
Ch. 64

I have never played like this before. I've played truth or dare before, but never with spirits, never with a group of supernatural beings. Not knowing Kaitlyn well, I decided to play it safe.

"Truth." The word hung heavy in the air as if I had just signed some unwritten contract.

"The spirits want to know.."

"The spirits? I thought you were the one who was going to ask." A slight fear rising in me.

"I communicate with them, but they are the ones playing with us." I nodded my head, swallowing back the panic that's trying to surface. "Back to the questions, the spirits want to know why you haven't told your mates about your brother James?"

Maybe this game wasn't the best idea after all. I sighed heavily, Eryn's eyes were watching me, I could feel it through our mate bond. I looked at him, his eyes full of curiosity and maybe a little hurt.

"Because he's dead like my dad. I didn't tell Charles because I didn't want to sound li
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