
She's Your Aunt Now

Anna had just gotten out of the Lamborghini that had pulled into the parking lot.

Today, she and Richard were going to a diamond auction. 

But Anna had to arrive first because Richard still had some work. 

Now, Anna's feet entered the large building in front of her. Meanwhile, her driver waited in the car. 

"Anna, is that you?" a woman's surprised voice made Anna stop her steps. 

Then Anna turned and saw Dianne, who had come with Jason. 

Their faces looked surprised to see Anna. Their eyes seemed to scan Anna's body from top to bottom. 

They were stunned. For today, Anna was wearing a dress of a well-known brand, including the bag, the shoes, and the jewelry attached to her body. 

"Hello, Dianne! Jason! How are you? Nice to meet you." Anna said with a big smile. 

But suddenly, Jason pulled Anna's hand away from the building. 

The rough grip of Jason's hand made Anna jump, feeling the pain. 

"Jason! Let go of my hand!" 

Only after moving away did Jason let go of Anna's hand. 

"Anna, what are you doing here? Don't you know that this building is an auction house for expensive diamonds? Oh, I know. You came here on purpose to embarrass me, didn't you? You must have been secretly trying to spy on where I was going.".

"Enough, Anna. I said our relationship is over, so stop interfering in my life! I'm tired of seeing you," Jason said sarcastically. 

His teeth chattered as he said this to Anna. 

"What are you saying? I spied on you on purpose?" Anna pointed at herself, then laughed softly. "You're too sure of yourself, Jason. Why would I do anything unnecessary?" 

Dianne pushed Anna's shoulder roughly, then said. "Don't be evasive, Anna! You want to embarrass Jason. Some guests at this auction will know that you're Jason's ex-wife. You deliberately wore fake clothes and bags to embarrass Jason. You're also wearing costume jewelry. Very disgusting."

Anna had expected Jason and Dianne to insult her, but Anna didn't care. 

Now was not the time for Anna to let them trample on her pride.  

Anna held her head high and put on a relaxed face in front of them. 

"Anna, you should go home. Stop embarrassing me. What will they say when they see Jason Bridges' ex-wife wearing fake clothes and jewelry?" Jason's look was full of warning. 

"I'm sure you're following Jason on purpose because you're still not ready to divorce him. Listen to me, Anna. Jason is already mine, he's going to marry me soon. So, forget about him and go live your shitty life," Dianne sneered. Her eyes darted to Anna. 

Confirming Dianne's words, Jason nodded his head. "That is true. I have prepared a very luxury wedding for Dianne because she is the future mother of my child. She's the only woman who can give me an heir," Jason said, then took Dianne's hand and kissed it. 

Anna rolled her eyes, not out of jealousy, but out of annoyance at the behavior of the two traitors.

"Are you done talking?" Anna asked. 

"Wait! I just heard that you don't work at the company anymore. You must have been fired. That's too bad. So you're unemployed now?" 

When Anna heard Dianne's question, she was surprised. How did Dianne know she had quit her job? 

Was Dianne a spy in Anna's life? 

It was true, that Anna was no longer working. But not because she had been fired, but because of a request from Richard's grandfather. 

"Is it true, honey? Anna got fired from her job?"  

Dianne nodded, giggling. "That's right. Poor Anna. She probably doesn't have enough money to eat, so she came to this auction and is trying to catch up with the rich business owners." 

"Anna, you don't have to do that. My friend told me he needs a toilet cleaner in his office. If you want, I can help recommend you to him," Dianne continued, smiling contentedly. 

"You talk too much, Dianne. What about the fact that you like used goods? You even stole my ex-husband's. But that's okay, at least my ex-husband is still usable, even if he's not great in bed," Anna replied calmly. 

Anna's words instantly stunned Dianne and Jason. Jason's hands clenched at his sides. His jaw clenched, he was shocked to be insulted by his ex-wife. 

