
Chapter 3

Cesmae's POV

I recoiled backwards out of instinct but the woman's smile never faltered.

“It's OK, dear. I mean no harm at all. I just happened to be passing by and saw you lying here. You looked like you needed some help.” She explained and crouched down while I said nothing.

“Do you need some water?” She offered, handing me a bottle of water and I snatched it from her hands and gulped it down so quickly that I nearly choked.

She laughed at that as I wiped my lips and returned the now half empty can back to her.

“You're so adorable. You have such pretty features, particularly your eyes, they're so mesmerizing.” She praised as she kept the water bottle back in her bag.

Did she really think so? Back in my Pack, I was often bullied for my looks. They all thought of me as a freak even if they never said it out loud. The only people who truly ever accepted me was Carlisle and her family but now I've lost that as well.

The thought deeply saddens me but I don't let it show on my face.

“Thank you.” Is all I say.

“Are you lost?’” She asks again as she stands up. I really can't tell her the truth so I just nod.

“Do you remember your way home?” She asks and I shake my head in the negative.

“You wouldn't mind coming with me, right? Your parents must be worried sick about you. My companions are only a short distance away and one of them is very good at tracking. We'll have you home in no time.” She said as she stretched her hand towards me. I took it and she helped me stand up.

I've never been outside my Pack before and it'll be easy to get lost or wander into dangerous territory so it's better to follow these people. That way, I'll be able to get into another Pack without arousing suspicion.

“Do you need me to carry you?” She asked.

“No, I'm fine. But thanks.” I appreciated the gesture.

“Such a strong and independent little girl, your parents must be so proud.” She praised as she held my hand in hers and directed onto the path. We walked a short distance before coming across a group of burly looking men who I quickly realized were her companions.

Despite their physique, they all looked friendly and I reminded myself it wouldn't be fair to judge them because of their appearance.

Morgan looked like an absolute angel but he turned out to be the devil himself.

“Did you find another one?” One of the men asked and it made me raise an eyebrow.

Was it a common occurrence to find girls lost in the forest? 

The woman simply laughed as if he had said something nonsensical.

“No, I wasn't able to find any more of the herb. It's quite rare to get in this area but I did find this little sweetheart. She was lost and scared and I thought we could help her.” The woman spoke lightly with a warm smile.

I could see the others discreetly throw the man a glare while he shrinks back, ashamed.

There's definitely something wrong with this group but I already have too much to worry about. As long as they can get me safely to another Pack, I really don't care.

“Archer, please lead the way. We need to find her Pack quickly, her poor parents must be devastated.” The woman ordered and the man named Archer simply nodded.

Archer started walking in the opposite direction of my Pack and it gave me a sense of relief. The others followed while the woman kept holding my hand, directing me to follow them.

“If you feel tired or dizzy just let me know and I'll carry you, OK?” She offered and I nodded.

I may be in my 10 year old body but my stamina is still as great as an 18 year old’s. A trek won't tire me out so quickly.

We'd barely gone a few minutes when I started to feel drowsy, I began yawning so much and my eyes felt heavy. I had slept before meeting this woman, I shouldn't be so tired already.

“Kasia, what's going on?” I asked.

“Isn't it obvious? You've been drugged. The water you drank was laced with a powerful sedative. If you were a normal wolf, you'd be out cold by now. But thanks to the goddess that you have drug resistance.” Kasia explained like an exhausted mother.

“What? The water was drugged?” I asked, alarmed.

“I guess you got your childish innocence back along with this body. Doesn't the dynamic of this group strike you as odd? I'm confirming it isn't just your imagination.” Kasia retorted.

And just then, I remembered something from a week ago.

While we were having dinner, uncle had talked about the recent rise in child trafficking. Children would leave home and never return. They would be lured out and kidnapped outside the Pack. And what made it a major problem was that it was affecting many other Packs, not just our own. Uncle said the Alpha was thinking of implementing a curfew to protect the children of our Pack.

I had thought then that the traffickers must be very smart if they had managed to cause such a buzz without getting caught but now I know why. The mastermind of the entire operation was a woman with a face that could even fool a god.

And sadly, I've become their latest victim. Well, not for long. They have no idea who they're dealing with.

But the situation almost made me chuckle. After being rejected, witnessing the murder of my best friend and then being framed for said murder, I had to run for my life and now I'd somehow ended up in the hands of traffickers. Just great. I must be the unluckiest person alive.

I didn't know the extent of my drug resistance ability so I needed to hurry before it would be too late.

“Miss, can we please stop? I really have to pee.” I requested in my most cutest voice ever. I could see the annoyance flicker through her eyes for just a moment but she pulled on that devilish smile.

“Are you sure you can't hold it in, dear? We're very close. You'll be home soon.” She tried to coax me.

“No, I really can't hold it. If we keep going I'll wet myself. Please let me pee.” I whined and she sighed exasperatedly.

“Fine. Come with me, the rest of you wait here.” She instructed and nearly dragged me into the bushes. She was getting impatient.

I bent over a small bush to pee but she kept her eyes on me, somehow managing not to blink. I guess I'll have to use a few tricks of my own.

“Oh no, I'm about to potty as well. Could you please get some water to wash?” 

She groaned and rubbed her temple and her frustration was delicious to watch.

“Wait here. Don't move an inch, I'll be right back.” She warned before storming off.

As soon as she was far away enough, I pulled up my panties and ran as quickly as I could, despite how tired and heavy my body felt.

I went as hard as I could and finally stopped to hide under the tall grass, watching through my haze to see if I had been followed.

I listened carefully for a few minutes but there was no sign of anyone around.

“You lost them, there's no one around.” Kasia confirmed and I released a breath I didn't know I had been holding. Good goddess, what a relief.

