk in lust.

The maid walked unsuspectingly into the alpha’s office to clean up for the day and she met him touching himself.

“Um, er… I’m sorry,” she said as she was about to run out of the office.

“Come here,” Alpha Ivan said with a rough voice.

“Yes alpha,” she said quietly.

“Take off your clothes and position yourself facing my desk,” Alpha Ivan said as he got up stalking towards the maid like he was a predator about to pounce on its prey.

All he could see and imagine was Nadina. When he pulled her hair and slammed into her making her cry out, he could only hear Nadina’s voice. She was all he could see, hear and feel.

After his release he looked coldly at the maid who smiled sheepishly, “get out!” He said coldly then he stood up and walked into the bathroom not looking back.

What was I thinking, what is this I feel for Nadina, why is she always occupying my thoughts, Ivan thought looking at himself feeling angry for his actions.

“Alpha there have been rumors that the King wolf of the north has planted spies in our packs and is coming for us,” A general said to Alpha Ivan.

“What does that have to do with us?” Ivan asked looking at the general like he didn’t understand what he was saying.

“Alpha Killian is coming for us, we attacked the country side in the north, and he is full of vengeance,” the general said his voice and body radiating fear.

Ivan’s heart skipped because he knew how ruthless the king wolf as and if he was really coming for them, none of them will be spared. He will kill them all.

“When the time comes, we will be ready, I am not scared of Killian there is nothing he can do to me,” Ivan laughed.

The general looked at him unsure but he could not question him or he would have his head.

“Nadina, marry me, there will be a war soon and I want to make sure you are mine before then. Please marry me I love you,” Michael proposed to Nadina for the hundredth time.

“Michael, we have been through this multiple times you know I can’t marry you. I already told you,” Nadina said gently.

“If it is because of your status, or because of what other people say, I don’t care. I want to marry you and make you mine. I want you to be my wife,” Michael confessed.

“I’m sorry, that is not possible. I cannot marry you. I am perfectly fine as I am.” Nadina refused.

“Why? Nadina why can’t you just accept me,” Michael said sounding dejected.

“I wish I could but I don’t feel for you the same way and I don’t think I could ever. You are a really good man Michael, you deserve a good woman not someone like me,” Nadina said with tears forming in her eyes.

“What do you mean a good woman? You are a good woman! I need you. I want you please consider it,” Michael said now holding on to her hands.

She released herself from his grip saying, “Micheal I am not the woman for you.” Then she walked away.

Ivan watched the scene unfold from his window and he suddenly felt rage overcome him, he didn’t know why but he was very angry.

“Alpha Ivan, we need to visit the wolf king and plead with him, he attacked storm pack last night and no survivors were left,” an alpha said fear apparent in his voice.

“Why are you so scared, you are a man stop acting like a woman,” Ivan scolded.

“But alpha Ivan I agree with alpha Viktor, the ruthless wolf king is out for blood and if we don’t plead now to protect our packs, we will all bleed later.”

Ivan’s breathe hitched but none of them noticed.

“I am saying that if he wants a fight, we will give it to him! I won’t go kissing anyone’s ass, van said standing up signifying the meeting is over.”

“Ivan this your arrogance will get all of us killed!” Rossi screamed.

“While I was alpha, I didn’t go leading my people to their deaths, that is what you are about to do now. Beg the wolf king before it is too late, don’t be foolish,” Rossi warned.

“This is my pack and these are my people and I will do as I seem fit,” Ivan replied.

Rossi was regretting giving Ivan the pack because now it seemed he was running it to the ground and he could see the pack covered in their blood.

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