
Who Made Me A Luna?
Who Made Me A Luna?
Author: Ireti

Chapter 1

Cesmae's POV

“Run away and don't look back. If we're caught, that's the end….”

It's always been strange to me how everyone in my Pack has felt like a stranger. Don't get me wrong, I've never been treated badly, at least by most people but it always felt like I didn't belong.

Coupled with the fact that I don't remember the first 10 years of my life at all, it's all a blur. 

My parents died in an accident of which I'm the sole survivor. I was 10 then and when I woke up, I couldn't remember anything. I was adopted by the Beta of my Pack and his daughter, Carlisle is my best friend.

I've always been the odd bug, never really fitting in. I had luscious brown hair with a single red streak and mismatched eyes, one blue and the other brown. I shifted at age 12 rather than 14 like most people. And it was difficult to make friends, people often said I talked funny, specifically too formal for my age.

Carlisle followed me everywhere and would often tell people off. She never made me feel like I was different.

I was honestly jealous of her just a little; an absolute beauty who was a natural born leader. She had this aura about her that could grab people's attention and she was pretty charismatic too. She was popular in the Pack despite only being the Beta's daughter while I was her awkward, quirky familiar.

Carlisle was friends with the Alpha's daughter who couldn't seem to stand me. She also seemed pretty close with Morgan, the Alpha's nephew. Though they never announced it officially, everyone knew that they were dating.

I assumed they would end up being mates because it only made sense that Carlisle would become royalty, she was born for greatness after all.

So it not only came as a shock to me, but to the entire Pack when on my 18th birthday, at the annual mating ball, I turned out to be Morgan's mate instead.

I could hear the cruel whispers and see the disappointment in everyone's eyes. Carlisle hadn’t found her mate though. She walked up to me with a smile and congratulated me, remaining ever graceful.

I honestly felt bad. I knew she loved Morgan and they would make an awesome couple while I, on the other hand, had barely ever talked to him but I didn't want to seem like I was mocking her so I accepted her well wishes.

After the Alpha congratulated us and the rest of the Pack followed in kind, Morgan grabbed my hand and practically dragged me away from the ballroom.

The next thing I knew, I was being flung into an empty room. Morgan stepped in and closed the door after himself, glaring at me with eyes that held no affection.

I could feel a pit beginning to form in my stomach as my subconscious dissected the situation and came up with only one possible outcome —And it was one of the worst fates that could befall a wolf.

I swallowed and stood up to my feet.

“Why have you brought me here?” My voice comes out so small, anxious.

“As peculiar as you are, even you can agree that we have nothing in common. The moon goddess might have decided it, but I don't want you as a mate. It seems even the rest of the Pack will support my decision.” He began sternly and my heart clenched.

Previously, I held no feelings for the man in front of me. He seemed so far out of reach, I never even bothered to conceive the thought but now that the mate bond has been established, I feel an inexplicable attachment to him.

It's like I've finally found a long lost possession, something I didn't even know I was missing. My mate is the one who completes me and my wolf wars within me, fueling the desire to hold onto this precious bond.

“I know that we are both different in our own ways but that's what makes us unique, don't you agree?

I know that you have feelings for Carlisle and I too only desire her happiness but as goddess Selene has made it this way, she must have a reason. I am willing to get to know you and build a strong bond with you. I could even change if you so desire, I can become the perfect mate you want but please don't give up on us just yet.” I begged frantically as the tightness in my chest continued to grow.

“What makes you think you could ever become someone I want? It's pointless to argue so I'll just hit the nail on the head.

I, Morgan Crone, reject you, Cesmae Winters as my mate and hereby break any bond we might share.” He declares the words that hit me like a knife to the heart.

I clench my chest and stagger backwards, gritting my teeth as an excruciating pain bubbles in my chest. Tears cloud my vision and I try to blink them away without success.

“I'm done with you. It'll be better if you never come in front of me again.” He says mercilessly and leaves the room, abandoning me after such a brutal rejection.

