
Chapter 10

Jade tossed around the bed in awkward positions.

One of her legs was sticking out of the duvet while her hair was in mess on a pillow.

She mubbled something and finally sat up and the brightness from the french windows almost blinded her.

Of course! That was why she was uncomfortable.

Her eyes finally rested on the mannequin that stood in the middle of her room.

She scuffled out of bed to admire the dress on it.

“Wow" She couldn't deny the fact that it was a very pretty dress, and expensive too!

She definitely knows expensive when she sees it. Plus she's in Xavier's house and he doesn't like to hide his riches.

It was a black dress embroidered with black precious stones and pearls.

What caught her attention was the veil.

Jade had to move around it to get a better look.

That was when she realized how long it was and her jaw dropped.

“Holy shit!" She stared at it, trying to deny what her brain was saying.

“Yes, that's your wedding dress" Xavier said which made her jump.

She turned to see him sited by her vanity.

Jade held her chest and looked around like she didn't know where she was.

“How long have you been sitting there?" She asked with amusement which was laced with a little bit of irritation.

How didn't she see him when she woke up?

“I watched you sleep" He simply said.

" Please don't do that again” She turned to look at her dress.

" I give orders around here” He gracefully stood up.

“Wait, what?" She turned to him again. “What did you mean by ‘my wedding dress’?"

She never intended to get married but even if she will ever, it will be in a white dress.

A fairytale wedding is all she dreamt of.

“I'm not wearing black to my wedding…” She stopped herself immediately.

Her wedding? This is no wedding, this is kidnap!

How did she so easily accept this? And said it with no two thoughts?

" You have no say. You're wearing it, that's that” He walked out.

Hell no.

She searched for her phone and sent a quick message.

Jade took a quick shower and headed for the mall again.

No way will she marry that beast.

“Jay!" Lily screamed when she saw her friend impatiently waiting in the restroom.

She was a tall blonde with broad lips and defined figure.

" Lilie!” Jade quickly hugged her.

" Are you okay? What happened? Your daddy said you went to South Africa, how comes you're here? What happened? Everyone's worried for you. Tell me what…”

" The less I tell you, the better it will be for the both of us. He lied, I was never in SA. He…he…he married me off to some rich maniac to settle his debt” Jade sadly said.

Lily gapsed. " Oh you poor thing. How can he do that to you!? You know what? We are getting out of here, come”

Jade was rooted to the floor.

" Wait, no, I can't” Jade shook her head. " I don't want to put you in any trouble”

" Trouble? Have you forgotten who I am Jay?” Lily looked confused. " Are you scared?” Her face filled with worry as she tried to read Jade.

" Just…"

“Oh my gosh, Jay” Lily's palm covered her mouth. " Is he a drug dealer? Does he hit you?”

" Oh stop it, Lilie!” Jade sighed. " Just stick to the plan”

" But…”

" But nothing!” Jade stomped her foot. "They are very dangerous people, please just trust me, ‘kay? No more questions”

"Fine! It's because it trust you!” Lily hugged her. "Everything you need is in the car. Oh, may heavens be with you. What about Aaron? He misses you a lot. He went to SA to look for you”

“I'll explain everything when I see him. I don't even wanna think about him right now” Jade sadly said. " Where are they?"


Jade patiently waited for Lily to bring out the disguises and in no time, Jade wore a blond wig that looked exactly like her friend.

They exchanged clothes and both put on shades.

“Wow, we should do this more often" Lily admired herself in the mirror. “You look like a better Lily"

“And you couldn't play Jade any better" Jade tightly hugged her friend again.

“Stay in touch please" Lily sadly said. " And call me if you need absolutely anything”

“I'll try, now go" Jade watched her friend walk out.

The moment Lily stepped out, she picked a race which alerted Jade's security.

“C’mon boys!" Lily laughed, enjoying every part of it.

They won't be able to catch her even if they try.

She is an athlete, with three records and medals to show for it.

Jade on the other hand quickly exited the restroom and headed for the parking lot.

“Where the hell are the key?" She struggled to get them from her purse but stopped suddenly.

She slowly looked around.

Something seem off and she felt eyes on her, again.

‘No, concentrate, Jade’

She found the keys and attempted to unlock the car but felt a harsh but light blow to the nape of her neck.

Jade fell to the ground with a fuzzy feeling.

She looked up only to see a blurry image she couldn't form and then, she passed out.

With a little frown on her face, Jade struggled to sit up and when she finally opened her eyes, they slowly scanned the room.

Xavier was sited right next to her on the bed.

How did she get back here?

A flash of pain forced her back on the pillow.

“Stop moving" His voice said. He didn't look angry or mad.

“What happened?"

“You were found unconscious at the parking lot" He caressed her cheek. “How are you feeling?"

Jade stared at him for in confusion and a little bit of doubt.

How did her plans flop?

Where did she go wrong?

And who the hell knocked her out?

These were questions she couldn't give an answer to.

But the man sited right in front of her do!

“I…I…I'm fine” She was pissed.

Xavier simply stood to his feet and headed for the door.

" Xavier” She called which made him stop as he waited for her to continue. " I feel like someone is always watching me, is that a good thing?” She didn't want to ask this question but it had to be asked.

" How do you mean?”

" Like someone is following me, keeping an eye on me. It's…creepy and kinda scary” She admitted.

" Don't worry, no harm will come to you” Was all he said and left.

Jade sighed and finally sat up and felt around for her phone.

Cautiously looking around, she knew she couldn't talk on the phone as she constructed a message.

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