
Chapter 2

Cesmae's POV

I woke up chained to the wall of what I assume to be the Pack's dungeon. The place was made of bricks and mortar that was chafing at the surface. The lighting was dim and the air smelt of blood and piss.

As I begin to recollect how I had ended up here, I struggle against my restraints, screaming for help and soon, I hear heavy footsteps approaching. I've always had very keen hearing so I'm able to deduce that about three people are coming.

My guess turns out to be correct as three people appear in front of me; The Alpha, my uncle, the Beta and a man I recall to be the Gamma of our Pack.

“Where is Carlisle? Is she alright? Please tell me they were able to save her.” I beg frantically.

The Alpha and the Gamma glare at me disdainfully while my uncle looks away from me, a deep sadness clouding his features. It makes my stomach drop.

“What are you talking about, you evil spawn?! Carlisle is dead because you murdered her. Morgan witnessed the whole thing.” The Alpha spat out harshly, his tone showcasing his disgust.

I felt my heart shatter at the revelation as tears clouded my vision. Carlisle is….dead? But how can that be? It was only this morning when we'd sang our favorite song while making breakfast together and she had gotten me ready for the Mating Ball.

But now she's dead, gone and I'll never see her beautiful smile again…..

Morgan. He killed her and now he's pinned the whole thing on me! No, I won't let that happen. I'll reveal his truth and get justice for Carlisle.

“Why? Why did you do it?” My uncle's broken voice rings out throughout the dungeon and the tears finally run down my cheeks simultaneously choking me.

I don't know what hurts more, the fact that Carlisle is dead or my uncle thinks that I betrayed him and murdered his daughter.

“I didn't do it, I swear. I didn't kill Carlisle. I loved her, she was like a sister to me. Morgan was the one who killed her, I just happened to witness the scene and he knocked me out before I had a chance to tell anyone.” I blurt out desperately, my voice breaking.

“Morgan said you would come up with a similar story and as vile as your actions are, I give everyone a fair chance, even a ruthless criminal like yourself. Let's say we believe you for one moment. What reason would Morgan have to murder Carlisle?” The Alpha asked, his voice thick with malice and his eyes boring holes into my skin.

“I don't know. He only said she found out something she shouldn't have so he killed her in order to silence her.” I responded truthfully and the Gamma snickered.

“Yeah, right. Given your despicable act, I assumed you would have a better cover story but I guess that brain of yours only works when you're carrying out evil. Your motive is clear, you've been jealous of Carlisle and when you were rejected for her, you killed her out of spite. Morgan told us everything, how he witnessed you stab Carlisle and you tried to attack him afterwards so he had to knock you out.” 

If looks could kill, I'm pretty sure I'd be dead already.

“How is it that you're believing Morgan's story over mine? What proof do you have that he's telling the truth?” I challenged and the Alpha scowled.

“Morgan loved Carlisle so much that everyone already accepted they would be mates. He absolutely adored her and he's my nephew, a man of royal blood, there's no way he would sully his hands with such evil. Beside those sentiments, there's cold hard evidence and they all point to you as the murderer. The necklace you were wearing was found in the hand of her corpse. Your fingerprints are all over her body and even the murder weapon and finally, you left scratch marks on Morgan's neck when he tried to disarm you. You have no case so just fess up and take your punishment with pride.” The Alpha deadpanned and I froze.

No…. It can't— Why is Morgan doing this? Why?!

“But Morgan—” I tried to counteract in one last ditch effort but was rudely cut off by the Alpha.

“Morgan is devastated. He's beyond consolation, I've never seen him so broken before. He asked for one thing and one thing only, to see the one who murdered the love of his life executed. So prepare yourself, Cesmae Winters, tomorrow you will be hanged for your crime in view of the entire Pack.” The Alpha declared and I released a whimper as fresh tears rolled down my cheeks.

Why? How can I be punished for a crime I didn't commit while the culprit roams free and endangers the lives of others? If Morgan could kill Carlisle so easily and then frame me in such a cold blooded manner, what's the guarantee he won't do it again?

What's the secret he was talking about? What could be so important that would be worth taking a life over? I have to get justice for Carlisle. Moon goddess please….. Please help me just this once. 

The Alpha turned away and so did the Gamma and my uncle.

