
Chapter 4

Cesmae’s POV

My stomach sank and my heart raced so much that I feared that it would leap out of my chest. How could I possibly be mated to the Lycan King of all people?

Lycans hate werewolves and he must think that I kidnapped his daughter since I was running after her. He's sure to kill me, mate bond notwithstanding.

I have to get out of here!

My brain screamed at my body, breaking the ice that held my feet to the floor. I turned around quickly, running as fast as I could but I bumped into a hard chest, a firm grip wrapping around my arm and preventing me from moving.

I raised my head up sharply to meet his piercing green eyes that seemed to want to strip me bare, down to my core.

How? How is this possible? It's only been a few seconds. I didn't even see him move so how did he get in front of me?

“Don't forget he's a Lycan, nature's on his side here. Joke's on you for trying to run from our mate.” Kasia's sassy comment almost made me roll my eyes.

I tried to wriggle out of his grip but it's too tight, I can't even move an inch. And he keeps staring at me intently with what looks like familiarity glazing his eyes. 

It keeps me on edge.

When he speaks, his voice is a deep, velvety baritone that leaves my knees feeling weak.

“Little wolf, did you not feel the mate bond?”

I'm too scared to deny it and my head moves on its own as I find myself nodding incessantly.

“Use your words.” He prompts.

“Y– Yes, I did.” I stutter out, my voice low.

“Good, it seems we're on the same page then. You'll come with me back to my palace and there we'll discuss everything we need to.” He said and finally let go of me.

It took a minute to steady myself, it felt like my legs would give out.

Would it really be wise to follow a Lycan to his palace? What if he throws me in prison or worse? After everything that's happened, I can't afford to trust a soul.

“I’m sorry but I'm not going anywhere with you.” I manage to speak up, somehow masking the fear in my voice.

I hear him release a low chuckle as he returns to the little girl's side. He flashes me a smirk, his eyes glinting with something dangerous.

“I don't believe I opened up any room for negotiations. I wasn't asking you, little wolf. I'm telling you that you're coming with me and that's final. You're my mate, after all, I can't have you running around the place. You might get hurt, you're in the Lycan Kingdom and my kind doesn't take too kindly to wolves.” He explained graciously, like he was doing me a favor.

It made me want to stick my tongue out at him but I remained composed.

“Fine.” I respond, just to delude myself into thinking that I'm actually agreeing to any of this.

My life just keeps getting crazier. I have no idea what the Moon goddess has in store for me but with these kinds of odds, it can't be rosy, right?

“Dio, bring her along.” The Lycan King commanded and turned away with the little girl's hand in his.

Before I could make sense of his words, the man named Dio walked up to me and lifted me up like I weighed nothing, throwing me over his shoulder.

He began to follow behind the Lycan King while I struggled in his grasp, demanding to be put down, kicking and punching but it had no effect whatsoever.

The man stopped by a car and opened the door, dumping me inside, right next to the King who was already seated in a regal pose, legs crossed and chin resting on his palm which is propped up by his elbow.

His eyes remained fixed on the view outside the window, not even sparing me a glance.

The little girl sat at the front seat with the man named Dio. She was playing with her doll while the man started the car.

The King's nonchalance pissed me off.

“What is the meaning of this? Why does it feel like I'm being kidnapped and why do we have to talk in your palace? Right there was just fine.” I protested.

He still didn't look at me as he spoke. 

“Apologies. My guard didn't intend to be so rough. It's just that werewolves are quite stubborn and I have neither the time nor the patience for an argument. As for the location of our discussion, ours is a sensitive matter, you would do well to know it can only be discussed in private.

I can smell your fear, it's unpleasant so abate it. I won't harm you, I just want to talk.”

I honestly don't know why his words were reassuring or why it made me relax into my seat. 

The drive to the palace was quiet, unnervingly quiet. There was only the occasional talk from the little girl to her father and he would simply just hum in reply. The King neither spoke nor looked at me.

Does he even like me? Does he want me around? If he does, he's not doing a good job at showing it. But then again he didn't reject me so that's something I guess.

The Lycan King's palace was as expected, huge and magnificent. Definitely more grand than I could have imagined.

The architecture was glorious, beautiful but displayed a true work of art. The drawings on the gold walls told a story of the primitive Lycans hundreds of years ago and how they evolved and fought for the power and greatness they now enjoy.

“Darling, please go to your room. I'll be right there soon.” The Lycan King said as he bent down to stroke his daughter's hair. She pouted but nodded.

