
You Betrayed Me, I Married Your Uncle.
You Betrayed Me, I Married Your Uncle.
Author: Lovely Kiss

Painful Betrayal

"I am sorry, Mrs. Annastasya. It is with a heavy heart that you are not pregnant." 

Anna felt like lightning struck her heart as soon as she heard Dr. Natalie's statement. 

How could Anna not be pregnant? A few days ago, Anna had felt so nauseous and dizzy that it was difficult to sleep or move. 

It had been five days since Anna had gotten her period. This increased Anna's suspicion that she was pregnant. 

"Doctor, I've had pregnancy symptoms for the last few days. Could you check again? Please, my husband is already hoping I'm pregnant." 

"I am sorry, Mrs. Annastasya. I have examined you several times. The dizziness and nausea you're feeling are just the result of your stomach acid rising. It is also normal that your period is five days late. None of this means you're pregnant. You've seen for yourself that your test is negative."  

Anna put her hands in her stomach. 

For the past five years, Anna and Jason have been looking forward to having a baby.

A few days ago, Anna started feeling nauseous and dizzy. She thought she was experiencing pregnancy symptoms, like her friends who already had children. 

However, no fetus was growing in Anna's womb.  

Trying to accept reality, Anna thanked Dr. Natalie and left the room.

"What am I going to tell Jason? He's going to be disappointed when he finds out I'm not pregnant," Anna said, remembering Jason's happy face when Anna had told him she was experiencing pregnancy symptoms. 

Last night, Jason was excited and said he was going to take Anna to the hospital. 

Anna and Jason have been married for five years. But they still don't have children. 

Feeling useless as a wife because she can't bear a child, Anna often cries alone. Even more so when she secretly tries to take a pregnancy test and always gets a negative result. 

The mother-in-law even accused Anna of being an infertile woman. Even though Anna had undergone several fertility tests and her uterus was declared healthy. 

When Anna was almost desperate, Jason always supported her. Anna feels fortunate to have a husband like Jason, who truly loves her. 

Now Anna's footsteps arrive in the ICU room. She is visiting her mother, who has been in the hospital for a month with cancer. Anna had checked herself into the same hospital so that she could visit her mother at the same time.

Anna approaches her mother and kisses the hand of the woman who gave birth to her.

"Mrs. Annastasya, your mother has to go to chemotherapy soon. We would also like to remind you of your mother's unpaid medical bills." A nurse told Anna. 

Anna's forehead wrinkled. "So Dianne hasn't paid her bill yet?" 

Dianne was her half-sister. She was very close to Anna. There had even been a few times when Dianne had stayed at Anna's house when Anna hadn't been feeling well. 

Five months ago, Diane borrowed $10,000 from Anna's savings account. Although Diane works as Jason's secretary, her salary is higher than Anna's, who works in a restaurant. 

But Anna to lend Dianne her savings, even though the money was for her mother's medical expenses.

 But now Anna needed money to pay her mother's medical bills. Two days ago, Dianne had promised to pay the hospital directly.

Today, Anna learned that the hospital had received no payment from Dianne. 

"I have to call Dianne! Why didn't she pay my mother's medical bills? When she tried to call Dianne several times, her half-sister's cell phone went dead. 

Anna became increasingly worried. Dianne usually returned her calls promptly. 

"I'd better go home first. I'm meeting Dianne at her house tonight," Anna said and left her mother's room. 

On her way out, Anna tried to call her husband. But Jason didn't answer the phone.

"Where is Jason? He said he would pick me up at the hospital." Anna furrowed her brow. 

Why couldn't Jason and Dianne be reached at the same time? 

"Maybe Jason has some urgent business at the office. In that case, I'll just take a cab home." 

Anna hailed a cab and got in. 

Thirty minutes later, Anna arrived home. 

Her feet crunched through the front door. As she passed through the living room, her forehead wrinkled as her eyes caught sight of Dianne's channel bag on the sofa. 

"Why is Dianne's bag in my house? Is she here?" muttered Anna as she picked up the bag. 

Anna's brow furrowed in surprise. If Dianne was at her house, why didn't Anna see her half-sister? Only her bag was there. 

Anna's attention was diverted when she faintly heard a man and woman laughing from upstairs.

It sounded like Jason's voice! 

"Is Jason home? So he didn't go to the office? Why did he sound like he was talking to a woman? It's coming from our room." After putting Dianne's bag back on the sofa, Anna went upstairs to her room. 

Once upstairs, Anna saw that the door to her room was slightly ajar. Her ears could hear every sound coming from inside the room. 

"Ah, Jason. Faster!" Anna could hear Dianne's voice. 

"Hold on, honey! I want us to get there together." This time, it was Jason's voice. 

"Jason! You're the best. I love you." 

"You are also the best, my love. There is no woman more beautiful and sensual than you. I love you, Dianne." 

Their conversation made Anna's body stiffen. 

Anna moved closer to the door. Her eyes peered through the crack of the open door. 

Her chest heaved as she saw Dianne lying on her bed with Jason on top of her, moving his hips.

Anna covered her mouth and shook her head. Her husband and half-sister, whom she trusted so much, were now betraying her.

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