“Uncle please….. You have to believe me, I didn't do it. You know me better than anyone, I would never want to harm Carlisle or anyone else. I would never betray you like that.” I pleaded, hoping he would believe me but he didn't bother to stop or even look at me.

“I thought I knew you. I took you in because you were the daughter of my dear friend and you had nowhere else to go. Tell me, where did I go wrong? Was my sin against you so great that you decided to kill my only child? I loved you just as much as Carlisle, gave you everything you needed but you chose to repay me in such a wicked way. I'll never forgive you, I'll pray you burn in hell for all eternity.” He said and I could tell from his voice that he was really struggling to hold back tears.

I didn't know what else to say so I just cried. The three of them left the room, plunging the dungeon into silence again and leaving me to wallow in my own misfortune.


I had fallen asleep when a voice woke me up. It was Kasia’s.

“Wake up! Wake up, Cesmae! There's no time, we have to run now. It's almost sunrise.”

“Run? Run where? We're chained to the damn wall and there must be a guard outside. There's no way we're getting out of here, let's just accept it.” I replied dejectedly and she tsked.

“It's not like you to give up so easily. There is a way for us to leave. I can't reveal much because I'm under a binding vow but the only thing I can say is you're a latent shape shifter.” 

I perked up when I heard those words.

Binding vow? Latent shape shifter?

“What are you talking about?”

“I told you there's no time to talk, someone will soon come to take us to the gallows if we don't hurry. I'll explain everything once we've reached safety. For now, I just want you to close your eyes and envision your ten year old self and wish upon that form as hard as you can.” She instructed and I was still so confused but if there's anyone I trust completely, it's Kasia.

She wouldn't play around like this when we're on death row.

I closed my eyes and did what she asked and like some sort of magic, I felt myself shrinking. The chains fell right off and I crumbled to the ground, managing to break my fall.

I took a look at my hands and my body and realized I was indeed in the body of a 10 year old. I had so many questions but there was no time to ask them.

I carefully opened the dungeon door. As suspected, there was a guard at the door but luckily, he was asleep so I slipped out very quietly.

Moving gingerly through the prison, I saw several guards patrolling and I was so close to being caught a few times but I managed to slip out undetected.

As soon as I was out of the building of the Pack Prison, I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. I wasn't looking in front of me, too busy watching my back when I bumped into someone hard.

I fell backwards instantly and rubbed my head. When my eyes opened, a cold chill ran down my spine.

It was Morgan!

He looked at me strangely and grabbed my hand, helping me up.

“Are you OK, little one? What are you doing out here so early?” He asked with pretentious care while I struggled not to cower.

He inspected my features closely and all of a sudden, realization struck his eyes.

“Cesmae?!” He called, his voice unsure but there was no time to dally.

I yanked his hand away and ran right past him, dashing into the forest as fast as my little lungs could manage.

Tears clouded my vision, everything was all a blur and nothing made sense but I kept moving on, going past the branches and spiky vines that ripped through my dress, even managing to slightly cut my skin in the process.

I didn't care about the pain, I couldn't even feel it with so much adrenaline pumping through my blood. All that echoed in my mind was the fact that I needed to get away from this Pack as quickly as possible.

Getting to the border of my Pack, it was diligently guarded by scouts and it would have been impossible to pass through but I had the advantage of my size and the imagination of a child.

I created a distraction and ran through as quickly as I could. I only stopped when I was a good distance away from the border.

My body collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath, my body wracking with heavy coughs as my throat felt as dry as bricks.

“You've done very well, Cesmae but you need to rest now. You'll have to recover your strength for the journey ahead.” Kasia commended.

I couldn't argue with that as I was completely exhausted. The sun was beginning to rise up in the sky and it would be fully dawn soon.

I found a spot under a tree with a good amount of grass and underbrush. I laid there and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

I kept having weird dreams, from blurry flashbacks to strange voices in my head, the scene of Carlisle's murder and then finally…..

Gentle taps woke me up from my slumber and I jolted upwards. I blinked repeatedly and looked up through sleepy eyes.

It was a woman and she had the warmest smile ever. She reminded me of what a mother would be if I had one.

“What are you doing out here, sweetie? Did you lose your way home?”

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