
Ch. 63

Nate answered the door, his hair and clothes a bit disheveled. The first few buttons on his shirt were left open, exposing his tanned skin to the world. He eyed me curiously, probably taking in my reddened eyes and tear streaked cheeks. He then looked at Eryn, narrowing his eyes accusatory.

"Before you start, it wasn't really his fault." I chuckled, pushing past him and letting myself into his room. "I had a lot of pent up emotions, and he just let me cry."

Nate lifted an eyebrow at me as I continued. He still hadn't said anything out loud, but his expression said plenty.

"Did I forget to mention that he's my mate too?" I smiled at him, knowing he'd finally speak with that tid bit of news.

"Jesus, Rain. I leave you for a day and you go and get another mate?" He ran his fingers through his hair, looking at me exasperated. "Woman, you tire me." He shook his head, almost disapprovingly.

"But you still love me ri
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