
Chapter 9

The woman's scent danced aggressively in the dark night of New York, almost choking Jade.

"Carrie" Xavier gestured for her to come over. "How was your flight?"

Carrie majestically walked to them and dropped her purse on the table.

"Relaxing!" She looked at Jade with a frown but turned to him with a smile.

"So Raquel was right after all"

"Jade, this is Carrie. She is one of my subordinates and Carrie, Jade. She is my fiancée" He introduced. Jade offered a handshake but Carrie didn't take it.

"Nice to meet you, again" Carrie threw her a fake smile.

"You know each other?" He asked looking from one woman to the other.

"She bumped into me at the mall and ruined a five thousand dollar blouse" Carrie smiled. "But don't worry, I don't hold grudges. We are good, right Jade?" Jade ignored her.

"Why don't you freshen up and your dinner will be served in your room?" Xavier changed the topic.

"This looks fine to me. I'll just eat a little and call it a night" Jade maintained a practiced smile.

Xavier asked for an extra chair for Carrie.

Jade faded into the darkness. She felt alone watching them talk and click their glasses a couple of times.

She was now the third wheel.

Who the hell is this girl? What kind of relationship do they have?

'That is none of your business Jade. Your top priority is to run away'

But the way they naturally blended didn't sit well with her.

She felt like stabbing Carrie with her fork.

Look at her smiling like she didn't insult her in the mall.

"Are you okay Jade? You're so quiet" Carrie pouted her lips. "Xavier told me he was getting married but I didn't think it'd be so quick"

"You want me to pretend to be friends with you?" Jade rolled her eyes.

"We should forget what happened in the mall, Jade. The past is in the past" Carrie drank her wine.

"Why? My dress isn't distasteful anymore? Or because Xavier isn't an old man?" Jade smiled.

"You got lucky" Carrie smirked. "Call a spade a spade. I'm only talking to you because Xavier is engaged to you and that kinda placed you on the same level with us now. Congratulations"

Jade briefly looked at Xavier and back at Carrie.

"I mean how did Xavier find a wife so quickly? Garage sale maybe? So convenient, don't you think?” Carrie sat back and crossed her legs.

Jade's eyes slowly moved to Xavier.

It wasn't the coldness in his eyes that made her heart leap, it was was the compliance she saw that might agree with what Carrie said.

Without waiting another moment, Jade sprang to her feet.

Uncertain with anger and thirsty with tears, she earnestly turned away.

“Sit down" She heard his cold voice command.

But she needed to move.

One leg after another, Jade raced to her room and securely locked her bedroom door.

Her legs managed to take her to the balcony and when the cold breeze caressed her face, it was all she needed to let it all down.

Silently weeping into the dark sky, she hugged her knees, letting her tears do all the talking.

The talking she did all these while but in vain.

She didn't know how long she hugged herself in the cold, but she knew it was better than going back there.

“Jade" Xavier softly called, helping her up from behind.

“Don't touch me!" She pushed him although in vain. He was like a solid wall.

“We weren't done with dinner" He reminded.

“Oh, I'm sorry your highness. I'm sorry because I refused to be insulted by your cheap friend!” She aggressively wiped her face with the back of her palm.

Jade walked away from him and moved closer to the rails.

" Carrie is just…"

“Save it! I don't wanna hear it" Her voice cracked. “Just leave me alone. I'm pretty sure you've taunt me enough for the night"

Xavier quietly moved closer to her and turned her to face him.

“What happened to defending yourself? I never stopped you from doing that” He used his index finger to lift her chin.

He wanted her to defend herself?

But she wanted him to do that for her at that very moment.

"Don't blame me for being a coward” He added with a smirk that drew her eyes to his mouth.

Jade's throat suddenly became dry, not from dehydration but from the thirst and urge to taste his lips.

He moved in slowly, reading her eyes perfectly, knowing exactly what she wants and without warning, he softly cloaked her lips.

It wasn't needy nor lustful.

It was light for comfort and deep enough for closure.

Jade's cold hands found his neck as they wrapped around it.

He didn't hesitate to pull her closer but immediately pulled away.

Jade looked up at him perplexed. She tried to reach out to him gain but he moved away.

Oh no! This isn't happening!

Not after getting what she has been craving for.

“C’mon…” She moved closer but he moved back again.

She knew she lost this time. He didn't have to say it…it was written boldly in his icy eyes.

Jade sighed as she watched him walk away from her and shut the door behind him.

All the sadness and tears from earlier dissipated.

Xavier kissed her! And she kissed him back!

And she liked it!

Jade turned to look at the city in a distance with a broad smile in her face.

The smile fell off her face when she remembered where she was.

She was still in this prison!

But who cares!?

Jade happily took off her dress and jumped into the hot tub.

This night couldn't get any better.

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