"Jason! Listen to what she just said! She insulted us!" Dianne said. 

Meanwhile, Anna stood idly by, putting on an unconcerned face. 

"Honey, don't listen to her! She's gone crazy. Let's go inside. Let's leave this shameless woman alone." Jason put his arm around Dianne to calm her down. 

Then Jason took Dianne into the building, leaving Anna, who smiled wryly at their departure. 

"Two pathetic traitors," Anna muttered, putting on her glasses and walking toward the building.


Inside the building, all the guests had gathered. 

Anna sat in the front row, while Jason and Dianne sat in the second row, right behind Anna. 

Dianne smacked her lips and stared sarcastically at Anna's back.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, the auction will begin," said a man named Gwen. 

Gwen's hand held up a box containing a diamond necklace. 

Diamonds are exquisite. Everyone would fight to get it because it was the only diamond necklace in the world and the design was exclusive.

"$400,000!" one guest bid. 

"$500,000!" It was Anna who bid this time. 

That made Jason raise an eyebrow while Dianne scoffed. "She's so shameless. How dare she offer $500,000? Does she have the money?" 

"I don't know. It seems Anna went crazy after her divorce from me." 

Dianne smiled. "Honey, please get me that diamond necklace. Our baby and I would love it," Dianne pleaded as she clasped Jason's arm. 

"Of course, honey. Anything for both of you," Jason replied. 

Little did they know Anna could overhear their conversation. 

Hearing Dianne's whining to Jason made Anna smile wryly. 

"$800,000!" Jason raised his hand immediately. 

"3 million dollars!" Anna was not to be outdone. 

Jason gritted his teeth. His eyes stared intently at Anna's back. 

The price Anna offered immediately put all the guests on their guard. No one dared to bid anymore. 

"Jason, come on, get that diamond necklace." Dianne gently shook Jason's arm. 

Not to be outdone by Anna, Jason raised his hand again and said. "3.1 million dollars!" 

"8 million dollars!" all eyes turned to the entrance. 

Their eyes instantly widened as they saw who had bid the $8 million.

He was Richard Anderson. 

Jason and Dianne were stunned by Richard's arrival. 

"Uncle Richard! Isn't he in Paris? When he come back to New York?" Jason muttered to himself. 

Dianne pursed her lips, her hands tugging at Jason's coat. "Honey, why are you so quiet? Let's offer a higher price!" 

Jason rubbed his face, confused about how to explain this to Dianne. 

"Dianne, I'm sorry. We'll find another diamond, but this time, let my uncle get it." Of course, Jason didn't want to spend 8 million dollars on a diamond necklace. 

Hearing this, Dianne snorted in annoyance.

"No one else wants to bid more than $8 million? Okay, this exclusive diamond necklace goes to Mr. Richard Anderson!" 

Everyone applauded. 

"I'm going to give this diamond necklace to a special lady. And that person is here," Richard said, and everyone frowned and looked at each other. 

They were curious about who this special person was that Richard was talking about. Jason and Dianne were wondering the same thing. 

"Really? Who is this lucky lady, Mr. Richard?" 

"She is my wife, Annastasya Anderson," Richard replied as he looked at Anna. 

Anna got up from her chair and walked over to Richard. 

Jason and Dianne's jaws dropped in shock. 

"What? Anna is married to Uncle Richard? How is that possible?" screamed Jason in disbelief. 

Richard put the necklace around Anna's neck. 

Dianne envy as Anna got the diamond necklace she'd been eyeing. 

Suddenly, Jason stood up and walked over to Richard. "Uncle Richard, what the hell? Why do you call Anna your wife?" 

Richard smiled. "Hi, Jason. It's been a while since we've seen each other. Have you said hello to your aunt?" Richard's hand wrapped around Anna's waist as he asked Jason. 

Dianne and Jason's eyes widened. What kind of joke was this? Was Anna his aunt?  

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