“OK, but don't take too long.” She said and took the hand of an older woman who I assumed to be her caretaker and was led away.

“Come with me,” The King beckoned and I followed behind him quietly, walking through the long halls until we arrived at the door of a room.

He opened the door and stepped aside so I could go in.

The room was huge, the size of Carlisle's living room. It was spotless and sparkling, adorned with furniture and the basic amenities.

“They got this room ready just in time before your arrival.” He commented casually and I turned to him in surprise as he closed the door behind him.

“But I didn't see you make a phone call or anything.” I blurted.

“I didn't need to. As the Lycan King, I can mind link anyone as long as I know their name and face. It's one of my abilities.” He answered indifferently like it was supposed to be common knowledge.

“OK….” I didn't know what else to say.

In the back of my mind, I wonder if that's the reason he was quiet the whole ride here. Although this is the first I've heard of it, I can tell communication through a mind link would need maximum concentration.

He clears his throat, drawing my attention. “My name is Raizel Noblesse. As you're already aware, I'm the Lycan King and most recently, your mate.”

“Should I bow and refer to you as your Majesty?” 

“No, that won't be necessary. Just Raizel is fine, and your name?” He questioned.

“I'm Cesmae. Cesmae Winters, I'm a werewolf, I'm 18 years old. That's everything I guess.” I respond with a nervous laugh, already knowing where the conversation is headed.

I really can't let my dreary past get out. Goddess knows how he'll react if he finds out I'm an alleged murderer. I'm already walking on eggshells as it is.

“You haven't told me which Pack you're from. I also want to know why you've come to the Lycan Kingdom despite knowing stepping foot here is a death sentence. You're lucky I got to you first or else…..” He leaves the words hanging, causing my heart to leap.

“Basically, I want to know what compelled you to come here.” He presses on.

This is bad, I really can't tell him the truth.

“Then concoct a lie or something, you can't keep him waiting.” Kasia opined and I bit my bottom lip, trying to come up with an appropriate story.

“Well…. It's….. It's sort of a long story. I—I came looking for someone. My um…. My cousin left for the Lycan Kingdom about two weeks ago but I haven't heard from her so I came in search of her.”

I almost cringed at how horribly constructed that lie had come out. I've never been particularly good at lying. Let's just hope he doesn't care enough to ask me to go into detail.

Raizel's eyes narrow at me and the look he throws me is one of disbelief, making it clear that he doesn't buy my story. My stomach drops, anxiety flooding me as my brain short circuits and my mind scampers to come up with something better.

“Alright, I'm glad you didn't run into any trouble.” He utters the words with a small smile and it leaves me bewildered.

He knows I'm lying, that's for sure but I guess he doesn't really care? 

He is the Lycan King after all, not much can threaten him.

“That aside, how did you find Mireille?” He asks and I tilt my head in confusion.

“Who now?”

He smirks at my display and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

“My daughter, her name is Mireille. Though everyone just calls her Mimimi.” He responds and I nod.

I narrate how I had found and rescued her, he listens intently and nods.

“Thank you so much for rescuing her, you have my deepest gratitude.” 

“I don't mean to pry but will she be alright? Getting kidnapped must be traumatic and absolutely frightening, especially for someone her age.” I voiced my concerns.

“She'll be fine, I'll make sure of it.” He says and sighs before continuing, his voice conveying a deep sadness. “Unfortunately, this isn't the first time she's been kidnapped. My daughter is quite special and very talented so she attracts the unwanted attention of people who want to exploit that. I try my best to protect her but I'm often too busy and I can't be present with her all the time. Her guards and caretakers don't seem to be doing a good enough job no matter how many times I change them. It saddens me deeply that she has to go through such a horrific experience growing up. I wish I could protect her from everyone and everything.” He utters regretfully and my heart goes out to him.

“But what about her mother? She surely can't be as busy as you.” I inquire and Raizel's eyes darken, lips tightening as he seems to radiate a mixture of anger, pain and an underlying emotion I can't quite name.

“Her mother is dead. My mate and Queen died a year ago in a horrible incident but do you know what I find strange?” He says and pauses, moving closer to me.

He leans down, getting in my personal space, our noses almost touching and when he speaks, his breath brushes against my face and my cheeks color a warm pink.

“You smell exactly like my late wife, Damaris, and you share a resemblance with her. Even Mimimi seems to like you, which is quite rare.”

His hand brushes my cheek now, tenderly and his enchanting eyes burn with a fire that sets me alight.

“If I closed my eyes right now, you could easily be her……”

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