
Ch. 61

I woke up with my head on Eryn's chest, and Charles' large arm around my waist. A tinge of pink flushed my cheeks, as last night's events replayed in my head. I took a deep breath in, trying not to become aroused again.

My body was sore all over, the smallest of movements seemed to cause me excruciating pain. I was very aware of what muscles I was using to get up. Even with fast healing mating takes a toll on the body.

I shifted my weight off Eryn trying not to wake him. His face was so relaxed and beautiful. The sun hit his porcelain skin just right, giving the appearance of a light glow. His long blonde hair sprawled around him, showing me he hadn't bothered to tie it back up last night.

Charles let off small snores, they were quiet, but gruff. His hair was standing in different ways around his head. His brows were furrowed even in his sleep. His face was relaxed and yet still held an air of power. I gently slid out from under his arm and somehow managed to not wake either one.

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