It's cruel.

“It's OK, we'll be fine. It's just a rejection, we can move on from this.” Kasia, my wolf consoled me, keeping up a brave front. I always knew she was different from other wolves. She was strong, talented, almost unbreakable.

She nudged me internally, releasing a soothing aura that quickly washed over me and made the pain almost disappear. Almost.

But still, if anyone was supposed to be most affected by the rejection, it would be her, but the fact that she stayed strong and only wanted to move forward, means that I should do the same.

I stood up and wiped the tears that escaped down my cheeks and took a deep breath. Looking at the bright side, now that Morgan has rejected me, he can have a chance to be with Carlisle. They're honestly more suited for each other and I would never want to come in the way of their love story. This is all probably for the best.

I continued to tell myself that and forced on a smile despite the lingering sadness in my heart. I have to return to the Ball before my adoptive family gets worried and starts looking for me.

I walk out of the room and down the hallway, heading back to the ballroom but I'm only a short distance away when I realize that I'm missing something.

The necklace that I had worn to the ball was no longer around my neck. It belonged to Carlisle’s mother who I also referred to as my aunt. 

It was given to her by her husband and I had only borrowed it for the night. There's no way I could lose something so precious. Panic quickly set in and I rushed back to the room and began to search around.

Thankfully, it was lying on the floor, next to an ottoman. It must have fallen when Morgan pushed me into the room.

As I put the necklace around my neck, I heard strange sounds coming from the next room. 

It was Morgan's voice and though I couldn't hear what he was saying, I could tell from his tone that he was angry.

That's funny, here I thought he would be happy to have gotten rid of me so easily. But the sounds that follow stop my thoughts in their tracks.

There's the sound of something breaking and then the sound of something heavy falling to the floor and finally……. Carlisle's scream……

Wait, Carlisle’s scream?!

My blood runs cold at the realization and my legs move on their own before I even have the chance to think. Bolting out of the room, I throw the door of the next room open and rush inside to witness a scene that makes my heart drop.

Carlisle is sprawled on the floor, bleeding from the head while Morgan has a knife dug deep into her stomach almost to the hilt. Blood streams out around the wound and colors her white dress red.

Morgan's eyes fall on me and he throws me a sadistic smile as if he's excited to see me, like I was a special guest, granted a front row seat to his sick game.

I watched with pure horror as he drove the knife out and raised it up, letting the blood drip on his tongue, savoring the taste and moaning with twisted delight.

My stomach turned with revulsion but I still couldn't move, couldn't even say a word as I was too shaken to react.

How? What….? Why? 

These were the only words that circled around my non functioning brain.

Before I could mull over the questions, I was slammed into the wall with a speed that could only be described as inhuman.

“What are you doing, Morgan? What have you done? Carlisle…… She…..” I tried to get out the words but his hands wrapped around my neck tightly, depriving me of air.

“Unfortunate, isn't it? Such a sweet little thing she was. Was even a better girlfriend than I could have hoped for but she just couldn't handle her curiosity. She found out what she wasn't supposed to and paid the price, just like you are about to. Except I won't be the one to punish you, the entire Pack will. 

Cesmae Winters, the Pack’s weirdo finally lost it and killed Carlisle Newman, the daughter of the family who adopted and raised her like their own, just because she was rejected by her mate, who was in love with Carlisle instead.

It's quite the story, isn't it?” He grinned dangerously, increasing the pressure of his grip while I choked, uselessly struggling to break free.

“That's……not true…..” I rasped.

“The truth is only what people believe. Someone has to take the fall, nobody really liked you anyway.” He mused as he managed to cut my air supply completely.

The lack of oxygen to my brain made my vision turn white and I could feel all my strength disappearing. I'm losing consciousness!

No! I have to stay awake, we need to get Carlisle to a hospital. She can't die! She……

My brain goes blank and I'm suddenly swallowed by cold darkness…….

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