
the ruthless alpha's tribrid mate
the ruthless alpha's tribrid mate
Author: Authoress della



Alexa's POV

The sky was bright red, I could feel myself falling, from the bright red sky, the air leaving my lungs. I tried to grasp anything, anything that could break my fall and not send me spiraling to my room down below. I closed my eyes as my body neared the ground, bracing for impact.

I landed with a soft thud. Possibly the first thing that shocked me. I had landed on something, a mould of something...or more appropriately, someone.

The dark red blood that spilled out of the person's chest made me gasp as I tried to get up, falling on my hands again. I was struggling to get my breathing under control, afraid that I might die next to a dead person.

As I backed away, my hand hit another mould, turning around, I saw another body, lying just a few feet from the first. The scream that I wanted to so desperately release did not come out. I was screaming in my mind, my mouth was wide open, but not a single sound came out.

I got up swiftly, and that was when it hit me. I landed head first into a field filled with dead bodies, some twisted in odd angles, some missing their heads, others having just one leg.

Someone was approaching me quickly with a sword, his legs pounding, not minding the dead people that laid scattered all over the field. I was beyond scared now.

I wanted to duck but the fear had me paralyzed to a spot. I just stood there, watching the snarling man approach with the dangerously sharp sword that he wielded fiercely.

As he drew closer, I braced myself for impact again. When nothing happened, I opened my eyes. The man was no where to be found. I turned around sharply as I heard a scream come from behind me. The fierce man with the sword has struck another soldier, cutting his head clean off his body.

That was when I realized it. He had passed right through me. Like I was some sort of ghost. Like I did not exist.

Then it all dawned on me, making me feel grateful. This was all a dream. There was no man with a sword and no field with grossly mutilated dead bodies. It was all a dream.

As if the magic of the dream had been killed when I realized it was a dream, I was sucked up, out of that nightmare and into the reality I could not escape.

As I jerked up, I could finally breathe. For a moment, I sat upright, taking in fits of glorious air that I now knew how much I took for granted.

It was that dream again. I had no idea why it always came to me, but I do know it was a dream that I had no control whatsoever on.

It always felt real, so real that at times I contemplated if this reality was not false and if my supposed dream was not actually reality.

I was lying on the cold floor, a mop in my hand, it's head serving as the pillow for my tired head.

I sighed rubbing my hands on my face. I was coated in drool.

Well that was one way to wake up like a princess.

" Oh my, did she really spend the night here yesterday ?" A snickering voice said as they laughed, passing the kitchen where I had fallen asleep in.

" Yes I slept there, not everyone has the privilege to be useless you know" I called back at them.

They turned to look at me, gasping like I told an incorrigible lie.

I rolled my eyes,  bunch of blonde bimbos who thought the pack was just a big party.

The head chef entered the kitchen. She halted in her steps.

" Oh my Alexa did you spend the night here?" She asked.

I got up with great difficulty, my bones seeming to have merged together to form a big lump that made it impossible to get up withlut pain.

" I got caught up with some stuff, I must have fallen asleep" I said yawning.

She looked at me with pity and remorse in her eyes.

" They locked you out of the dorm again right?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, choosing not to answer. She already knew what the answer was.

It was absurd to think that even between omegas, some sort of hierarchy was in place.

I was declared pathetic the moment I clocked eighteen and my wolf was no where to be found.

Without a wolf a werewolf was just well...human.

And if there was anything the werewolves hated, it was humans. Maybe it was because there had always been some kind of rivalry present between each realm and the only thing holding them together was the pretentious party that they threw once in six years to pretend like they liked each other when in truth they just wanted to be partners for their own selfish gains even though they hated each other.

It was none of my business anyways. I was done trying to understand living beings. We were all just so complex.

" You know, your parents were really good people. And to think that the pack has forgotten everything your parents did for them is outrageous. You shouldn't have to go through any of this Alexa" she said sadly as she tried to Pat my back.

I could feel my heart clench at the mention of my parents. They died two years ago in a sudden car accident. The beta, brave Armstrong had stepped in to fill in for me till I was eighteen and strong enough to take over the ruling of the pack.

I was in too much of grief to see his real plan. The two faced snake just wanted a smooth entrance into a throne my parents built with their own sweat and blood.

When i had come of age, in the full moon, I had waited anxiously, waiting for the little voice that was supposed to whisper into my ears and introduce herself to me.

The small voice that would be my forever animal, my best friend. It never came.

I had stood there like an idiot, waiting and looking as my mates shifted, howling at the full moon. Everyone had great expectations for their to be Luna.

A wolf's power was known by the colour of its fur.

While brown was for the lower ranking wolves, the nobodies and the omegas, black was for the nobles, it was extremely rare and these wolves were mostly bestowed on alphas that were formidable.

Orange was for the higher ranking wolves, most beta wolves were this colour, a bright red orange that looked nearly gold in the light of the sun.

A deeper brown was for the normal populace. About 80% of werewolves had this color. It was just the normal colour for simpletons.

Of course there was white fur. But the white fur was only bestowed on the goddess chosen. Only books spoke of them. No one had ever seen one or even heard of one.

But in the whole werewolf community, it was unheard of for a werewolf to not have a wolf.

So when I had not gotten my wolf that day, the pack all looked at me in shock. They all shunned me the day after like a plague.

Not like I noticed much because I was too heartbroken wondering what went wrong. Why the moon goddess decided to be so brutal to me for absolutely no reason.

A week later, brave Armstrong had called a meeting, calling me unfit to rule the pack.

They all agreed with him. Bunch of hypocrites. And one moment, I was royalty, the next, I was lower than the omegas.

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