

“I have said this before and I won’t repeat myself! I will not beg the ruthless alpha, either he leaves it or we go into war but I will not beg. I will advise all of you present her today to make allies with neighboring packs,” Ivan said to everyone in the pack meeting then he walked away.

“Does he realize that his strong hand will kill us? If he continues like this, we are all bound to die like chickens. I will beg the alpha, I will not allow alpha Ivan’s arrogance ruin my pack,” Alpha Xander.

“Alpha Ivan, you called for me,” Nadina said standing at the door incase Ivan tried to force himself on her again.

“Yes, I called you because you are going to head the war when the time comes, you will be commander. You owe us that much beside your grandfather betrayed us so you can make amendments.” Ivan said coldly.

“Okay alpha,” Nadina said calmly making Ivan surprised as he raised his head quickly to look at her.

“You have no objections?” He asked.

“Yes alpha, I have no objections,” Nadina said quietly.

“Are you sure?” Ivan asked again.

Nadina didn’t realize what was going on she was just answering Ivan.

“Yes Alpha,” Nadina said.

“Do you know you could die?” Ivan asked.

“Yes, I know alpha,” Nadina replied.

“Okay then you can go,” Ivan said angrily for some reason his heart felt heavy.

“Alpha! Alpha! The pack is under attack,” Ivan woke up to hearing screams and his beta shouting through the mind link.

“What? We are under attack? I am coming,” Ivan said his heart beating fast.

“Where are the warriors?” Ivan asked his beta.

“They are in the front lines right now,” his beta replied.

“Who is the commander?” Ivan asked barely able to breathe.

“It’s Nadina”, the beta replied.

“Nadina?” Ivan asked as he rushed towards the battle field.

When he got there, Nadina fighting fiercely and his heart swelled in pride.

He rushed forward to join in the battle but he was held back by his beta.

“Alpha the warriors will handle it. The people we are fighting against are way stronger than us and they don’t take prisoners except the commander only if the commander surrenders.

If the commander doesn’t surrender, they will kill the commander and leave. Either way, it is a win-win situation,” the beta said to Ivan and Ivan felt like he lost the ability to breathe.

“So, Nadina doesn’t have a way out?” Ivan said more to himself than his beta.

“Yes,” the beta smiled.

Ivan felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest.

“Nadina surrender!” Ivan said to her through the mind link.

“Are you not hearing me?! I said surrender stop fighting! You can’t defeat them they will kill you. Surrender now!” Ivan shouted through the link.

“No! if I surrender, I will have to go with them,” Nadina replied.

“I am your alpha and I command you to surrender!” Ivan said again through the mind link.

 Tears flowed from Nadina’s eyes as she dropped on her knees signifying that she has surrendered and they can capture her.

“Nadina! Nadina! Stop! Don’t do it!” Michael screamed running towards her.

But they were already taking her away and the war had ended.

“Nadina please don’t do this. Please I beg of you,” Michael cried.

“Good bye Michael, take care of yourself and Emily and make sure you get a wife, till we meet again,” Nadina said as she looked forward and continued moving with the soldiers of the wolf king.

I wonder what my life will be from here, I may be used as a sex slave as it is rumored. Moon goddess what did I ever do wrong to be reduced to nothing, Nadina thought as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Ivan’s body was shaking from anger, he went inside his office and started throwing things. He went on a rampage.

Rossi ran to the office to see his son destroying his office and he realized what was going on, he too had been in the same situation before when he lost his wife, Ivan’s mother.

“Oh, dear goddess,” he said rushing towards his son.

Ivan started sobbing as soon as his father held on to him.

“Father, she is gone,” Ivan said as he cried.

“I shouldn’t have rejected her, I should not have taken her for granted, I should have not treated her so badly, father I am the worst person there is. Since she was here, I didn’t put a smile on her face, I made her cry all the time, I downgraded and insulted her and now she is gone. I don’t know how she would be treated. I love her! father I love her and I let what other people will think to define how I treated my luna,” Ivan wept in his father’s hands.

“I guess this is for the best, wherever there is a disappointment or a mistake there is always a blessing. When I lost your mother, I got you. Now that she has lost you hopefully, by the goddess’s will she will get something better.” His father consoled him.

“Is there anything I could have done?” Ivan asked.

“I don’t think so, it was predestined and there is nothing you could have done about it. You already had your pick so now you have to set her free and hope she lives well,” his father said to him.

“Okay then father,” Ivan nodded humbly.

And for the first time in Rossi’s life, he saw his son humble and he started laughing

“What is funny why are you laughing?” Ivan asked his father.

“Because you look like a child, for the first time in your life you are humble, if I knew all it took to make you this humble was for you to fall in love, then I would have arranged for you to fall in love a long time ago,” Rossi smiled.

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