Since they went through such lengths to get me, I'm sure they won't give up so easily. I can't let them track me down so I have to keep moving even though I'm a little out of it.

“Where are we going to go?” Kasia asked as I started walking again.

“I don't know. Anywhere, as long as it's not the New Blood Pack.” I answered dryly.

“You know better than anyone that you can't just stroll into any Pack you want. Besides, you're a child and the risks are endless. Aside from that, Alpha Madrid can be quite ruthless. Now that Morgan has seen us escape in this form, who's to say your wanted poster won't be sent to the neighboring Packs?” She asked and I paused. She had a point. If there's something that I know well about Alpha Madrid, it's that he's very thorough and can be cruel if the situation demands it.

It's only a matter of time before I'm tracked down and I can't exactly do much in this body.

“What do you suggest then? That I give up?” I ask dejectedly.

“No, let's go where no one will ever think to look for us. Let's go to the Lycan Kingdom.”

Has she lost it? Going to the Lycan Kingdom is a direct death sentence. Lycans and werewolves have been at war for a thousand years. Werewolves are banned from stepping foot in Lycan territory. If caught, they'll be executed on the spot and she's asking me to……

“Yes, I'm in my right senses. But don't you think it's better to be killed after being caught trespassing than to be hanged for a murder you didn't commit? Your size is sure to make you less suspicious, I have a good feeling about the Lycan Kingdom so please trust me.” She implored and I sighed in defeat.

She's the reason we've gotten this far. Might as well leave our fate in her hands. If I die, she does too.

“Alright then, the Lycan Kingdom it is.” I conceded.


Our Pack had always been known for being the closest werewolf Pack to the Lycan Kingdom but we never got attacked because of the peace pact that was implemented about a hundred years ago. It only took me two days to get to Lycan territory. I survived on wild fruits and berries and slept under trees and small caves.

It was easier to get in than I had anticipated. I was able to sneak in by hiding in a consignment of goods that was being transported into the Kingdom. My miniature size really did come in handy. I discreetly got out of the box and snuck out of the truck while the goods were being loaded out.

I knew I had to stay out of public places or the Lycans would sniff me out. Lycans and werewolves though having similar biology possess very distinct scents. Lycans release a harsher, synthetic pheromone that could easily overwhelm while werewolves had a more milder, earthy scent that was easy to mask.

I stole a cloak and tried my best to hide my scent. It seemed to work as I was able to leave the busy market without drawing any attention.

I found my way into the forests of the Lycan Kingdom, deciding it would be safer to hide out there for now. It was there that I came across a rather peculiar scene. A little girl that had long flowing red hair and eyes that were the most incandescent cerulean. She was absolutely gorgeous, too beautiful for words and she seemed to have been kidnapped.

I hid carefully as I heard the men discussing and laughing to themselves about how they'd make a fortune from selling her. They were four in number, way too much for me to handle even in my adult form.

They sat around the fire and drank while she sat on a small rock, hands tied. She looked to be about six years old and she was definitely a Lycan. I felt an inexplicable urge to save her.

“We have to help her.” I told Kasia who quickly came up with a plan. Luckily, there was a snake slithering around nearby.

I caught it by the head and threw it into the circle the kidnappers had formed around the fire. Just as predicted, they freak out like children and it gives me the chance to pull the girl into the bushes.

Thankfully, she doesn't make a sound. Probably because I'm also a kid so it's easier for her to trust me. I untie her hands and she hugs me. I note with surprise that she smells sweet; like sugary candy and vanilla. Typically uncharacteristic of a Lycan but then again I've never really met one in my life. Well, except for her. The scent is soft, warm and comforting.

“We have to run before they notice you're gone. Don't let go of my hand no matter what, OK?” She simply nods and I hold her hand and take off in a sprint.

We run until we get to the entrance of the forest, just a short distance from the main town and suddenly, a strange feeling encompasses me and I feel myself growing.

In the blink of an eye, I'm back to my adult self.

“It looks like time's up. It was fun though, getting to see you as a child. It'll take a very long time before you can shift like that again.” Kasia comments and before I have the chance to ask questions, the little girl jumps into my arms and holds me tightly.

“Mummy!” She calls and I pause in shock before finally managing to pull her away from me.

I had expected a lot of reactions from her after seeing me change form like that but calling me mummy? Really?

“I'm not your mum, I just saved you because it was the right thing to do. Now please lower your voice, it'll be really bad for me if you create a scene.” I try to hush her.

She suddenly turns away and sniffs the air before darting forward. Running towards the town, Selene knows where.

I groan and run after her even though it's a stupid decision. I already saved her once. If she gets in trouble again, it shouldn't be my problem but she's too damn pretty to be a slave so here I am chasing after her in enemy territory.

“Daddy!” She calls out excitedly and runs to hug a pair of long legs. Strong arms lift her up and my eyes dart upwards to catch a glimpse of the face and oh dear goddess.

He was really tall, probably seven feet. Dressed in expensive attire, he was the definition of elegance and regality. Blonde hair styled perfectly, a face that looked like it was carved by angels and deep emerald eyes that looked like they could bore into anyone's soul. He was larger than life itself.

“Your Majesty, please wait!” Came a voice as a man appeared behind him, looking like he had just run a marathon.

Your Majesty? Wait. Don't tell me…… The Lycan King?!

No, no way. I am so fucked. Moon goddess, do you really hate me this much?!

He stared at me with such intensity that it made me feel naked, his pheromones flared, a smell of burnt wood and camphor that promised danger, it made me shrink backwards.

And just then I felt it, that sickeningly sweet feeling again, it was like a high all on its own. I dreaded hearing those words but they came anyway.

“Mate!” Kasia confirmed and I just wanted to disappear right there and then.

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